Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Schumer, Pelosi Obama and Biden Believe They Can Successfully Project Their Own Duplicity On Trump. Investigating Funding Sources of Rioting Anarchists.

I have listened to Biden blame Trump for the riots and public disorder.  I have listened to debates between/among blacks blaming Trump for the rioting and looting.

Trump had nothing to do with two black resisting arrest getting shot. He had nothing to do with the spontaneous and then programmed reaction to these shootings.  Trump had nothing to do with running the various cities where the rioting has taken place.  These cities were run by hypocrite  and incompetent Democrats for decades.

Trump had nothing to do with the way feckless mayors of these rioting cities responded to the violence.  Trump did offer help and in most instances the help he offered was rejected so the violence not only continued but escalated.

For Biden to blame Trump for rioting is simply a cheap shot made for political reasons to cover the fact that he failed to say anything and the polls turned sour.  Biden talks about being a healer while at the same time he stirs the pot. He took a page from Obama in that regard.

Pelosi and Schumer, and most members of their Party, want to perpetuate the business downturn we are experiencing, because of the pandemic, in the hope it will defeat Trump so they can regain power.  They care nothing  about the welfare of America or they would be working with Trump to improve matters.

This is the scenario reasoning dictates.

First, they were shocked at their 2016 defeat after they did everything they could to smear Trump. from the time he announced as he went down the escalator. Second, from that time forward they did everything they could to spy on and disrupt his campaign. Third,failing their inability to defeat Trump they set about impeaching him on false charges based on their own fraudulent and purposeful illegal activities. Fourth, when that failed they did everything they could to resist his many successful achievements. Fifth, they have engaged in character assassination and dirty cheap shots every day since his election including Pelosi's public petulant ripping of  the SCOTUS copy Trump handed her.

Their scurrilous efforts mask the fact they are a party riddled in disunity.

By blaming Trump and projecting their own miserable failures on him they hope they can convince voters to elect their own flawed candidate.  It may work if Americans are incapable of being clear eyed because of hatred but I think it will all backfire and boomerang.

Meanwhile, Biden plans on becoming president sort of on the cheap.  Stay in the bunker, make a few speeches, blame Trump for everything, don't answer questions, even if soft balls, offer no idea how you will accomplish what you say you will do  and expect voters  to be dumb enough to buy this approach because they believe  everyone must hate Trump.

In my opinion, Democrats have made a crucial error.  They convinced themselves to believe what they have been saying about Trump and how they defined/characterized Trump as being the truth. Like in 2016, I submit they have again  underestimated Trump's appeal  regarding what is going on in Democrat controlled cities and what he was able to do prior to the pandemic.

They must think they can manipulate his unorthodox style into a recipe for defeating him and maybe they can.  Time will tell.

Biden's Silence
Condoned the Violence

He never directly condemns BLM or antifa,
and he claims Trump's fanning the flames.

The Patriot Post

Joe Biden just flubbed his Sister Souljah moment. Badly.

In May 1992, the notorious rapper was asked a question about black-on-white violence during that year’s deadly Los Angeles riots. Her response — “Why not kill a white person?” — caused a furor, and it caused Bill Clinton to seize the moment. Soon thereafter, while speaking to Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Clinton denounced Sister Souljah. And that was all it took to reassure Middle America that he and his party were squarely on their side.

Yesterday in Pittsburgh, Joe Biden had a similar opportunity — at least on its surface. Biden hadn’t said so much as an unkind word about Black Lives Matter or its white-privileged partners in crime, antifa, since this year’s rioting began in late May with the death of George Floyd. He and his running mate, Kamala Harris, never specifically call out either “organization,” and nary a word was mentioned about any of it (outside the standard leftist pablum about “police brutality”) during the entire week of the Democrat confab.

Why? Biden doesn’t dare make a comment condemning BLM or antifa because their support is absolutely necessary for him to win in November.

Even a gentle calling-out of these leftist thugs for their leading role in the arson, looting, and violence in our streets would’ve been welcome. Instead, Biden threatened that if we don’t elect him, his constituents will burn this country down: “Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?” Biden demanded to know. “Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really?” No, but that is exactly what his puppeteers look like.

Moreover, as the Wall Street Journal editorial board writes, “Mr. Biden assailed the excessive use of force by police, and then he turned to the ‘violence of extremists and opportunists — right-wing militias, white supremacists, vigilantes — who infiltrate protests carrying weapons of war.’”

No one — no one — believes the police and the “right-wing militias” are to blame for the torching and pillaging of our nation’s cities. And yet that’s where Joe Biden went. Perhaps he thinks the cops are burning down their own precincts? Is it any wonder, then, that President Donald Trump on July 15 received the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations — a group that had twice endorsed the Obama-Biden ticket?

So much for ol’ Scranton Joe speaking truth to power. “Silence is violence,” as the BLM Marxists like to say.

