Wednesday, March 31, 2021

I Am There. Don't Fly Delta and/or Buy Coca Cola. Ney York Largesse. 10 Radical Rules. What Is Bari Doing?


Everyone one has their tolerance threshold and when it comes to all this racial crap I have reached the end of my rope. I willingly acknowledge, I have become more bellicose and less tolerant.  I consider myself a fairly disciplined person and therefore, it may have taken me a little longer to reach the stage I am now at but I am there so future memos may be more outspoken and less muted and balanced.  So be it.


Black citizens have been receiving reparations in the form of "welfare," "food stamps,"
" free cell phones," and other assorted special and dedicated benefits and handouts.
The government even gave preferential treatment by way of affirmative action  legislation which was the equivalent of reverse discrimination.

Now black citizens have escalated their demands and are seeking very large  cash 
benefits.  There is no way to apportion these distributions even if they were legitimate and/or justified.  Frankly, though all lives are precious, I cannot understand how the state of Minnesota, or the city of Minneapolis, calculated the Floyd family were entitled to $27 million in the alleged illegal death of George Floyd.

I seriously doubt my bones add up to that amount.  I have never been arrested, resisted arrest, been in jail, taken drugs or engaged in other anti-social behaviour. I am simply a modern day white racist, worked most of my adult life, paid taxes and spent some time serving in our nation's  military for which I received something called The G.I Bill. I could also have someone fire a rifle at my funeral if Lynn  so chose.  Frankly, I do not want tax payer money wasted on such considering the nature of my military service. A Good Conduct Medal and ribbon for overseas service is sufficient recogntion.

I believe it is time to right the good ship America and cease stopping, or validating, this racial nonsense.  I also believe it is time to quit drinking Coca Cola and flying Delta because these corporations need to spend their time and money rendering service and producing goods and not cohorting with the governor on voting legislation which they probably have not read and are simply going along with the crowd in order to demonstrate their bona fides with radicals. 


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FROM DELTA, A LESSON FOR WOKE CORPORATIONS. Atlanta-based Delta Airlines is taking it from all sides for its latest jump into politics, specifically the company's stand against the new Georgia voting law. Its experience could be a lesson for CEOs who pander to political activists.

The issue blew up Wednesday when Delta chief Ed Bastian issued a statement declaring that Georgia's new law is "unacceptable." "I want the entire Delta family to know that we stand together in our commitment to protect and facilitate your precious right to vote," Bastian wrote. "I need to make it crystal clear that the final bill is unacceptable and does not match Delta's values."

A lot of the reaction could be characterized as: Who asked him? Why is an airline executive -- speaking for his entire company -- jumping into electoral politics in Georgia or any other state? Shouldn't Delta focus on, say, flying?

There was some serious blowback from Capitol Hill. "Delta Airlines CEO caves to the left with a false narrative about the new Georgia voting law, which actually expands voting opportunities," tweeted Mississippi Republican Senator Roger Wicker. "He should be ashamed of himself. 

"This is exactly right," responded Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton in another tweet. "CEO folded under pressure and smeared the state of Georgia with lies about Georgia's election bill."

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio spoke to the company directly, at least through Twitter: "Dear Delta, You are business partners with the Communist Party of China. When can we expect your letter saying that their ongoing genocide in #Xinjiang is 'unacceptable and does not match Delta's values'???" On Wednesday morning, Rubio posted a video in which he said of Delta's CEO and other woke corporate leaders, "They're hypocrites -- complete and total hypocrites."

The backstory makes Delta, and Bastian, look even worse. Just last week, Delta released a statement praising improvements in the bill -- on absentee voting, weekend voting, poll worker flexibility, and more. Even though Delta conceded that "concerns remain over other provisions in the legislation," the assessment was basically positive.

The statement prompted some ugly blowback from the left. Former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann tweeted, "Do not fly Delta. Do not spend money with Delta. Boycott Delta. Ruin Delta." The hashtag #BoycottDelta began to fly around on Twitter.

Talk of punishing Georgia grew. On Wednesday night, President Biden said he would "strongly support" moving the baseball All-Star game set for July 13 in Atlanta. "This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they're doing in Georgia," Biden said. The president has consistently mis-stated what is in the Georgia law. As Karl Rove outlines here, Biden has leveled three specific accusations against the law, and all three are false.

But it's enough to make a CEO tremble in fear. And so Bastian issued his new statement to the "Delta family." Then Georgia Governor Brian Kemp cut Bastian's legs out from under him. Delta did engage in the legislative process, Kemp said, and "At no point did Delta share any opposition to expanding early voting, strengthening voter ID measures, increasing the use of secure drop boxes statewide, and making it easier for local election officials to administer elections -- which is exactly what this bill does." Just to stick it in a little, Kemp added, "The last time I flew Delta, I had to present my photo ID."

So now Delta is being battered from all sides. What's the lesson? The lesson is not that the company should be four-square in support of the new bill. It is not that it should be four-square against the bill. It is that corporations like Delta should try to stay out of hot political controversies. Delta is a passenger airline. It flies people around the country and the world. It flies Trump supporters. It flies Biden supporters


Derek Chauvin, Human SacrificE

Ann Coulter


The Biden Admin's Policy Is 'American Children Last' 

Dinesh D'Souza

Woke Colleges

John Stossel

New York State Plan to Give Illegal Aliens Checks of Over $20k
This from a very dear friend and fellow memo reader:


The left actually believes that blacks are too stupid to get free IDs, and they will die of hunger and thirst if activists aren’t allowed to hand them water and snacks within 150 feet of a polling place.



