Monday, March 8, 2021

8 More Days? National Embarrassment. IDF Prepares and Cuomo Proves To Have Good Taste in Women He Allegedly Propositioned.



When Biden became president I began a satire suggesting he would not last more than 78 days.  I recently made his Diary entry o his 70th day as follows: "Biden's 70th day of his Diary entry

I just returned from Houston and did not know why I went.  I talked to the Governor about the State's electricity problems. They are shocking."

Now  there is an op ed suggesting Biden may not be in office much longer (see attached below.) Perhaps his need for naps leaves no time for press conferences and live questions even from a press that falls all over themselves to protect him from their own reporters.

Biden May NOT be President for Much Longer...

Why is that? >>


Since there is no border crisis there is no reason for the press corp to want to go and see for themselves.  I am sure Rice, who has been known to lie frequently, will come back and give us a truthful report

Democrat Lawmaker: Biden Admin ‘Purposely Withholding’ Number Of Migrants ‘Being Released’ Into U.S.


Speaks for itself, no eed to comment:



Breaking: Since when does big government spending ‘alleviate poverty’?

Like everything in life there is good government and bad government.  Most of the time government is bad because it is self-serving and the bureaucrats who run it are unelected, have job security and care less what "we the people" think.

Politicians are basically there to pass legislation and then bureaucrats  do what they want regarding the interpretation  and enforcing the regulations. 

Most of the time the legislation is drafted by committee staff and the politicians never read the final bills on which they vote.


I seriously doubt Cuomo will be driven from office. He may not be re-elected but he is a survivor. You also have to admire his taste in women.  He only engaged "lookers."

Game Over. Another Cuomo Staffer Comes Forward With The Accusation That Will End His Reign Forever

Bronson Stocking from Townhall reports, A former aide to New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo appeared on the CBS Evening News Thursday night and told host Norah O’Donnell that the governor propositioned her for sex.


This from a friend and fellow memo reader who agrees with me:

"This is the kind of bull--it we can expect to see on every street corner in the US unless we call out Black Lives Matter and Antifia as the Communist and Terrorist organizations that they are. R-----"

Biden has been in office several months and what has he accomplished other than be a national embarrassment?

a) He has raised the price of gasoline.
b) He has flooded our borders with interlopers.
c) He has interfered with what Trump accomplished in the Middle East, strengthened Iran and been rejected and made to look foolish.
d) He has paid off unions and kept schools closed.
e) He has failed to communicate with those who elected him and might not even address the nation as other presidents have done, ie. SCOTUS.
f) He has brought unity by calling Texans Neanderthals.
g) He has proven to be an embarrassment to all but the mass media.
h)He proved he had no pandemic plan other than  to do what Trump had already begun.
i) He seems to have abdicated much of his official responsibilities to Kamala.
k) He continues to  remain silent while riots continue in Portland, Dr. Suess books are banned and Mr. Potatohead has had his manhood removed.
l) The one thing Biden has excelled in and that is making Hunter disappear.

In view of his performance to date, Biden would do better as a stand up comic and magician.


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