Sunday, April 25, 2021

BLM"s Version of America. Manchin Keeps "Surfacing." My Contempt "J" Street. We Must Not Remain Silent. To Do So Is Perilous.


From my dear, longtime, radical white racist conservative friend and also a constant fellow memo reader and, by the way, he has never rioted, killed anyone, been arrested, voted to rid the nation of police, supports radicals who want to indoctrinate our kids with lies etc. He just happens to be a responsible citizen and because he (my "bro") is white is deemed a racist.

Welcome to BM's version of America.

Some Thoughts for the Day

Only one  politician has died from the virus. None have lost their job, had their business or home looted, missed a haircut, worried about where their next paycheck was coming from, or wears a mask (unless on camera.) I don’t know, but it sure feels like we are being played. Whaddya think?

Remember how we panicked when we couldn’t find any toilet paper? What are we going to do when we can’t find a cop? Or a fireman. Or a First Responder

NYC defunded the very people that ran into the burning towers on 9/11. How do you feel about that? Think about it because as sure as night follows day we will get hit again as we did on 9-11, and who will run into those burning buildings to save those who cannot save themselves? Did you ever think one of them could be you?

If we all started wearing masks with “Trump 2024” on them, how long do you think it will take before Democrats, led by Hollywood darling Dr. Anthony Fauci, decided we don’t need them anymore?       

Pretty wild how we used to eat cake at birthday parties after someone had blown on it. Those were good times weren’t they?

For the first time in American History, American History is no longer taught in American schools. And we wonder why many young students have little knowledge of just how exceptional is the country in which they live.

I don’t want to know  “Why mobs are tearing down America’s monuments. ” I would rather know,  “Why are we letting them?”

Watching our country being destroyed by our own people is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. It fills me with a sadness I have difficulty expressing in words.

Nothing says “ unity ” like playing a separate National Anthem for black people and white people at NFL games. Or watching athletes kneel during the playing of our National Anthem. In my humble opinion, this is not only disrespectful; it is downright wrong/insane.

If you still think the recently concluded National Election is about Democrats vs Republicans, it was not. Rather, it was a "uge" battle of good versus evil; right versus wrong. And it still rages on.  I, for one, am sick and tired of Democrats trying to denigrate President Trump and all that he accomplished. Instead, what President Biden and the gaggle of liberal/socialist Democrats are fixated on is to decry all things Trump, as if he was some kind of evil force. 

How can a man who donates his entire salary as President, who lifted the wages of black America; who rebuilt our military and reduced unemployment to levels never before seen in our history, and who put “America First,” in all his actions, be evil? Maybe we should be asking and demanding how Democrats intend to do things that will improve our nation. Haven’t heard much of that from them; indeed, exactly the opposite with the 52 executive orders and actions taken by President Biden.

The battle my friends is Progressive Socialism vs The Republic of the United States of America. You are either for a big government that has no regard for the ability of citizens to think, act, innovate, create and govern themselves or you are for what our Founders so staunchly believed and conceived when they gave us a Republic…Americans are entirely capable of managing their affairs based on principles of freedom.

If black lives really mattered; they’d be tearing down crack houses instead of statues. I know of no American living today who owned slaves. Throwing money at the problems of Black America hasn’t worked over the last fifty years while we spent over $5.0 trillion on behalf of Black Americans.

Time for real Americans to take a stand. I refuse to support the NFL, NBA, MLB, or any organization that removes the National Anthem and refuses to show respect for our Country and our Flag. Far too many of my friends gave their lives, and many more endured debilitating and catastrophic injuries so that I could live in freedom. What Baseball, Basketball, and Football players need to understand, and that is their coach’s responsibility, they are entertainers, nothing more. I may watch to be entertained, not to hear their opinions on politics, race relations, or economics.      

