Friday, March 26, 2021

Has America Reached The Pinnacle Stage? Everything Has An Ending Phase. Show Me Where I Am Wrong.

This will not improve your etymology  but it might save your marriage:

Nine Words Women Use
(1) Fine : This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. This means your facts may be right but you are still wrong.   
(2) Five Minutes : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. 
(3) Nothing : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. 
(4) Go Ahead : This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It! 
(5) Loud Sigh : This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.) 
(6) That's Okay : This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. 
(7) Thanks : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome'.. That will bring on a 'whatever'). 
(8) Whatever : Is a woman's way of saying...Go to Hell... 
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' (For the woman's response refer to # 3).


More unity from Uncle Joe and those pesky Democrats and I recently wrote in a memo the "Democrat character destruction machine" was gearing up again as it prepares for the 2022 mid-term elections, assisted by their mass media goons.

Biden Lifts the Curtain

He tees up an end to the Senate filibuster he supported for 50 years.

By The Editorial Board

President Joe Biden speaks during the first formal press conference of his presidency in the East Room of the White House on March 25.

Photo: oliver contreras/pool/Shutterstock

President Biden finally held a formal press conference on Thursday, and the answers pulled back the curtain on how he and White House chief of staff Ron Klain plan to govern. The biggest if unsurprising news is that they are in sync with Democrats on Capitol Hill in pushing an agenda that has elated Bernie Sanders.

One takeaway is that Mr. Biden has nothing on Donald Trump in claiming credit for the sun rising in the east. The President boasted about achieving 100 million Covid vaccinations after 58 days, instead of his announced goal of 100 days. Anyone paying attention knew that production and distribution were on pace to meet that goal even when Mr. Trump was President. On Thursday Mr. Biden set a new goal of 200 million doses by 100 days, which should be a layup.

Mr. Biden also gave himself and his $1.9 trillion spending bill credit for growing economic optimism. But the 6% GDP growth estimate for 2021 that he touted was already the consensus weeks ago as vaccinations spread and state lockdowns eased. A booming recovery and rapid job growth were teed up if Democrats did nothing. The spending bill’s welfare incentives to stay home and not work may, if anything, slow the jobs recovery.

The President was at his most dishonest in addressing the Senate legislative filibuster. Asked if the 60-vote threshold is a legacy of racist Jim Crow, Mr. Biden said yes. But then what was Senator Biden doing in 2006 joining a filibuster attempt (which failed) against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ?

On Wednesday Sen. Ben Sasse, the Nebraska Republican, did the public service of reading Mr. Biden’s entire hour-long 2005 speech defending the filibuster on the Senate floor.

“If there is one thing this country stands for it’s fair play—not tilting the playing field in favor of one side or the other, not changing the rules unilaterally. We play by the rules, and we win or lose by the rules,” Mr. Sasse quoted Vintage Joe of 2005. “That quintessentially American trait is abandoned in the ‘nuclear option.’ Republican Senators as well as Democratic ones have benefited from minority protections. Much more importantly, American citizens have benefited from the Senate’s check on the excesses of the majority.”

But on Thursday Mr. Biden toed the new Democratic Party line that the filibuster is being “abused in a gigantic way,” and he pointed to statistics from last year. Readers may recall that in 2020 Democrats were in the minority and used the filibuster to block GOP proposals, including Sen. Tim Scott’s bipartisan police reform. Were Democrats racists then, and was Mr. Biden in 2005?

Mr. Biden’s flip-flop tells us that Democrats in Congress are preparing to break the 60-vote filibuster rule, and he’ll go along for the ride as he has on everything since Jan. 20. He’s been less President than Prime Minister of the Pelosi-Schumer government.

Democrats are waiting to lay the anti-filibuster groundwork politically, and Mr. Biden played his part by denouncing modest GOP state election reforms as “sick.” Watch for Democrats to use the highly partisan H.R.1 to break the filibuster in the name of “democracy.” That 800-page legislation would overrule 50 state election laws and reduce absentee-ballot verification and integrity.


Mr. Biden was mildly encouraging on competition with China. His explanation of the global conflict between democracies and autocracy is one way to frame that competition, though the U.S. will have to work with some anti-democratic governments (the Saudis, Vietnam) to counter Iran and China.

