Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mr. Pelosi Shrewd Outhouse Insider. Interesting Articles. Israel Turns 73. What's Fair Is Fair! Mind Freeze Stickies?

Can an "outhouse type person" become rich by being an inside trader? Mr. Pelosi did and did not use cattle, like Hillary did, to accomplish his wealth. 

Link: +++++++++++++++++++
 Some interesting articles: 
The Coming Backlash By Kurt Schlichter

Our Corporate Masters? By Derek Hunter

Fascism Hasn’t Changed. Neither Has Its Pitchman By Chris Stigall 
Israel turns 73: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What's Fair is Fair News:


A Teacher Speaks Out on Repression in His School

And Critical Race Theory in the News


I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated

Paul Rossi, a teacher at Grace Church High School in Manhattan, courageously reveals the repressive ideology forced on his students, including rejecting “belief in meritocracy” and asking white students to “interrogate their white saviorism.” Rossi describes the pedagogy’s harmful effects on his students and the pushback he faced for standing up.

“My administration says that these constraints on discourse are necessary to shield students from harm. But it is clear to me that these constraints serve primarily to shield their ideology from harm — at the cost of students’ psychological and intellectual development.”

Read more in FAIR Advisor Bari Weiss’s Substack here.
What's Wrong with Diversity Training?

In her recent column for Spiked, Joanna Williams details the pitfalls of diversity training. The piece underscores the lack of effect of unconscious bias training and explains that a lucrative industry has grown out of these training sessions.

“Ultimately, unconscious-bias training is divisive; it pushes us to see each other as members of racial groups and, in a bid to make all interactions conscious, it risks preventing the spontaneity and informality that leads to genuine friendship.”

Read the full article here.
Critical Race Theory in the News

Erec Smith, an associate professor at York College of Pennsylvania, penned a compelling editorial for Newsweek regarding how critical race theory scholars are attempting to redefine “harm.” Smith unpacks how the linguistic traps of critical race theory “infantilizes people of color.”

“Where once the potential for harm existed in contact sports, accidents, physical altercations, traumas and so on, one might now find it while reading a question on an exam, listening to a recorded debate in a classroom or encountering an opinion on social media.”

Read the full article here.
A recent study conducted by Eric Kauffman from the Manhattan Institute brings light to the negative effects of critical race theory on the self-perception of black Americans. The report contains a foreward from FAIR Board of Advisors member Coleman Hughes. A key finding from the study found that “Reading a passage from critical race theory author Ta-Nehisi Coates results in a significant 15-point drop in black respondents’ belief that they have control over their lives.”

Read the full report here.

In a recent piece for Reason, Rikki Schlott brings attention to the First Ammendment violations a student at the University of Oklahoma was subjected to while partaking in a mandated diversity training session. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has taken action on behalf of the student.

“While many schools require diversity training, OU's rendition clearly violates First Amendment rights. The problem is that each module restarted until participants selected the 'right' answer, forcing an expression of agreement with university-approved viewpoints in order to complete the mandatory training.”

Read the full article here.

FAIR Board of Advisors member Ian Rowe welcomed fellow board member Thomas Chatterton Williams on his podcast “Are You Kidding Me” with Naomi S. Riley. Williams discusses the necessity for Americans to “unlearn race” and to restore the essence of one’s identity through character. Williams also discusses how FAIR is helping parents stand up to neo-racism in schools.

“And what we’re doing, oftentimes, by telling these kids that they carry the weight of all of these histories of oppression that have preceded them, I figure basically guaranteeing that we continue to reproduce the racism that actually creates the racial differences that we think we perceive.”

Listen to the podcast here.
In a recent piece from her Substack newsletter, FAIR Board of Advisors member Bari Weiss breaks down the complexities of the free speech debacle in the digital realm. She calls attention to the arguments for and against government intervention in big tech from notable figures on the Hill as well as Justice Clarence Thomas.

“Big Tech companies insist that they are just removing “disinformation” and “hate speech” from their platforms, but as we’ve seen, these are terms with ever-evolving definitions.”

Read the full article here.
Having a mind freeze?

Yellow Stickies From The

Refrigerator Door of My Mind


Part 1: The Harris-Biden Notes


By: Pem Schaeffer


Author's Social Disclosure: I suffer from systemic Pem-ness, which derives from the congenital Schaeffer-ness with which I was born. I also exhibit cis-guyness, which often presents as engineer-ness. Lastly, I aspire always to wit-ness, or the embodiment of wit.