Let me tell you what Liberal Privilege really is and is all about:

1.  Believing you have the right to control other people’s lives

2.  Believing you have the right to disregard other opinions

3.  Believing when you’re offended others have to care.

4.  Believing there are two sets of rules: One for you and one

for  everyone else.

If masks work why didn’t we just give them to prisoners instead of releasing them into communities so they can commit more crime?

Oprah Winfrey’s special begins with, “What you WHITE people need to understand…” Now, reverse the COLOR. Does this sound racist to you? That’s because IT IS. 

Think about these facts: Blacks account for 13% of our population and, depending on which study you consult, Blacks commit 57% of all crimes. Yet, America is made up of Indians, Asians, Hispanics, Italians, Irish, Polish, French, Dutch, English, Chinese, Japanese and many other ethnic origins. You know….. E Pluribus Unum… “ Out of Many, One” How is it that those making all the noise and using the race card are  Blacks?

One final thought:

All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money by electing people who promised  them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 245 years ago.

The number of people now receiving Free Stuff outnumbers the

people paying for the Free Stuff. So, where are we headed?

Failure to change spells the end of the United States as we know it.


‘I Run Y’All Budget, Bro’: Michigan Democrat Warned State Troopers After Stop For Driving Drunk, Report Says

Read More 


A real Democrat winner:

Leaked Photos Of Clinton With Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell


Manchin continues to "surface:"

‘Infrastructure’ Plan Hits Roadblock as Joe Manchin Disputes Scope, Cost
"J" Street is an organization of radical, mostly liberal Jews and Israel hating Jews. They were formed in order to oppose everything AIPAC and The Zionist Organization are for, ie. America's positive  and strong relationship with Israel and Israel as a nation and refuge for Jews who suffer at the hands of tyrants and tyrannical regimes.

I have nothing but contempt for "J"Street.

Criticizing BLM is Unforgivable, Killing Jews is Understandable

Abdel Razeq Farraj, who was indicted for authorizing the attack, had been named as a career PFLP terrorist who had served 6 years in prison and had been arrested six times. The year Rina was murdered, Farraj took part in an Adalah youth event in partnership with a PFLP affiliate.

Adalah is one of the anti-Israel hate groups funded by the New Israel Fund (NIF).

According to an NGO Monitor report, NIF directed $720,481 to Adalah. George Soros’ Open Society Foundation,  has also funded J Street and is another major donor.

Last fall, Beth Badik, a J Street supporter who serves on the regional committee for the anti-Israel NIF, and Barbara Penzner, a Reconstructionist cleric who had signed a J Street petition opposing a ban on BDS and another calling for engagement with a terrorist government, demanded that the Jewish Community Relations Council of Boston kick out the ZOA.

The Zionist Organization of America is the country’s leading pro-Israel group so Badik and Penzner’s animosity toward it and to Morton Klein, its unapologetically pro-Israel leader, was understandable. The anti-Israel Left had spent generations trying to seize control of the organizational establishment of the Jewish community in order to cut off support to Israel.

And they didn’t have far to go.

Badik, who is a supporter of one anti-Israel group and affiliated with another, also sits on the JCRC of Boston’s Israel & Global Jewry Committee.

What was bizarre was the accusation in Badik and Penzner’s op-ed, “We’re Calling for ZOA to Be Kicked out of Boston’s JCRC”, the petition backed by J Street, the NIF, and a number of other anti-Israel groups, and the JCRC’s final response affirming the bizarre accusation that Morton Klein, the son of Holocaust survivors, was supporting white supremacists.

Their evidence was that Klein (pictured above) has called Black Lives Matter “a Jew hating, White hating, Israel hating, conservative Black hating, violence promoting, dangerous Soros funded extremist group of haters” and correctly noted that its ranks are “filled with hatred against Jewish people.”

Not only had the Boston JCRC and Jewish organizations failed to condemn the BLM riots which had vandalized synagogues and assaulted Jews, especially in the Fairfax Pogrom in Los Angeles, but they had decided to treat criticism of the black supremacist hate group as racist.

