Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Is America's Military Prepared To "Kilt" If Called Upon? Irony Of Too Many Jews Observing Passover While Supporting Biden, Pelosi Democrat Party.


If the "culture cancel and woke crowd"  have their way our military will soon fight lighter because they will go to war wearing  female kilts.  I can just Picture Patton in a Kilt!

Obama ran off some of the most talented senior military officers because they were disgusted with him and his policies.  Biden is now finishing the job and will eventually seal the fate of our Seals and Marines.  Semper Fi!

"Be all that you can be!" Where men can be women and women can be men; where soldiers must wear masks all day on American bases but can't carry firearms; where the entire purpose of the military is to fight other countries' battles but not the one at our border; where getting women to act like men is the only religion allowed in the military, except when they invariably can't meet the standards and the military lowers them to make them "fair" for all.

That is sadly the state of play in what was once the pride of the nation, after decades of the left rotting out our armed forces with left-wing politicians serving as generals.

For many years, conservatives have known that military leadership has become politicized. The focus shifted from combat readiness to social experimentation, and the left finally conquered the one institution that was considered a bastion of traditional American values. But Tucker Carlson has now exposed that it's worse than even we realized. 

Recently, Tucker Carlson commented on Biden's celebration of the military becoming more feminine: "While China's military becomes more masculine, as it's assembled the world's largest navy," America focuses on making our military "become more feminine — whatever feminine means any more, since men and women no longer exist."

Tucker was commentating on Biden's celebration of the military making apparel for women, including "designing body armor that fits women properly; tailoring combat uniforms for women; creating maternity flight suits; updating — updating requirements for their hairstyles."

Carlson prefaced his critique of the president with his now famous line, "So we've got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits."

"Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It's a mockery of the U.S. military," Carlson added on his show Tuesday. Carlson drove home the point by noting how "the Pentagon is going along with it" and that this entire feminine focus "is a mockery of the U.S. military and its core mission, which is winning wars."

For most Americans with common sense, Tucker was expressing their anger and sorrow at what has happened to our military over the years. What none of us expected was the response of the military leaders from all service branches sending out memes about Amazonian women and outright celebrating the concept of pregnant women in combat. Reminiscent of Rush Limbaugh's parody "we're fierce, we're feminists, and we're in your face," many active-duty feminist generals sent out social media memes basically suggesting that women are the strongest and most effective part of combat readiness, taking the absurdity of gender-bending to the next level and exemplifying Tucker's point better than he could have on his show.

Putting aside the absurd values and strategy behind this gender-bending agenda, it's quite shocking how active-duty generals are able to spar with a civilian media figure to this extent. It's one thing for the secretary of defense to engage in political battles, but we have never seen active-duty military allowed to become so political. It's as if they are trying to compensate for 20 years of egregious rules of engagement and lack of mission clarity by training their fire on a civilian with no holds barred. Now we know why we've been in Afghanistan for 20 years.

As for the substance of the gender-bending argument, how many of you actually believe that a military leadership so dedicated to promoting women in combat really remains neutral when it comes to passing women through the combat training tests? Well, just one month ago, before Tucker prompted the generals to tout women as stronger than men, the Army Times reported that the military is considering halting its gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test, as female soldiers were failing at a rate of 65%, in order to make it fair to both genders.

So, much like having both sexes compete together in sports, women are exactly like men, until they are not. Which is perhaps why Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) is now promoting "mindfulness and yoga" as part of combat readiness – of course, while wearing masks.

A Pentagon study has found up to 65% of women were failing the ACFT, compared to just 10% for men, according to the TelegraphLt. Col. Margaret Kageleiry of TRADOC told the Army Times last month that the Army "is looking at means to apply those scores based on gender to account for biological differences."

Oh, so you mean there are actually biological differences that make life-and-death differences in combat readiness? Who knew?

The reality is that the Marines already studied this issue very carefully in 2015, but their findings were ignored. When Obama began integrating women into infantry and other combat units, the Marine Corps, under General Joseph Dunford, was the only service branch to question this absurdity. The service conducted a study of 400 Marines (300 male and 100 female) over many months at a cost of $36 million, in which all-male teams and integrated teams were studied performing numerous tasks similar to those they would carry out in real-life combat. In infantry testing, in nearly every category, mixed teams came up short compared to the all-male teams.

Here are some key points, according to a summary of the report:

Overall, the all-male teams outperformed teams with integrated female members 69% of the time, in 94 out of 134 tasks.

All-male teams were faster than integrated teams in every tactical movement, and this was especially evident when heavy crew-served weapons were being moved. This held true across all Military Operational Specialties (MOSs).

The all-male teams were more accurate shots than the integrated teams across all weapons systems. This included male Marines trained as infantrymen and those in a different MOS who were part of the testing.

The all-male teams performed much better on routine combat tasks. When climbing an eight-foot wall, male Marines would toss their packs to the top, whereas female Marines "required regular assistance getting their packs to the top." When carrying out mock evacuations of casualties, all-male teams were much faster except in cases where the evacuee was carried in a fireman's carry, and then it was usually a male Marine doing the carrying.

The top 25% of females overlapped with the bottom 25% of male Marines in the study for anaerobic power, and the top 10% of females corresponded with the bottom 50% of males for anaerobic capacity.

Most importantly, the female participants sustained significantly higher injury rates and levels of fatigue than their male counterparts. In the Infantry Training Battalion, females were injured at six times the rate of male Marines.

