Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Nikita Was Accurate. Election Integrity, Is It Important? Who Cares About Math Making Sense? Awake America And Smite The Woke.



This becomes more real with the passing of each day:

Remember Russian President Nikita Khrushchev's Prediction, back in 1959? 

I clearly remember Russian President Khrushchev making these remarks back in the late 50s. I remember him standing in a Kansas cornfield (or some Midwestern State) telling our then President Dwight Eisenhower basically what he said below, that Russia will take us over without firing a shot, that we will implode from within, beginning with a move to Socialism, then to full-blown Communism.   It should make the hair stand up on the back of your neck as you realize what he predicted is coming true.

Remember Khrushchev's Prediction?

THIS WAS HIS ENTIRE QUOTE:  A sobering reminder.  It's been

almost sixty two years since Russia's Khrushchev delivered this.

Do you remember September 29, 1959?


 "Your children's children will live under communism, You Americans are so 

gullible.  No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you 

small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have 

Communism.  We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until

you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands." 

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing 

to work and give to those who would not." 

Remember, socialism leads to Communism. So, how do you create a Socialistic 



There are 8 levels of control; read the following recipe:

 1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to 

 control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.

3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to 

 increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government 

That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives 

because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of 

what children learn in school.

7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because 

the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the 


8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.  Eliminate the 

middle class This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy 

with the support of the poor

 It appears to be a perfect parallel to the Democrat agenda?


If our Republic is to be saved election  reform and embracing what Florida has 

done and will improve upon is critical. Election credibility is essential for a 


‘America Uncanceled’?

Editorial of The New York Sun

Nothing like losing a presidential election to focus the mind. One feature of the Conservative Political 

Action Conference is that election integrity has become a hot topic. In the CPAC straw poll of 1,000 

attendees, the most important issue, by a long shot, was — at 62% — election integrity. President 

Trump promptly seized the issue in his first podium speech since the election, calling for a return to a 

proper election day.

We’d call it a surprise development, but our Adele Malpass, in last week’s column, was all over the 

urgency of reforming our national law on Election Day. She wrote of the need to protect a single 

election day nationally with results that can be announced after the polls close. It’s not election week, 

month, or season. The Constitution grants Congress the power fix the time of choosing electors, and it 

set up the current election day in 1845.

Election reform was by no means the sole topic of the remarks by the 45th president at CPAC. In an 

hour and 28 minutes, he ranged widely, on and off script, but on no topic more than his call for work on

a plan to “ensure we have honest, fair and accurate elections.” The former president reprised his claim 

that the 2020 elections showed that “we have a sick and corrupt electoral process that must be fixed 


CPAC’s audience was with him, breaking at one point into chants of “you won, you won.” He 

reiterated that the problems from the 2020 election “should never be allowed to happen again.” His 

call making Election Day a firm deadline — “we need election day, not 45 or 30 days” — got a 

standing ovation. He declared that voters should not have to wait days or weeks to hear election 

results, as was the case in the 2020 vote.

It’s not our purpose here to re-litigate who won the 2020 election. It’s inevitable, though, that the 

longer the vote counting is dragged out, the more doubts grow. In the November vote, 44 states 

managed to produce results that could be tabulated and announced on the evening the polls closed. 

Only six battleground states failed to meet this deadline. Mr. Trump made it his business to focus on 

that failure.

The former president laced into the Supreme Court — and other courts — for lacking the guts to 

review the various election disputes. We don’t question any justice’s character. It’s breathtaking, 

though, that a fourth vote couldn’t be found to grant certiorari to critics of the decision of 

Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court to set aside, in favor of the Democrats, the statutory deadline for mail 

in ballots — even if it didn’t change the result.

Mr. Trump was met with rousing applause when he called for limiting absentee ballots to only “people 

who are very sick or out of the country or military” and unable to vote in person. He went even further 

with massive mail-in balloting, calling it “insanity” and recommending it be eliminated altogether. The 

former president questioned who keeps track of the “millions and millions of ballots sitting all over the 


Mr. Trump also went on to push for voter ID and for a requirement to prove American citizenship in 

order to register. He mocked the Democrats for requiring an ID to attend their convention but not to 

vote. His critics will suggest this issue is part of the “big lie,” and a call for voter suppression. The Sun 

doesn’t want a single vote suppressed for any reason, especially racism, but base sentiments are not the 

only possible motive for election reform.