If the Boston JCRC had any standards, it’s the anti-Israel organizations calling for ZOA’s removal which should have been condemned and kicked out of any Jewish community alliance.

Beginning with J Street.

Rep. Ilhan Omar had attended J Street’s gala dinner and praised an exhibit smearing Israel. It’s chosen to honor Jimmy Carter who had falsely accused Israel of being an apartheid state.

While the anti-Israel groups were attacking the ZOA for opposing BLM, neither they nor the Boston JCRC seemed particularly interested in actually defending Jews against antisemitism.

The anti-ZOA petition was obsessed with social justice, election integrity, and the other shibboleths of a leftist establishment that is incapable of actually talking about Jewish issues as an end, not a means.

J Street, which was behind the petition, had defended Rep. Ilhan Omar, even as ZOA and Klein had condemned her antisemitic tweets. Just as J Street has called for making a deal with Hamas. The J Street campaign to oust the ZOA attacked it for condemning George Soros while neglecting to mention that Soros had been a major funder of the anti-Israel organization.

If JCRC Boston and J Street consider Klein’s statements provocative, what of Soros’ belief that the “resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe” is caused by Israel and that the “attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby’s success in suppressing divergent views.” What are these except typical antisemitic tropes and defenses of antisemitism?

Has J Street ever been asked to condemn these statements by its own backer?

And if “rhetoric that has been associated with antisemitic tropes” is a cause for expulsion, then how can the Boston JCRC justify letting any Soros-funded group remain in its umbrella group?

And it gets worse.

The Boston Workmen’s Circle, one of the groups petitioning to kick the ZOA out, proudly notes in its own literature that members of the Workmen’s Circle included Communists and that “The first member expelled from the Workmen’s Circle was kicked out in 1901 for working on behalf of the Republican Party.” A member of the group recently wrote an angry open letter to Chelsea Clinton celebrating the fact that one of her heroines was a Marxist and a Communist.

Even though the Communists killed countless Jews and ethnically cleansed the Jewish communities under their rule, forcibly closing synagogues, imprisoning and killing Rabbis, and banning the entire Hebrew language, that doesn’t get you condemned by the JCRC.

The BWC even held an event featuring “longtime BWC member Alice Rothchild“.

Rothchild is a radical anti-Israel activist who is a member of the anti-Israel JVP BDS hate group that was considered too extreme even for the Boston JCRC.

Rothchild has described herself as a “self-hating Jew”, falsely claimed that “the anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that can now be found in Muslim countries began almost entirely with the founding of the State of Israel”, and posted on an antisemitic site that, “If I believed in a wrathful God, I might wonder why the Jewish National Fund forests were burning?”

“Hamas has produced horrific suicide bombers and incredible social service agencies building schools and hospitals and caring for the forgotten population. Hamas grew out of a response to Israeli oppression during the First Intifada,” Rothchild was quoted as saying.

According to the JCRC, uplifting the voices of the worst sorts of deranged antisemitism from the Left isn’t a problem, but Morton Klein condemning BLM, Soros, and other Jewhaters is a crisis.

The Badik and Penzner op-ed argued that failing to kick out the ZOA would “convey an astonishing lack of empathy, decency and basic compassion, for people of color, for immigrants and Muslims”. The only astonishing thing here is the utter lack of interest in Jewish interests by leftist activists who claim to be Jewish and even more falsely to speak on behalf of Jews.

Where is their basic compassion, their empathy and decency toward the Jewish synagogues and small businesses hatefully assaulted by Black Lives Matter rioters, and for the Jews of Israel living under the shadow of Islamic terrorism?

The New Israel Fund, in which Badik plays a role, and which is one of the leftist groups that demanded the expulsion of the ZOA, has funded BDS organizations and groups linked to terrorism. The lack of basic compassion, empathy, and decency that is required to be a member of the New Israel Fund is astonishing. As is the disinterest from the Boston JCRC.

