Thursday, April 1, 2021

Stacey Abrams A Consummate Liar. Attacks On New Georgia Election Laws Virtually All Lies. Black Issue Comments. Tested On All Fronts.


Stacey Abrams and her assorted radical allies and sponsors are consummate liars in furtherance of their goals to gain power. The Georgia Legislature addressed every valid complaint regarding alleged voter constraints and the three most important corrections accomplished the following:

1) extended early voting and including some Sundays.

2) arranged for the setting up more voting mail boxes that were also racially located .

3) required voter I D to insure elections would be more reliable and trustworthy. 

Virtually every objection was purposely based on lies and programmed misinterpretation, Including Biden's.

This reaction raises several questions. 

a) Why do black radicals resort to lies and distortions?  Because it is effective.

b) Why is lying effective? Because the mass media make money over discord and corporate America has concluded it is more practical to buy off those with grievances. Think Reverends Al and Jesse for a start.

c) Why lie when justified complaints have been addressed?  Because nothing satisfies a group that has no interest in being satisfied and whose goal is to continue to create discord.  After all, nothing is ever total. There is always more one can conjure up to complain about.


Stacey Abrams will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop election reform in Georgia and across America!

Republicans in Georgia are on the right track to making sure elections are secure, accessible, and fair, yet the radical left is sounding the alarm.

 They know that laws like this will severely limit their ability to electioneer outcomes to their liking.


Stacey Abrams and her cronies will say and do anything to advance their radical agenda — even if it means UNDERMINING the integrity of our elections. We need to put an end to it right now, and we need your help to do it, Fellow Conservative.


This is Holy Week for the world’s several billion Christians.  They believe that the world tortured and killed Jesus of Nazareth, who physically rose again from the dead on the third day following his crucifixion.  Christians believe that by embracing this as historic fact and developing a relationship with Christ, a person can obtain salvation and dwell with God eternally.

As Democrats and the progressive American left drift away from Christian orthodoxy into the world, they have lost their view of eternal salvation and instead fixate on the here and now.  Instead of moral calls for eternal salvation, the left has embraced moral calls to build heaven on earth.  Any impediment to that heaven on earth has to be ruthlessly fought with a fierce, moral urgency.

In the past decade, Democrats applied their fierce moral urgency to gerrymandering.  They claimed any gerrymandering was immoral.  Now, with just a five seat majority in the House, they have conveniently bailed on the moral arguments against gerrymandering.

Instead, the Democrats have turned all their moral outrage against the Senate filibuster.  Humorously, up until the Democrats took back the Senate, their moral outrage was about the Senate itself.  We should be impressed with how quickly the Democrats shift their moral claims based on the shifts in their power.

Right now, there is a fierce and moral urgency that the filibuster stands in the way of their utopian view of an equitable society.  The filibuster stands between an unjust American society and equality, global healing, justice, fairness, and every other utopian value progressives have packaged in woke garb.

Any issue that can be highlighted by Democrats, either fairly or through dishonesty, to build a moral case against the filibuster must be used.  Thus, in Georgia, the Democrats have built a moral case against the filibuster in order to pass national voting and election reform.  The truth of the matter asserted does not matter.

Though voters in Georgia will have access to water while in line at the polls, Democrats claim it is suddenly illegal to provide water to voters.  Though Georgia has expanded the number of weekends for early voting, Democrats have fixated on the overall reduction in days, which is still more than many states.  They have danced around tying absentee ballots to photo identification because it is widely popular.  They disrupted Governor Brian Kemp’s signing of the bill into law then had media sympathizers who condemned the events of January 6 now make heroes of the disruptors and protestors in Georgia.  They want an economic boycott to punish the state.

The Washington Post reports Joe Biden lied about the Georgia law.  He claimed it reduced voting times.  It does not.  The Post notes “the law did make some changes to early voting. But experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.”  

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove notes Georgia actually has far more favorable voting terms than many Democrat states.  Rove points out 15 mostly Democratic states are more restrictive on absentee ballots than Georgia.  The progressive bastions of Connecticut and Mr. Biden’s home state of Delaware have no early voting at all.  Also, “New Jersey requires a driver’s license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number for online voter registration, while Virginia requires both a photo ID card and your Social Security number. California—hardly a red stronghold—also requires ID to register.”

Democrats in Georgia are barely even talking about the Georgia law tying absentee ballots to photo identification.  Until now, Georgia matched signatures on absentee ballot envelopes with voter registration cards, which over time could differ wildly.  Now, Georgia will require voters provide the number and birth date on their state issued photo id card and give voters such a card for free if needed.

According to polling from Honest Elections, voter ID requirements remain hugely popular.  “Most voters (64%) want to strengthen voting safeguards to prevent fraud, rather than eliminate them to make voting “easier.” Fifty-one percent of Black voters and 66% of Hispanics agree, as do 59% of Urban voters and 61% of Independents. Only 21% want to make voting “easier” by getting rid of the precautionary measures that prevent fraud.”

Voter ID requirements are popular across racial lines.  “Some politicians and progressive activists frequently malign voter ID laws as discriminatory, but by huge margins both Black and Hispanic voters favor them (for Black voters, 64% vs. 22%; for Hispanic voters, 78% vs. 16%). Similarly, 64% of Black voters, 77% of Hispanics, and 76% of low- income voters reject the notion that showing an ID is a “burden,” despite frequent claims from the left.”