That election integrity is a vote getter as an issue is being met with skepticism in an editorial in 

tomorrow’s Wall Street Journal. It notes that Mr. Trump lost the White House and cost the GOP the 

Senate by making his claims of election fraud the main issue, rather than focusing on Joe Biden and 

Nancy Pelosi. It might turn out as the campaign unfolds that the more explosive issue will prove to be 

free speech.

Mr. Trump also embraced that issue in Orlando, saying: “All the improved election integrity measures 

in the world won’t mean anything if we don’t have free speech.” If Republicans can be censored “then 

we will not have democracy.” He spoke under a sign that said “America uncanceled.” The good news 

is that the GOP just made gains not only in the U.S. House but also down ballot at the state level. So 

even in the wilderness reform might prosper.


The call by cancel culture radicals for racial math does not add up and if they allow black school 

children to get off the hook they are proving they are the cynical hypocrites we know them to be;

There Is No Such Thing as "White" Math - 

Common Sense With Bari Weiss.

One would think nonsense would be laughed out of 
the court of public opinion but when people are 
intimidated and fear being called racists they are 
reduced to silence.  This is more dangerous than the 
insanity being spouted by the true racists. They must
be challenged and called to account. The mass media
is on the side of the radicals and that is an even 
worse occurrence.

Our Republic is under attack from those who should be considered insane but if we allow them to spread their venom we are the ones 
who are insane.  What is happening in our country is
a co-ordinated and linked effort. To think that it is 
the random acts of a few disaffected nut cases is also
nutty.  They are well financed as is the BLM 
movement, Antifa and the other radical groups 
whose goal is to destroy America. They are well on 
their way to accomplishing their nefarious and evil 

Education, free speech, the right to worship and congregate, the right to protect one's "castle" and fair honest 
elections are all under attack and at the same time. The radicals have proven they can juggle many daggers, aimed
at America's throat, at the same time. Their goal is accomplished by destroying our culture and our history, by 
destroying public monuments, burning down government buildings, defunding police, disrupting commerce, 
attacking capitalism, and taking away our right/ability to fight back.

WAKE UP AMERICA . Resist at all cost to what is happening by demanding our laws be enforced. Don't be sucked 
in by Democrats calling for sanctuary cities, those seeking bail money like our Vice President did, those against 
secure borders like our president and his mentor etc.
Woke-O-Haram Cancels Dr. Seuss

Now they must cancel Obama to be consistent.



By Erick-Woods Erickson

Last week Hasbro announced it was getting rid of Mr. Potato Head, except not really. Hasbro decided 

to rebrand as “Potato Head” because they sell a Mr and a Mrs. Potato Head. They have predetermined 

the genders of the potatoes instead of just sticking all the various genders up the backside of a single 

potato and letting individuals decide for themselves. Hasbro was trying to balance between the wokes 

and the non-wokes. First, they came for Mr. Potato head. Now they're coming for Dr. Seuss.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has an education column, and there is a guest column now from 

Charis Granger-Mbugua, a teacher. She is a national board-certified teacher, a Spelman graduate, and 

her latest column is about Dr. Seuss. "A 2019 study found only 2% of Dr. Seuss's human characters 

were people of color and they were reduced to racist caricatures." Here’s an excerpt.

"Nearly seven years ago when I was pregnant with my first child and filled with all the wonder and 

anticipation of an inexperienced mom to be, I was gifted a lovely hardcover collection of Dr. Seuss 

classics by a dear coworker and friend. From How the Grinch Stole Christmas to the Cat in the Hat, 

this anthology of Seuss favorites struck me as a thoughtful, generous gift. Little did I know at the time, 

and honestly, even up until recently, the racist and damaging history of Dr. Suess and his work, which 

included many famous children's stories, illustrations, and minstrel shows. I am inclined to believe that

the friend who gave me the book was also ignorant of the harmful and destructive stereotypes Suess 


I am inclined to believe the friend had no idea. Over the last few weeks, I have found myself learning 

about just how problematic Dr. Seuss and his books are, especially for children who are Black, 

Indigenous and people of color."

This person read the book for years and it was only recently that she had a woke-up call about the 

cultural dangers of Dr. Seuss' writings. Now, why was she ignorant of Dr. Seuss' books? Because over 

time, Dr. Seuss changed. In fact, a lot of the stuff that pointed to as evidence of Dr. Seuss’s racism was 

World War Two propaganda against the Nazis in Japanese. There were racist stereotypes as well. From 


When Ted first began to write for children in 1937, many representations of people of color in the 

media were unfortunately depicted through racial stereotypes. In his first book, And to Think That I 

Saw It on Mulberry Street, his work was no exception. For example, to represent a lone Asian 

character, Ted employed “traditional clothing” and chopsticks to depict his ethnicity. He originally 

referred to this character as a “Chinaman” and showed his skin color as yellow. It is important to note

that in a later reprint he removed the color and changed the text to “a Chinese man.” 