The President’s mistake, and it could be a big one, was saying that he “can’t picture” that U.S. troops will remain in Afghanistan into 2022. That was a Trump-like play to his political base, but a minute earlier he had rightly said that Mr. Trump’s May 1 withdrawal deadline wasn’t realistic.

The Taliban will take this as confirmation they can wait out the Yanks and NATO and start their siege of the Kabul government next year. The White House may have to walk that back unless Mr. Biden wants to gamble on a bloodbath on his watch.

The withdrawal message shows that Mr. Biden wants to keep the focus on his domestic agenda. The White House is leaking that he now thinks he can “transform” America, but he’ll need to break the filibuster to do it. On Thursday he all but told us what’s coming.


Yellow Journalism Turns Blue

Ron Johnson is under attack from a press that’s abandoned honesty and fairness.

By Kimberley A. Strassel

Sen. Ron Johnson speaks at a Senate committee hearing examining the events of Jan. 6 on Capitol Hill, March 3.

Photo: Greg Nash/Associated Press

“Yellow journalism” means a sensationalized press. Perhaps it is time to introduce “blue journalism”—the new media practice of abandoning standards to work seamlessly with the progressive left against any opposition.

A case study is the attempted political assassination of Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson. The press has never liked most Republicans. Yet for most of Mr. Johnson’s decade in the Senate, it’s generally described him as what he is: an outsider businessman and fiscal conservative with a focus on deficits and spending. “Wisconsin’s senior senator is a numbers guy, a believer in the power of facts and figures,” wrote Milwaukee Magazine in his first term. In recent years, serving on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, he’s developed a reputation for oversight.

Compare that with the recent onslaught. “Assaulting the Truth, Ron Johnson Helps Erode Confidence In Government,” read a New York Times news headline, over a story that called him the “Republican Party’s foremost amplifier of conspiracy theories and disinformation.” “Ron Johnson’s Crazy Train Is Somehow Getting Even Weirder,” snarked Vanity Fair. “Ron Johnson Is a Racist,” opined the Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker. Mr. Johnson is “inciting fear” the Post’s Michael Gerson added. The paper’s “fact checkers” assailed his “misleading data” and “unscientific take.”

What’s this all about? From the Times story, it amounts to this: Mr. Johnson has refused to brand everyone present in Washington on Jan. 6 as “insurrectionists”; he’s continued to note that last year’s Black Lives Matter protests led to rioting, looting, arson and death; he held hearings on treatments for Covid and 2020 election integrity; and he’s declined, for now, a Covid vaccine, given he had the disease last year and decided to let others go before him.

None of this is remotely conspiratorial or even controversial. Mr. Johnson’s real offense is refusing to roll over to the progressive and public-health police and continuing to ask tough questions.

The Democrat-media complex hates those questions. The Beltway press has a special grudge against Mr. Johnson, since his fact-finding efforts exposed its bias and ineptitude last fall. Mr. Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley in September issued a report on Hunter Biden’s sleazy foreign business dealings. Democrats and the media tried mightily to brand it “Russian disinformation,” only to be roundly refuted when the younger Mr. Biden’s business partner and documents later backed up the report, and when news leaked that Hunter Biden was under federal investigation for the sort of transactions Mr. Johnson had brought to light.

Mr. Johnson isn’t doing anything differently now. The only thing that has changed is a press corps that is now brazenly using recent crises to fabricate story lines to the left’s advantage. The recent anti-Johnson pieces are stunning in their willingness to twist the senator’s words or take his positions out of context.

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No, he hasn’t diminished “confidence” in mass vaccinations, as the Times claims; he’s repeatedly praised Operation Warp Speed. Some public-health experts have argued that those who have been infected should have lower vaccination priority while supplies are limited. No, he has not “promoted discredited Covid-19 treatments”; he held a hearing with respected physicians who worried that authorities hadn’t been proactive enough in investigating common drugs that might save lives. No, he hasn’t denied “the violence of the mob” on Jan. 6; he’s condemned the lawbreakers repeatedly while asking tough questions about what really happened that day.

How does the Times practice journalism? The piece asserted that Mr. Johnson’s “drumbeat of distortions, false theories and lies reminds some Wisconsin Republicans” of Sen. Joseph McCarthy. It even quoted former Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, a fellow Republican, saying the infamous senator’s name. But Mr. Sensenbrenner tells me he never said Mr. Johnson was like McCarthy—and the Times knows it. He’d been making a general point about Wisconsin’s love of mavericks (he also mentioned Sen. William Proxmire ), and noting that its voters appreciate that Mr. Johnson “thinks outside the box.”