Sometimes random thoughts come at you like a thief in the night, or reflected light from a Disco Ball. Herewith those that have found their way into my “view-scape” recently, relating to “Slurs” Biden and “Chuckles” Harris.

● Shame shame on “Dr. Jill” Biden for allowing her husband to embarrass himself in public; for allowing her entire family to embarrass themselves privately and publicly; for ensuring that the Biden Legacy truly recorded is a joke; and for supporting him in turning our country over to the Democrite* Bolsheviks. Is she this desirous of shared power, or is she as clueless as Joe, and just as oblivious to his embarrassing presence and circumstances?

 You know what cellophane is, right? Very transparent, just like Slurs (Biden) and Chuckles (Harris) promised their administration would be. Maybe you know of the song “Mr. Cellophane” from the musical Chicago. It has the line “walk right by me, look right thorough me, nobody knows I'm there.” Seems appropriate here. Neither visits the border operation, because they can't afford to be seen in a photo with that mess, and telling media they can't follow along would be a dead giveaway. They've got themselves between a rock and a hard place for sure. Even the Head of DHS wouldn't allow media to follow him on his visit, and he's not even elected. What does that tell you about the border “challenge?

 Rumors are that Joe Biden thinks The Peloton is the HQ of the Defense Department, where that guy that heads up the thing works 

 Biden has a card pinned inside his suit jacket that says “Have you seen them? How many were there? Which way did they go? How long ago? I MUST KNOW! I am their President!!” His handlers tell him to get it out whenever he feels confused or lost, but sometimes he can't find it.

● At what point should the White House Physician come out and describe the health of the President? But then, maybe he hasn't “had a chance” to examine POTUS yet.

 It's time that Biden take the The Montreal Cognitive Assessment that Trump aced. We should all care more about how Biden does on this test than about Trump's tax returns.

 Is it true Biden thinks Jim Crow is a Whiskey distilled in the woods of rural Delaware? And that Jim Crow 2.0 is their new release “Small Batch” version?

● Better for him Jim Crow 2.0 would be a small batch, artisan crafted version of Serutan, a revival “legacy” brand, now refined in a re-purposed DuPont Laboratory in Delaware. Remember, Nedib spelled backwards is “Biden.” Sgulp spelled backwards is Plugs.

 The Animatronics Abe Lincoln at Disneyland 40 years ago was more convincing than “live” Joe Biden at his first anniversary Covid pandemic speech. The real Joe was the one at the Hardware store, where he didn't know which way to turn. Do we really think Joe could deliver a “live” 30 minute speech?

 Biden is the equivalent of a Hood Ornament that believes it drives the car.

 VP Harris, on St Patrick's day, March 17th, referred to “standing with our Asian Brothers and Sisters” following the shootings in the Atlanta area. Isn't this gender stereotyping? How dare she assume the “lived gender” of those affected without seeing their Preferred Pronoun ID Cards? And what about her racial profiling? Where does she get off making such assumptions without specific ID information?

 I remember a movie named Brokeback Mountain, though I didn't see it. Biden and his puppet masters are producing a sequel: “Brokenback Country.” It documents the Chinese gift of a pandemic, embellished with propaganda, wokeism, spendoramas, re-engineered genders, court packing, firearm confiscation, collectivism, and other wildly effective forms of tyranny against the individual, the Constitution, and our founding principles. All with help from the Department of Big Tech, the newest cabinet level powerhouse, led by 5 Co-Secretaries. Might as well pack the Cabinet too. Hey, why not a Co-President and a Co-Vice President? (Oops, I just forgot we have several of each.) 

● Have you noticed that when Joe Biden makes an appearance on camera for some sort of “formal statement,” he is invariably looking to his left? Shouldn't a “moderate” be looking neither left nor right, but in our eyes? I wonder what size monitor they have located just outside the camera view, and whether the coaching they give him in posture, gestures, eyes and mouth articulation and such are cued to him on screen, or by a live body language coach standing next to the large screen display.

 Did you know that $1 Billion is about $3 for every citizen of the United States. Which means that $1 Trillion is about $3,000 for every man, woman, and child (or “Q”) who is a citizen of this land. So when Congress passes and Biden signs a $2 Trillion bill, you should be looking to get $6,000 benefit per person in your household. Looks like you should already be approaching $12,000 per person in his less than 100 days. Let the good times roll!

Well, that clears the refrigerator door, as it were, for now. I have no doubt it will fill back up “right quick,” as they say somewhere or other.

* “Democrite” is a combining form of Dem-ocrat and hyp-ocrite.


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