It's important to keep in mind that these were some of the strongest and most talented female Marines, drawn from graduates of the Infantry Training Battalion. Yet at the end of the day, combat is a job only for the strongest and most resilient of men, not just average men, which is why it makes no sense to promote an agenda of women in infantry units.

Overall, the results showed that while some exceptional and unusual women might be capable of serving in the infantry in a vacuum, even they would lag far behind their male counterparts and end up slowing down their units or placing themselves or others in unnecessary danger.

The study and the recent admission from the Pentagon about women failing the ACFT – despite five years of moving heaven and earth to get as many women through it as possible – prove the simple yet blunt conclusion of a 1992 report from the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces correct:

Unnecessary distraction or any dilution of the combat effectiveness puts the mission and lives in jeopardy. Risking the lives of a military unit in combat to provide career opportunities or accommodate the personal desires or interests of an individual, or group of individuals, is more than bad military judgment. It is morally wrong.

So much for "following the science." Women in combat was the original "wear your mask to stop the spread." In both cases, politics trumps science. It's just a matter of time before they begin celebrating pregnant female Navy SEALs.

Now the same Marine Corps is attacking Tucker on Twitter for essentially opining on what its own study showed. The military is also abusing the soldiers with endless mask-wearing while performing exhausting physical exercises, while the science has shown that it has failed to stop the spread among these predominantly young recruits who are not even in danger from the virus.

The same generals promoting gender-bending are the same ones proposing masks, endless nation-building follies, and more Saudi military recruits – while opposing using troops at our own border and arming soldiers on their own bases. Donald Trump was right when he said in 2016 that our generals have been "reduced to rubble."

Meanwhile, all civilians should be asking themselves the following question: Does China actually fear a military wearing masks and run by feminist generals?


Democratic Texas border mayor frustrated with Biden administration as crisis heightens

By Salena Zito

Bruno Lozano, the mayor of Del Rio, Texas says the humanitarian crisis in his border town is real, alarming, and growing rapidly. The blind eye that the Biden administration has turned toward his and other border towns, he says, represents an untenable approach.

His political affiliation as a Democrat does not prevent him from venting his frustration about the fact that the chaotic, mass border invasion has become a left-right political football. No one is treating it like the national crisis Lozano believes it is becoming.

“I hate that it's become so politicized, because once that happens, it's going to be that much more than trying to get anything done,” said a frustrated Lozano, who ran for mayor in 2018 on a platform of rebuilding infrastructure and attracting new economic development. He was elected overwhelmingly by the voters of the Southwest Texas border town.

Click here for the full story.


In a few days the celebration of  Passover will begin. It is the story of how God, functioning  through Moses, led the Jews out of Egypt where they lived under a dictatorial  leader.

What I find most ironic is that far too many Jews, theoretically, will observe the ritual of Passover and yet, simultaneously align themselves with Biden and Pelosi and their policies of  two types of incarceration.  On one hand, Biden is engaged in caging children while, on the other, Pelosi has caged Congress with barbed wire fencing guarded by troops but has yet to identify continuance by any justified threat.

Pelosi's encirclement of Congress is designed to send the frightening message  government has the wherewithal to keep citizens silent and obedient. 

Most everything today's Democrat Party represents goes against what I deems are real Jewish values.

The recent killings in Colorado was initially reported to further "wokeness."  This is how far we have moved from reality. As facts subsequently revealed themselves much reversionary commentary appeared. 

I never thought I would live to see America become a nation that "burned" books, typed people as racists for expressing non-racist views, welcomed the destruction of historical statues, want to un-fund police departments, teach children America was evil, not enforce laws when radicals rioted and destroyed property, allowed peaceful citizens to be intimidated and you know the rest.

As America tolerates fascist behaviour and the rule of law is disobeyed our nation's moral authority, as a guiding light for the world, is trashed and this is what those who want to destroy America, replace capitalism and encourage the rise of Communism seek. Their goal is to replace everything American with something else and more in keeping with their philosophical beliefs.

This is why I fear Biden and his party and believe they are dangerous not only for America but to what America represents and has stood for as a leading  bulwark against tyranny and destructive conflagration.

Thursday , 25 March, our ground hog president will come out of his place of hiding. Will his press conference be so tightly controlled we will gain little insight into what to expect from his potential policies?  If it is not tightly controlled, will we see nothing but soft-ball pitches? Will anyone ask the impertinent question, on everyone's mind,  whether he will subject himself to a medical exam to determine his mental and physical fitness? If he stumbles will he be whisked away and/or will someone come to his aid?

Stay tuned,


Pelosi and Schumer must not have been listening when Biden told us his goal was to bring unity because power hungry Senate Democrats want to make D.C a state without changing the Constitution and a duly elected Republican Rep. might be barred from her rightful seat because Pelosi is upset that she beat a Democrat.

We also are being told we need more gun legislation when we do not enforce the laws we have, we have learned legislation is not what is effective. 

I am not student of this issue but my observations suggest there is no solution because the problem is related to a variety of factors including allowing citizens from certain societies into our country that have a totally different regard for life than we espouse to have, broken families do not have the necessary support system and lack role models for children to have the opportunity to observe better patterns of personal behaviour.

I have no problem with demanding and enforcing background checks if not done to delay and/or prevent appropriate constitutional gun ownership.

Once again Democrats harp on this topic when mass shooting occur but nothing ever gets done because there is no desire to seek bi-partainship since the main goal is to create another wedge issue for political reasons.

Where you find the most over whelming laws you have the most killings, ie. D.C, Chicago etc. Trite but correct: people are the problems not weapons.  Certain weapons allow more killings but the triggers are pulled by humans.

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