The only McCarthyism going on, Mr. Sensenbrenner says, is being practiced by the left against people like Mr. Johnson “for asking inconvenient questions.” Former Wisconsin GOP Rep. Reid Ribble tells me the Times also called him but didn’t quote him, presumably because he didn’t give the paper what it was looking for: “They clearly went into this with an agenda, they were seeking specific quotes to get to a conclusion.”

Notably missing from these pieces are any real mention of the bigger reason for these unrelenting attacks: 2022. Now that five Senate Republican incumbents have announced they won’t run for re-election, Mr. Johnson may be the last GOP incumbent potentially running in a swing state. ( Marco Rubio is up again, too, but Florida has been looking good for Republicans.) Wisconsin Democrats by mid-January had already launched the first TV ads of the 2022 cycle, outrageously tying Mr. Johnson to the Capitol riot.

The blue press is now doing its part to help, serving (to borrow the Times’s words) as the “foremost amplifier of conspiracy theories and disinformation” about the senator. The Democrat-media establishment figures its efforts will cause Mr. Johnson to retire and provide Democrats an easier target next year, or alternatively make him unelectable. Republicans would do well to internalize the Johnson treatment. Much of the press no longer has a commitment to truth, fairness or honesty. Its commitment is to Democratic power.


One way to bring our Republic down, or any government for that matter, is destroy citizen's faith in the veracity of the media, government bureaucrats, politicians and elections. In other words, make everything untrustworthy?  

We are there folks. We have reached the pinnacle of distrust because most everything has become corrupted.

Even if the majority of citizens are aware most everything is not to be trusted and wish to bring about change, in a republic, they must wait for elections. If the election process has also become tainted then there are only two consequences:
1) accept the way things are which means corruption becomes more engrained and thus, impossible to change, 


2) Revolt and take to the streets. The problem with 2, is radicals can get away with doing so, ie. Antifa, BLM, etc., but outraged citizens get investigated, intimidated and arrested.

The "fix" is in and this is why I believe we have reached the point where America's days are bleak and I have yet to discuss the impact of crippling debt as another negative fact making change virtually impossible.

The "Evil Doers" have probably won. The elites, the corporate billionaires, The Democrat Party and the mass media are among the greatest internal threats America faces.


Everything has an ending phase. Show me where I am wrong.


Things you must know to be informed:













Now you know why no one is investigated. You might remember James Comey who investigated the Clinton email scandal and the Clinton Foundation, and made the final decision to not recommend prosecution by the DOJ. It turns out that the Clinton Foundation was audited by the law firm DLA Piper. One of the executives there was in charge of the Clinton Foundation audit. Who was it? Peter Comey, James Comey’s brother. Peter Comey held an executive position with the Washington law firm that did the audit of the Clinton foundation in 2015. Peter Comey was officially DLA Piper “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas,” in 2015 when the Clinton Foundation scandals first broke and Hillary was preparing her Presidential campaign. Not only was DLA Piper, the firm where Comey’s brother worked involved in the audit of the Clinton Foundation, but according to the foundation’s donor records, DLA Piper has given between $50 - 100k to the Foundation. It gets even cozier. DLA Piper executive Douglas Emhoff is taking an extended leave of absence from the firm. Who is Douglas Emhoff? He is the husband of KAMALA HARRIS!

Seeing a pattern here?  Just a coincidence? Amazing, if it is....


What Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Wrought

By Lauri B. Regan

At less than 100 days in, Trump-haters have imposed growing disasters on the country. Trump-hating voters cared about one thing and it wasn’t the success of Operation Warp Speed, a strong economy, or peace in the Mideast. Bad Orange Man must go, the country, our kids’ and grandkids’ futures be damned. And we reap what we sow.

The 46th President of the United States Joseph Robinette Biden began by signing an unprecedented number of executive orders designed to bypass the legislative process (including job killers and open borders). He signed the hyper-partisan “Covid relief package” proving that he has no interest in unifying the country. He actually boxed out Republican voices in the negotiation process resulting in a true moderate, Susan Collins, wondering why Biden “would want to alienate” Republicans willing to work with him. In between we’ve barely seen the president while he hides behind Harris and Dr. Jill. 