To be clear, Biden finds himself in a hole of his own party’s making.

The Democrats have long been the 98-pound weaklings in the law enforcement debate — which is why the Antifa thugs and the BLM bullies feel free to continually kick sand in their faces. There’s no other way to say it: Democrat mayors, Democrat governors, and Democrat presidential candidates are soft on crime.

As columnist Charles Hurt points out, even Biden’s running mate, former prosecutor and California Attorney General Kamala Harris, “worked so hard to ingratiate herself with the increasingly unruly mob that she went on record a few weeks back raising money ‘to help post bail’ for those arrested during the riots — riots they now claim to oppose.”

The American people are finally getting sick of all this, and it’s showing up in the polls — which is why Biden’s handlers felt the urgency to act. As W. James Antle III reports, “The civil unrest unfolding in cities across the country is starting to rival the coronavirus as a source of voter concern. … A recent Pew poll found violent crime suddenly a top five issue, just a few points behind the coronavirus. CNN’s Don Lemon commented last week that the violence was hurting Democrats.”

Even more telling — and more welcome — is the plummeting support for Black Lives Matter. As Antle continues, “Marquette Law School found 61% to 38% backing in mid-June yet a 48% to 48% split in early August.”

Will this cause Biden and his party to part ways with BLM and its thuggish, money-grubbing tactics and its effort to infect our nation’s schools with its radical “antiracism” ideology? Don’t count on it.

Democrats need an angry and energized hard-left black vote to offset the inroads Donald Trump has made with more mainstream blacks.

Time was when the Democrats believed in the power of words over the violence of the street. But, as columnist Joy Pullmann points out, when the Left’s arguments became old, tired, stale, and unbelievable, “They started breaking things and attacking innocent civilian bystanders. When Rep. Maxine Waters encouraged mob violence against people for the crime of supporting Donald Trump, Joe Biden didn’t sternly warn her to stop. When the Democrat mayor of Washington, DC, didn’t provide enough police to keep historic monuments safe from fires and defacement, and elderly people and U.S. senators safe from mobs of politically motivated rioters, Joe Biden didn’t stand up and demand equal protection under the law for peaceful civilians to attend presidential speeches no matter their political beliefs.”

A decent, self-respecting media wouldn’t let Joe Biden get away with this hasty and desperate re-brand or his laughable effort to blame this orgy of leftist violence on Donald Trump. An honest Fourth Estate would call Biden out at every campaign stop between now and Election Day for his bald-face blame-shifting and his law and order me-tooism. Of course, that’s wishful thinking.

Still, and try as they might, Joe Biden and his puppeteers can’t rewrite recent history. Nor can they cause the American people to un-see what they’ve been seeing on their smartphones and TV screens for the past three months: mayhem caused by Joe Biden voters in cities run by Joe Biden supporters.

On November 3, it’s Trump or the Mob. That’s the choice.


Joe Biden Thought He Could Sit This One Out in His Basement Until Trump Dropped a Bunker Buster on Him

Matt Vespa

Sent by very dear friend and fellow memo reader:

Excerpt from an article in The Cipher Brief entitled “Our New War: Applying a September 12th Mindset to Disinformation,” by Edward Bozeman, US Marine Corps veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan and Intelligence Community consultant:

“. . . we will wake up one day – not all at once – to find that our democracy has been torn down piece by piece.  To make it worse, we will have not only allowed it to happen, but will have helped wield the sledgehammers of disinformation that made it possible.  That is, if we don’t make immediate and significant changes. . . .

We have a chance to learn from our mistakes.  This moment is about being proactive from the national level down to every individual American. . . .   We must also face a couple of harsh realities.  Americans consume information in a compulsive fashion and . . . we are posting, liking, and sharing propaganda that has been designed for the express purpose of destabilizing our democracy.  To put it bluntly, we crave it and hardly care if we recognize it, making ourselves and our institutions dangerously vulnerable to manipulation.  It’s no coincidence that some of the most important issues we face as a nation are the same issues that malign actors use as wedges to further divide us.  We care about health care, the economy, education, poverty, immigration, and countless other issues.  We care so much that we get emotional and allow our passion to take over.  Sometimes we rush so fast to click that we fail to see if what we are clicking is real or if it’s just another attempt to drive a wedge further into our society. . . .

The threat of disinformation is real, and the stakes are incredibly high. . . .   Our civic duties do not begin and end at the ballot box.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In a recent e mail I sent The White House I wrote we need a new commission to put together a series of government de-funding of various organizations and put before Congress on an up or down vote as was done when it came time to close some military bases.  Included in my suggestion was NPR.

Deeply Dishonest NPR Tweet Sparks Calls For Permanent De-funding


AG Barr Announces Major Reforms at the FBI

Katie Pavlich

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