What she did not comment about is Biden and/or his handlers know better but they are interested in paving the way for HR 1 being approved and therefore must turn everything into a divisive wedge issue.  They are totally lying about the  Georgia legislative improvements in the  voting laws.

Meanwhile, Democrat and liberal inconsistency is purposeful hypocrisy.


From a very dear friend and a fellow memo reader.  

The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America

1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.

Prior presidents ran up huge annual deficits, but at least there were some concessions that the money was real and had to be paid back. Not now. As we near $30 trillion in national debt and 110 percent of annual GDP, our elites either believe permanent zero interest rates make the cascading obligation irrelevant, or the larger the debt, the more likely we will be forced to address needed income redistribution.

2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions, and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.

Crime rates do not necessarily matter. If someone is carjacked, assaulted, or shot, it can be understood to be as much the victim’s fault as the perpetrator’s. Either the victim was too lax, uncaring, and insensitive, or he provoked his attacker. How useful the crime is to the larger agendas of the Left determines whether a victim is really a victim, and the victimizer really a victimizer.

3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily—if at all—by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces, and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.

4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws.

Yet those entering the United States illegally need not follow such apparently superfluous COVID-19 rules. Their children should be immediately schooled without worry of quarantine. Immigrants need not worry about their illegal entry or residence in America. Our elites believe illegal entrants more closely resemble the “founders” than do legal citizens, about half of whom they consider irredeemable.

5) Most Americans should be treated as we would treat little children. They cannot be asked to provide an ID to vote. “Noble lies” by our elites about COVID-19 rules are necessary to protect “Neanderthals” from themselves.

Americans deserve relief from the stress of grades, standardized testing, and normative rules of school behavior. They still are clueless about why it is good for them to pay far more for their gasoline, heating, and air conditioning.

6) Hypocrisy is passé. Virtue-signaling is alive. Climate change activists fly on private jets. Social justice warriors live in gated communities. Multibillionaire elitists pose as victims of sexism, racism, and homophobia. The elite need these exemptions to help the helpless. It is what you say to lesser others about how to live, not how you yourself live, that matters.

7) Ignoring or perpetuating homelessness is preferable to ending it. It is more humane to let thousands of homeless people live, eat, defecate, and use drugs on public streets and sidewalks than it is to green-light affordable housing, mandate hospitalization for the mentally ill, and create sufficient public shelter areas.

8) McCarthyism is good. Destroying lives and careers for incorrect thoughts saves more lives and careers. Cancel culture and the Twitter Reign of Terror provide needed deterrence.

Now that Americans know they are one wrong word, act, or look away from losing their livelihoods, they are more careful and will behave in a more enlightened fashion. The social media guillotine is the humane, scientific tool of the woke.

9) Ignorance is preferable to knowledge. Neither statue-toppling, nor name-changing, nor the 1619 Project require any evidence or historical knowledge. Heroes of the past were simple constructs. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees reflect credentials, not knowledge. The brand, not what created it, is all that matters.

10) Wokeness is the new religion, growing faster and larger than Christianity. Its priesthood outnumbers the clergy and exercises far more power. Silicon Valley is the new Vatican, and Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the new gospels.

Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.

The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.


This from Bari's father and if you find her writing and thinking of interest I am passing it along:

A lot of you have been asking what Bari is up to since leaving the NYT. She has been speaking, organizing her own imminent podcast and publishing her writing on Substack under the heading” Common Sense with Bari Weiss.” (these activities sound to me like she is starting a new media company) Substack is a refuge for writers no longer welcome ( left, right and center) in the legacy media. Writers are supported directly by their readers. In addition to Bari I subscribe to Andrew Sullivan (ex of New York Magazine, Time, New York Times, Atlantic, and the New Republic) and Matt Taibbi (ex of Rolling Stone). Both are a bit sketchy on Israel but clarion voices for free expression and very sharp writers.


This link is to Common Sense with Bari Weiss.

You can join for free or if so inclined become a paid subscriber for $5.00 a month. Eventually there will be special stuff for the paid folks but for now everyone gets all of the articles by her and her guests on the house.



The video/audible files below the Substack pieces are wonderful explainers as to what is going on in elite culture. As her father I read  and listen to most everything but you could do worse than check out any of the work below. If you take in everything you go in my mothers will.


Here are her latest Substack pieces:


What It Takes to Go From Slavery to Freedom

Yeonmi Park's escape from North Korea is a reminder of Passover's true meaning. I spoke to her about the price of liberation.


Do Not Look Away From Evil

The first step to stopping Anti-Asian hate is to see it clearly.






The you tube video is available as a podcast Hoover/ Goodfellows-Bari Weiss    The GoodFellows are historian Niall Ferguson, economist John Cochrane,  and former Nation Security Advisor Lt. General H. R. McMaster

The Great Awokening with Bari Weiss | GoodFellows: Conversations From The Hoover Institution




Recent appearance on the Dennis Prager Show (no commercials so not too long)


This next bit is Dennis going through her Prep School expose piece again without commercials



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