Sunday, March 28, 2021

Never Particularly Bright Now Mentally and Physically Compromised. Zito Clarifies Lies About Georgia's New Voting Legislation. Obama Bribes?.



Few, if any, ever concluded Biden was particularly bright.  Now it appears, he is so ideologically controlled that his ideas have become even less rationale.  The article below discusses how Biden is disconnected from the American public. 

What it does not discuss or mention is how his dementia is disconnecting him from the real world.

Biden Administration Amps Up Talk of New Mileage Tax

During the 2020 presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden talked about “building back better” in America. This turned out to be the slogan of his presidential campaign; although, less than 70 days into the current White House administration has shed light on what the current president views as “better.” 

Right now, Biden is on a warpath to essentially end the Senate filibuster, increase the corporate tax rate, give amnesty to illegal aliens, force American workers to join unions, and much more. Meanwhile, all of this is happening as the Democrat president continues to ignore the exhausted and overrun mess of his own creation at the Southern border. 

Meanwhile, it looks like the Biden administration is just warming up. Yesterday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg endorsed the idea of a mileage tax to fund an infrastructure package, as Breitbart News reports. 

The Truth About Biden’s Infrastructure Package

Right now, it is very clear that President Biden believes passing one big package after the next will help America. This is the strategy that the president has employed thus far and it’s also one that he — and his aides — continue(s) to stick with. 

Here’s the thing, though; spending bills cost money. Furthermore, no matter how much Biden talks about taxing the wealthy or increasing taxes on big business, it always trickles down to the American worker. Despite how much Democrats love to punish economic success and wealth, there simply isn’t enough of it to fund all the ridiculously expensive packages Democrats want to pass. 

This is why the U.S. secretary of transportation felt comfortable going on CNBC yesterday and talking about a mileage tax. According to Buttigieg, taxing Americans based on the miles they drive “shows a lot of promise” and “could be the way” to garner capital for an infrastructure package. 

Disconnected from the American Public 

Many Americans criticized Buttigieg yesterday. Critics branded the Transportation Secretary as out of touch, additionally noting that Democrats’ talk of a mileage tax will only help Republicans in future elections. 

See, what the Biden administration just doesn’t grasp is that no one is looking to pay higher taxes right now. Many people are suffering through an economic recession; therefore, the last thing they need now is the government finding new means and excuses to take money from them. 

Are you surprised that the Biden administration is mulling over a mileage tax amid the current economic crisis? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

"Uncle Joe" has always been a slick demagogue which he hides behind his sweet innocent smile.  He is now mentally and physically challenged and is being protected by handlers.  That said, I still believe he knows when he is lying or is so compromised he is easily manipulated. 

As for Stacey Abrams, she knows any time she plays the race card it will be believed because that is the consequence of years of efforts on the part of Democrat manipulation and intimidation, mass media lies and efforts to perpetuate lies upon America.

America is collapsing from within because we have lowered our standards and thus believe most anything we are initially told. By the time we find out it was not true it is too late.  The damage is done because the first headline tells the story and subsequent  retractions are back page stuff.

Biden either knows what he said was untrue or is so steeped in purposely spreading untruths every time he opens his mouth he is not to be trusted.  

Salena Zito was interviewed on FOX, Sunday. March 28 regarding clarification of  the new Georgia Voting Legislation as well as the Democrats desire to eliminate the filibuster, which she believes will not happen. Salena repeats the filibuster is what separates The Senate from The House.

Jim Eagle’ and Georgia’s Voting Law

Biden compares state voting bills to Jim Crow, never mind the facts.

By The Editorial Board

Georgia passed its over-hyped voting law on Thursday, and the news was met with more of the same. President Biden said at his news conference that the voting bills percolating in GOP state Legislatures are “un-American,” “sick,” “pernicious,” and worse: “This makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. ”

C’mon, man, as Mr. Biden likes to say. The comparison is grotesque, and seeing that only requires swimming sideways for a minute to escape the rip current of the media narrative. Take a look at what’s actually in the legislation—and what isn’t.

Georgia’s new law leaves in place Sunday voting, a point of contention with earlier proposals, given that black churches have a “souls to the polls” tradition after services. The Legislature, rather, decided to expand weekend early voting statewide, by requiring two Saturdays instead of only one under current law. In total, Georgia offers three weeks of early voting, which began last year on Oct. 12. This is not exactly restrictive: Compare that with early voting that started Oct. 24 last year in New York.

The new law also leaves in place no-excuses absentee voting. Every eligible Georgia voter will continue to be allowed to request a mail ballot for the sake of simple convenience—or for no reason at all. Again, this is hardly restrictive: More than a dozen states, including Connecticut and Delaware, require mail voters to give a valid excuse.

So what does the Georgia law do? First, it gets rid of signature matching, so election workers aren’t trying to verify mail ballots by comparing John Hancock's. This subjective process should concern both sides. It creates avenues for contested outcomes, with fighting over ambiguous signatures. In 2018 about 2,400 ballots in Georgia were rejected for issues with the signature or oath, according to a recent paper in Political Research Quarterly. Those voters were 54% black.