Criticizing Black Lives Matter is unforgivable no matter how many synagogues they trash, but Jewish lives are worthless to organizations with ‘Jewish’ in their names, but not their hearts.


In my opinion we cannot wait to express ourselves at the polls every two and four years because, by that time, we have lost momentum and/or allowed radical voices to prevail and recapturing our freedoms becomes another up hill battle. Nor can we fund every worthy cause or organization prepared to do battle to protect our freedoms.

Thus, decent law abiding citizens are put at a disadvantage. That said, we cannot and must not remain silent if we want to take back our nation which is slipping from our grip. We can, however, speak out, we can write our representatives and we can  march peacefully in furtherance of our belief.  Consequently, by marching, we run the risk our peaceful protests will become invaded and taken over by militants.  You never see the reverse because peaceful citizens shirk getting involved in this manner nor should they. 

However, we remain silent at our peril.



Cancel Culture has found a brand new target: Young Americans for Liberty.

Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York is attempting to silence YAL student activists and crush their free speech rights.

Let me tell you the story and how we are fighting back...

Hannah Davis, a student attending Skidmore College, attempted to start a YAL chapter on campus, to reach her peers with the message of liberty and save them from the siren song of socialism.

YAL Student Hannah Davis was targeted simply for trying to start a YAL chapter on her campus.

That's when the Cancel Culture mob stepped in.

A group of leftist students circulated a petition for the Student Government Association to deny the YAL chapter from forming on campus, citing unfounded accusations against the organization of supporting "hate speech..."

...and the Student Government bowed to the mob.

But not without consequence—Hannah's story was picked up by national media and the momentum on our side is growing!

Let me be clear: this type of cancel culture isn’t just happening at Skidmore College. This is a far greater, more destructive trend that is destroying college campuses across America.

Harvard University was the first college founded in America, with the motto of "Veritas," meaning truth. The purpose of a college education is to learn how to think critically, seek truth, and pursue one's purpose.

However, students can't achieve these ends when liberal professors and the woke mob are dictating the limits of free speech, and when "social justice" becomes more important than truth.

The sad truth is that so many colleges have become little more than indoctrination centers for converting young Americans into foot soldiers for the radical left. That's why Young Americans for Liberty's work is so important right now.

Here's what's next:

Young Americans for Liberty fully stands with our rockstar activist, Hannah Davis.

It takes guts to stand up the campus mob. Hannah is demonstrating bravery and leadership by standing up for free speech in the face of Cancel Culture.

Our YAL activists are moving the needle in favor of free speech, limited government, the Second Amendment, civil liberties, bringing our troops home, and free markets every single day.

I hope you'll consider supporting Hannah by clicking here to invest in YAL's efforts.

In terms of next steps against Skidmore College, all options are on the table.

Young Americans for Liberty has successfully overturned 72 unconstitutional free speech codes on campus through our National Fight for Free Speech campaign. My team is not afraid of a fight.

We've sued UC Berkeley for denying a YAL chapter on campus on the basis of ideology, and won.

We've sued the entire LA Community College system for their unconstitutional "free speech permits," and won, restoring First Amendment Rights to over 250,000 students in one fell swoop.

We've even had YAL activists ARRESTED for handing out pocket Constitutions on campus in Michigan—we fought and won that battle too.

Skidmore College just made a big mistake.

Banning liberty voices on college campuses only makes us stronger. Censorship like this mobilizes more and more students to fight back against ideological tyranny on their campuses, which is exactly what YAL students do every day.

This is why America needs Young Americans for Liberty and our student activists, Friend. If we leave Cancel Culture and Radical Left unchallenged, our Republic will crumble to pieces.

Please consider making an URGENT investment in Young Americans for Liberty so we can stand with Hannah Davis, fight Cancel Culture, and Make Liberty Win!


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