Trump-haters ignored Biden’s senility and Harris’s record as the most progressive member of the Senate (who was so disliked by Democrat voters that she didn’t even make it to the Iowa caucuses). Now we learn the White House has directed agencies to refer to the “Biden-Harris administration” in official documents. Harris has been making calls to world leaders on behalf of the administration and participating in all meetings. The stage is being set for Biden to predictably step down and rest (the White House called a lid on Biden’s day at 1:13pm on Monday).

Under the auspices of never letting a crisis go to waste, the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion dollar “Covid” boondoggle (on top of the $4 trillion previously thrown at the pandemic) benefits special-interest groups, applies just 9% of the funds towards fighting Covid, puts the country further in debt, funds teachers’ unions that still refuse to get back to work, and wastes vast sums that will have to be paid back through massive tax-hikes on constituents Biden promised would never see tax hikes (reminiscent of Obama’s infamous lie that if you liked your doctor and health insurance, you could keep them).

If the Biden administration truly cared about getting people back to work, the last thing it would have done was shut down the Keystone Pipeline, with John Kerry condescendingly telling the 10,000 workers who lost their jobs that they could produce solar panels (that are actually mostly produced in China), attempt to force a $15 minimum wage on the entire country, and kill the welfare-to-work requirement passed under Clinton, a genuine moderate president.

And the Democrats’ spending spree has just begun. Next up is a massive $3 trillion infrastructure bill intended to reduce carbon emissions and narrow “economic inequality” (notwithstanding that the Trump economy drove minority unemployment to its lowest and minority wages to their highest). The Green New Deal is estimated to cost between $50-90 trillion.

Biden has stated his support of studying slavery reparations that would cost $1.4 trillion reiterating he’s committed to addressing “systemic racism that persists today” -- one of the biggest lies the left perpetuates in order to maintain power and bleed the last drop of capital from “the wealthy.”  Democrats are also beginning hearings on 18 bills that will eventually lead to single-payer healthcare.

Democrats must know that taxing the “rich” will never produce enough money to pay for their progressive plans; they’ll do so anyway. They realize corporations will move offshore while the wealthy find tax havens, unemployment will rise, and welfare dependency will grow. That’s the plan – use Covid, TDS, race-baiting, cancel culture, and global warming as smokescreens for grabbing power.

Ironically, the one place at which the Democrats refuse to see a crisis is our Southern border.  It’s not even caravan season and yet migrants share that they’re flocking in precisely because Biden told them to come. Liberal Chuck Todd is questioning whether Biden has put a gag order on media reporting from the border, while Democrats perpetuate the myth that the reversal of Trump’s effective policies was humane. And as they spend $86 million on hotel rooms to house illegals, Democrats see future voters and couldn’t care a less about the terrorists, drug runners, cartel members, gang bangers, human traffickers, and convicted sexual predators infiltrating our country, nor that open borders and free stuff for all are unsustainable.

The filibuster is, unsurprisingly, facing cancellation (supported by Biden) and while McConnell has warned that would lead to a “scorched-Earth Senate,” Democrats only see power. DC statehood is now being debated, but the scariest bill in the works is HR-1, Democrats’ “voting rights” bill that would nationalize elections while institutionalizing fraud.  HR-1 is arguably the most dangerous piece of legislation proposed in Congress in our lifetimes, overriding state laws intended to protect election integrity. Yet Democrats are using their favorite term – systemic racism – as a justification to ram it through.

After Democrats nationalize voter fraud, they’ll likely turn to education. Blue states are imposing on students ethnic studies and critical race theory curricula that teach that white people, the Founders, police officers, and anyone who doesn’t agree with them are racists. One of Biden’s first EOs dissolved Trump’s 1776 Commission, established to promote patriotism and counter the anti-American 1619 Project that teaches that America is “irredeemably and systemically racist.” Toddlers are being taught social justice aimed at “dismant[ling] bias for kids as young as two.”

Biden’s executive order on transgenders in sports was a power-grab that harms female athletes at the expense of 0.4% of the country’s population that identifies as transgender. Couple that with the Equality Act that passed the House with only three Republican votes and say goodbye to women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, and safety and privacy more generally.