Instead of signature matching, voters will submit a state ID number with their mail ballots or applications. This way there’s no arguing over handwriting: The ID number either matches or it doesn’t. Georgians who vote in person are already asked to show identification. Anyone who lacks an ID can get one for free.

The law says the state can suspend local election directors and appoint temporary replacements, which is painted as a plot against Democratic metropolitan areas. More likely it will be used on slipshod conduct in places like Floyd County, which last year initially overlooked some 2,600 ballots. The chief elections clerk was fired, but it’s hard to blame the state for wanting to head off similar trouble.

Much hay is being made about a provision that prevents third parties from giving gifts, including “food and drink” to those standing in line at the polls. But the point is to prevent activists from showing up in union shirts—or National Rifle Association shirts, for that matter—and passing out drinks and snacks, with some subtle electioneering thrown in.

As for the genuinely thirsty, the new law specifically allows poll workers to provide “self-service water from an unattended receptacle.” Also, the legislation recognizes that it’s a failure if voters stand in line long enough to get parched. That’s why it says wait times at large precincts must be measured three times throughout Election Day. If the line hits an hour, changes are required before the next election.

The law makes ballot drop boxes a permanent part of Georgia’s voting architecture. The terms are tighter than they were during last year’s pandemic emergency, but how is it part of “Jim Crow 2.0” to give absentee voters more options than they had in 2019? The legislation also says applications for mail ballots are due 11 days before the election, instead of four days. If that’s racist, so is the U.S. Postal Service, which urges voters to allow 15 days for two-way delivery.

The runoff period will be shortened to four weeks. “The lengthy nine-week runoffs in 2020 were exhausting for candidates, donors, and electors,” lawmakers said in their findings. “By adding ranked choice voting for military and overseas voters, the run-off period can be shortened to a more manageable period.” This is politically touchy, since Democrats won two Senate runoffs on Jan. 5, but let’s hear the policy argument for nine-week runoffs, instead of ad hominem attacks.


No election rules are perfect. Ballot access, integrity and administration are all important. Mr. Biden knows this. Democrats aren’t smearing Georgia because they believe their “Jim Crow” nonsense. Their strategy is to play the race card to justify breaking the Senate filibuster, so they can jam through their election reform known as H.R.1 and overrule 50 state voting laws.


It may well take decades for the American public to learn about how corrupt Obama truly was but, like that eternal faucet,  it is starting to be revealed one drip at a time:

Obama Caught Giving Special Bribes To FTC, Leaks Show

( Leaked documents show how the Federal Trade Commission under the Obama administration effectively gave Google its online monopoly after the social media, search, and online marketing giant helped Obama get re-elected in 2012.

A report from Politico describes how leaked documents show that the FTC had the opportunity to take down Google, but didn’t. Instead of stopping the search engine website’s expansion and becoming a monopolistic, overseeing giant that distorts market access and changes how people access information, the FTC chose to end its investigation early in the year after Obama was re-elected.

Politico revealed leaked documents about the 2012 investigation showing that, despite a multitude of pieces of evidence of Google distorting markets and posing a threat to competition, all five commissions of the FTC ended the investigation by believing speculative claims from advising economists.

And, according to the records obtained by Politico, the commissioners made the shocking decision after bowing to pressure from the Obama administration, which was in turn under pressure from Google assisting in President Obama’s re-election campaign.

Politico describes how the decision from the antitrust regulators to drop the investigation “still rankles the company’s rivals, who have watched the search giant continue to amass power over smartphones, data-hoovering devices and wide swaths of the internet, unimpeded by laws meant to deter monopolies.”

It’s precisely what President Donald Trump spoke about for four years, but something Democrats insisted wasn’t a problem…because the Google monopolies benefit their party and their business connections.

“But 312 pages of confidential internal memos obtained by POLITICO reveal what the FTC’s lawyers and economics experts were thinking — including assumptions that were contradictory at the time and many that turned out to be incorrect about the internet’s future, Google’s efforts to dominate it and the harm its rivals said they were suffering from the company’s actions,” Politico revealed.

The long report showed memos to commissioners from economists who speculated that Microsoft, Mozilla, and Amazon would all offer competition to Google in the smartphone market – speculation that ultimately turned out to be wrong. Even BlackBerry, the former smartphone giant, was unable to compete against Google.

Politico described how the economists massively underestimated Google’s market share, and that the decision to let Google off the hook “reflected an era when the Obama administration had a close relationship with Silicon Valley and Americans held largely positive views toward the emerging tech giants.”

Silicon Valley antitrust lawyer Gary Reback told Politico that we “wouldn’t be in the situation we are today with any of these big companies if the FTC had done something then.”

“If they had stopped that in its tracks, the world would be a different place,” he added.

It was a sentiment that other veterans from the same industry agreed with. The entire report is an incredible read and reveals just how much influence President Obama still has on our political and digital landscape even now, over four years since he left office.


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