Much of the media, sympathetic to the left, has allowed the lies and misrepresentations to fester.  But it truly is not about the election law.  It is about the filibuster.  They must claim injustice in Georgia to attack Senators Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema, two Democrat obstacles to the filibuster, as stalwarts of that injustice.  They must elevate the Georgia legislation to a modern American sin tied to America’s original sin that they might then convince the American people their cause is just, moral, and righteous.

In the past five years, Democrats used the filibuster with gusto.  Even the Biden Administration claims the filibuster has been abused in the past few years, though they ignore mentioning Democrats were the abusers.  Instead, they have sought to build the intellectual case that the filibuster has always and only been used by racists to stop the advance of racial equity in the United States.  The facts do not matter.  The moral crusade matters.

In fact, the filibuster was first used on March 5, 1841, over the firing of the Senate printers.  It has nothing to do with civil rights or race.  Certainly, as those were contentious issues, the filibuster has been used against related legislation.  But to say it existed as a product of Jim Crow is just another instance of Democrats lying in order to build a moral case against it.  They will find their forgiveness for lying by the advance of their preferred legislation.

We are in a new era in American politics.  Politicians have long claimed moral ground to advance their preferred legislation.  But now, as the American media serves primarily as a mouthpiece for Democrats, the public is constantly subjected to lies and distortions by the press, the press’s “fact checkers,” and Democrats all wrapped in moral urgency and all designed to pass progressive legislation.

Georgia’s new election law is a modest, reasonable reform package.  Unfortunately for Georgia, the Democrats will distort it in their effort to end the filibuster and bring about their heaven on earth.



I may be totally wrong but perhaps one of the reasons blacks do not get employment breaks is because far too many are troublemakers and attribute their race and color to justify any and all aggrievements.  Seldom are they willing to acknowledge true underperformance is because they may not be qualified, have not worked their way up the ladder because they have skipped rungs due to affirmative action. 

America has serious racial problems made worse by Obama,  intimidation of whites allowed it to blossom and because radical organizations have become effective.  

The video below makes valid points:


I recently listened to an interviewer who pointed out cities and state governments run by Republicans function better than the Federal Government Congress and or those run by Democrats. the federal government  which has been controlled by Democrats more often than Republicans in my lifetime.

Obviously, the Federal Government has no compelling legislation that forces it to balance its budget  and those who govern enjoy the benefits of their labors so they seek re-election long after they should resign. 

Sooner or later something will have to give because we cannot continue to indebt ourselves beyond our ability to repay and one can argue we have actually already passed that point.  However, as long as no one is willing to say the king is naked, the fraud can last until the music stops.

Again, I could be wrong but I submit those run by black Democrat mayors have particular problems because they are in poorer financial conditions due to their racial mix and/or are just mis-managed.


These Democrats Pushing to End the Filibuster Once Fought to Keep It

Democrats have launched an all-out attack on the filibuster in their push for total domination. The very same Democrats now claiming that the filibuster is racist and must be eliminated in its current form once fought hard to preserve the legislative tactic. In 2017, 30 Democrats alongside 31 Republicans signed a letter promising to preserve the right of the Senate minority to delay or block legislation. However, that was when Democrats were in the minority and Trump was president, now that Democrats control the White House and both chambers of Congress they’ve conveniently forgotten that letter. While some Democrats are no longer in the Senate many have stuck around long enough to flip-flop on this issue.

Keep reading to see all the hypocritical Democrats


Biden and America are being tested on all fronts.

a)Russia is moving troops next to Ukraine's border.

b) China is flying over Taiwan in increasing numbers and penetrating their air space.

c) China also has made a deal with Iran which undercutsTrump'ssanction impositions. They are providing Iran money, purchasing Iranian oil and doing everything to neuter our sanctions.


When The Powerful Say Truth Is A Lie And Lies Are The Truth, No One Will Stand Up For America But You

In an age when Americans have grown used to casually shrugging away their freedoms at the whim of TV pundits, this kind of propaganda is seriously dangerous.

Open The New York Times’ politics page Thursday morning and the top headline reads, “Democrats Begin Push For Biggest Expansion In Voting Since 1960s.” It’s a story about the most important election power-grab in modern legislative history, with a slim, partisan majority of senators seeking to wrest control of elections away from state governments to ensure Democrat control for decades to come.

For starters, H.R. 1 will ban voter ID requirements, mandate early voting windows, allow outside activist groups to deliver votes for counting, do away with notarized absentee ballots, force states to accept absentees for 10 days after an election is over, narrow the Federal Election Commission by one member to allow for partisan control, mandate counting illegal aliens in voting districts, allow the IRS to investigate non-profits’ political ideas, and make it nearly impossible to sue over the new rules.

In short, it’s a story about Democrats aiming to seize massive power over how elections are run. Of course, you wouldn’t get any of that information from The New York Times headline or copy. In fact, funny enough, the second story on The New York Times’ politics page Thursday morning was the one headlined, “Republicans Aim To Seize More Power Over How Elections Are Run.”

That one’s a story about Republicans working to pull control of the elections back from judges and officials’ extra-legislative “emergency rules” and rulings. The moves, the story reports with a straight face, are “threatening the fairness that is the bedrock of American democracy.”




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