Sunday, March 21, 2021

Biden On A Roll. Rethinking Walker Candidacy? Newsom And The Truth. Republicans Wimp Out Once Again. Yang Swims Upstream And More..


A n Irishman who had a little too much to drink is driving home from the city one night and, of course, his car is weaving violently all over the road.

A cop pulls him over.   " so," says the cop to the driver, where have ya been?"

" Why, I've been to the pub of course," slurs the drunk. 
" Well," says the cop, "it looks like you've had quite a few to drink this evening."

"I did all right," the drunk says with a smile. 
" Did you know," says the cop, standing straight an folding his arms across his chest,   "that a few intersections back, your wife fell out of your car?" 
" Oh, thank heavens," sighs the drunk."   For a minute there, I thought I'd gone deaf."


 Has Biden reached the stage where smoke from discharging weapons, should the military need to protect/defend America, be determined and shaped by the impact on climate?

Biden Labels Climate Change as a National Security Threat

According to Biden, Climate Change is Our Biggest Threat

Read Here


Being socially disadvantaged overrides finance as a crop loss determinant and so it goes:

Biden Provides Only Minority Farmers with COVID Relief

Biden's COVID Bill Gives Aid to Farmers Based on… Race

Read Here
If this former Jeb Bush communication director is factually correct, he introduces a new perspective about Herschel Walker that I cannot dismiss:
When Democrats screw up, as Gov. Newsom has, they conveniently blame "right wing groups."

For some reason politicians  cannot admit the truth. What is it that makes them believe if they bob and weave it will endure them to voters? Most Americans are willing to forgive mistakes but they are not as tolerant of those who deny the obvious.

All too often politicians take Americans for suckers and some are but most Americans see through  politicians who believe they can take us for a ride.  I do not understand why politicians are so dumb, so weak and lacking of character. 

In Newsom's case, it is possible he will be protected by those who will reject, for various reasons, enough recall petitioners and he will escape but his record, when compared with  Florida's Governor, and the hundreds of Californians who have vacated the state, tells the real story.

Newsom KNOWS it’s Over after Just Smearing Recall Effort Against Him


Here is a perfect case why Republicans are total whimps.  

Trump had some rational/practical ideas about health care such as portability, allowing individuals to ban together to purchase health insurance, in order to lower it's cost, etc. but, apparently, Republicans allowed themselves to become intimidated by Democrats and are caving.


Yang is swimming upstream but at least he is being honest and gutsy.

Initially, locking down might have been justified until more evidence and statistics revealed the downside was more harmful.  Fauci has yet to recognize this fact because he is a "Johnny One Note" scientist who is blinded by the need to see only his side of the equation. His arrogant pride and hypocrisy has become his downfall.

Andrew Yang Takes On the Unions

The candidate for New York City mayor dares to challenge the school lockdowns.

By the Editorial Board

New York City families have become unwilling homeschoolers in the last year as the pandemic shutdowns stretch on and on. Credit mayoral candidate Andrew Yang for calling out the teachers unions for depriving children of opportunities to learn in-person.

“I will confess to being a parent that has been frustrated by how slow our schools have been to open, and I do believe that the UFT has been a significant reason why our schools have been slow to open,” Mr. Yang told Politico, referring to New York City’s powerful United Federation of Teachers.

Mr. Yang is right. The UFT endorsed current Mayor Bill de Blasio, and its parent union also gave $350,000 to the mayor’s nonprofit amid contract negotiations. Throughout the pandemic, the UFT has driven the classroom closures, leaving students and parents hostage to their demands.

High schools will finally reopen Monday, following elementary and middle schools. Yet under the “blended learning” system, students still get three days or fewer a week in-person. The New York Post reported Friday that about 70% of children in the New York City school system are still exclusively remote. The Post also reported in January that more than one in 10 students were absent, and in 134 schools a quarter or more of the students were missing from class. Wealthy parents can hire tutors or send children to private schools, but the learning loss for poor kids will result in disparities that could last a lifetime.

Mr. Yang also supports charter schools, which the unions have tried to destroy. “Unfortunately, I think the main argument [against charters] is a political one, where teachers unions hate charters,” he said in a 2019 interview. “Teachers’ unions are a very, very powerful constituency. And so some politicians have said ‘I’m better served by getting behind this point of view.’”

Mr. Yang is leading in the early polls in this year’s mayoral race, and you can bet he’ll now be union enemy number one. New York’s parents and children should be grateful.


An emotional and poignant video.

Warren hits herself with her own boomerang. I did not know native Americans used them.

Elizabeth Warren just called the filibuster racist. She used it last year against Tim Scott’s police reform bill.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) may have just inadvertently cast herself as a racist. The progressive senator told Axios in an interview...


Read More »


Have the Saudis decided to reject Iran and side with The Abraham Accords?

Former Middle East envoy Greenblatt: Saudi Arabia on ‘path to peace’ with Israel


“These deals are complex and take a great deal of time, but any one thing could spark the right opportunity for a deal to actually be announced and quickly consummated, as we have seen,” former White House special envoy Jason Greenblatt told JNS.


Are Democrats ready to throw Justice Breyer under the bus fearing they may both the House and Senate in 2022.

[JUST IN] - Supreme Court RETIREMENT Bombshell... Wow
Developing >>

Read it Here >>



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