Geisel’s great nephew Ted Owens recalled his uncle’s decision to make that change: "It was the first 

time he had changed one of his books . . . . Art and humanity are always evolving." 

Here is Barack Obama just four short years ago:

All of the stuff you need to know is in Dr. Suess. It's like the Star-Belly Sneetches, you know? We're all 

the same, so why would we treat somebody differently just because they don't have a star on their belly?

If I think about responsibility, I think about Horton sitting on the egg up in the tree, while Lazy 

Mayzie's flying off doing whatever she wants. Do you know what I mean? All I'm saying is that as you 

get older, what you will find is that the homespun, basic virtues that your mom, or your dad, or folks 

you care about or admire, taught you about hard work, being responsible, being kind, giving something

back, being useful, working as a team, turns out it's all true.

The context around this is important. Four years ago, the first Black president of the United States was 

positively citing Dr. Seuss as a person from whom you can learn lessons about how to treat other 

people. Fast forward four years and American educators are saying we can't read Dr. Seuss because in 

his early works, he was racist. Seriously?

"I am Sam. I am Sam. Sam I am. That Sam I am, that Sam I am. I do not like that, Sam I am. Would you 

like green eggs and ham? I do not like them, Sam. I am. I do not like green eggs and ham. Would you 

like them here or there? I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I do not 

like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam. I am."

Sam clearly was a bigoted, homophobic, anti-trans, horrible person who has to be canceled because he 

wanted dudes to eat green eggs and ham. And guess what? He wound up liking them when he finally 

tried them.

First they came for Mr. Potato head, and now they're coming for Dr. Seuss. Does Barack Obama have 

to be canceled, for four years ago saying you can learn all of life's lessons on how to treat people well 

by reading Dr. Seuss? Where is the racism in the Grinch? Cindy Lou Who, was she a member of the 

Klan? And we just didn't realize it in the book? Horton Hears a Who. A what? See, Horton is ignoring 

the oppressed.

This is crazy town ridiculousness that the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is giving voice to an educator 

who writes, "Though I may be late, I am willing to admit that I was ignorant to the truth of Dr. Seuss' 

writings until recently. I have unknowingly read many of his books to my own children. But now that I 

am better informed, I am committed to advocating for change. Because when we know better, we 

should be better."

What's so interesting here is you have an English teacher who wants to ban certain books. First of all, 

I'm astonished that a newspaper that is privileged under the First Amendment to report the news would 

give voice to a column of someone who wants to effectively ban books. Second, it is worth pointing 

out four years ago what Barack Obama said about Dr. Seuss. Third, it should be noted the English 

teacher herself did not realize how cancelable Dr. Seuss was when she read his books to her kids. 

Someone else had to point it out to her. Fourth, and most importantly, it's worth noting Dr. Seuss’s 

evolution over time. Horton Hears a WhoThe LoraxThe Sneetches — they're all about inclusion and 

acceptance. Dr. Seuss spent the later part of his career, where he really exploded into popularity, 

teaching these things.

The idea that you're going to read, Oh, The Places You Go, and you'll wind up a racist is absurd. The 

man clearly evolved over time and his later works — the ones commonly read — are not vile racist 


Really, is The Cat in the Hat a racist book? This is where the left is these days. This is where they're 

headed, censoring everything they don't like and demanding we stop reading it, no matter that the later 

books written by Dr. Suess actually reflect the values that the first Black president of the United States 

said you should embrace. I guess we've got to cancel Barack Obama now, or force him to walk through 

the streets while people chant "shame" at him.

Woke-o Haram will not rest until we are a third world Wokestan.


This from a dear conservative friend and fellow memo reader.

America the dog friendly nation:


My Dogs

This morning I went to sign my dogs up for welfare. 
At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare."

So I explained to her that my dogs are mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, 
can't speak English and have no clue who their Daddies are. 
They expect me to feed them, provide them with housing and medical care.

So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify. 
My dogs get their first checks Friday. 

She also put their names on the Democrat voter registry. 

IS this a great country or what!


Biden called on the carpet by those who know better:



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