In addition to racism, Democrats are obsessed with climate change and want to destroy our nation’s energy independence by outlawing gasoline-powered vehicles, fracking, and nuclear energy. Energy prices would skyrocket while inefficient alternative sources would result in power outages becoming common place as we’ve seen in California and Texas. Those who don’t abide would be cancelled as “climate deniers.”

Speaking of cancel culture, the silencing of Trump and conservatives by social media authoritarians is cheered on by Democrats. Aunt Jemima, Pepe LePew, Mr. Potato Head, Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss, and American history have all been on the chopping block. Statues representing our astonishing history are torn down and schools with names like Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson are renamed. Careers are being destroyed and free speech is under attack as liberals run roughshod over ideas they don’t like.

On foreign policy, Biden has an even more Iran-friendly government than did Obama.  While he reunited the Obama pro-Iran team consisting of Blinken, Sullivan, Rice, Power, Kerry, Sherman, and Malley, he’s added many Israel-haters also enamored of the Mullahs who seek Death to Israel and America. Maher BitarReema DodinHady AmrColin KahlUzra ZeyaKristin ClarkeAvril Haines, and others have all been appointed to high-level and influential positions in an administration even more hell-bent on handing Iran nuclear weapons than Obama’s. And just as Obama ignored Iran’s attempt to blow-up a DC restaurant in order to murder the Saudi ambassador, Biden is apparently ignoring Iran’s plans to blow-up a DC army base and murder a U.S. general.

Amr, who was “inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” is responsible for Biden’s position paper on resetting relations with the Palestinians. The plan begins with funneling billions of dollars to Palestinians who, according to a State Department report, in 2019 spent $151 million on pay-to-slay programs and $191 million on Palestinian “martyrs.” Biden is apparently undeterred by U.S. law that prohibits aid to the Palestinians until they stop paying terrorists.

Biden’s plan also returns the Democrats’ obsession with the “two-state solution” to the front burner while gutting Trump policy that proved Kerry’s ignorance when he proclaimed that Mideast peace wasn’t possible without the Palestinians. However, Trump’s Abraham Accords that resulted in four Arab countries signing normalization agreements with Israel are now on the line. Lee Smith explained:

The alliance between Israel and the Gulf states is an impediment to the dream of a reempowered, nuclear-armed Iran backed by the United States, which was Obama’s main foreign policy aim—and an affront to peace processors convinced of their own never-ending importance. The Biden administration apparently aims to sink the accords by penalizing Israel and its peace partners for getting too close, and returning the Palestinians to center stage—in order to prepare the ground for reentering the Iran deal.”

China just publicly bitch-slapped Blinken while turning the administration’s obsession with non-existent systemic racism into a weapon used against it. Fred Fleitz wrote:

The Alaska press event was a debacle that will build a perception that the US is returning to Jimmy Carter-like incompetence in foreign policy. It also confirms claims by Biden critics that his foreign policy team is headed by inept second and third-string Obama retreads.

And while China is on track to replace the U.S. as the world’s superpower, Democrats wish to gut our military and dumb down our education system lest black kids fall behind. While the Chinese excel in STEM disciplines, Democrats seek “math equity” because focusing on the “right answer” is an example of white supremacy. This cannot end well. Putin is laughing and how long will it be before Kim Jung-Un decides to flex his muscles?

U.S.-Russia relations hit a new Cold-War low recently when Biden gratuitously called Putin a “killer” on national television resulting in Russia recalling its ambassador and Putin describing relations as “very bad.” As Biden alienates Russia and China, the result is a new friendship between our two nemeses with the Russian Foreign Minister cozying up to his Chinese counterpart.

So here we are. Unity? Moderation? Not in a Biden-Harris administration that brags about passing the most “progressive bill in American history.” Not in an administration driven by reversing Trump policy no matter how successful while driven by divisiveness, lies, ideology, and power. But Trump’s gone so we have that going for us.  Sadly, the 74 million American voters who didn’t cast ballots for these awful people and policies will pay the price for the vapidity of Americans filled with enough hate and ignorance to elect this garbage


Politically, and perhaps for different reasons though I am not so sure, matters are no better in Israel:

Netanyahu, opponents have no clear path to governing majority, official election results show
Notwithstanding a major political development, it appears that Israel will head to an unprecedented fifth round of elections this summer.

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