Monday, April 26, 2021

Kerry - Treasonous Or Truthful? Believe It Or You Are A Racist. Israel Has No Choice So Take Them At Their Word.

Unity? You were foolish to believe Biden.






David Harsanyi, National Review


Kerry Denies 'Unequivocally False' Claims of Betraying Israel by Tipping Off Iran By Reagan McCarthy
Biden has lasted longer than I thought. I gave him 78 days  but  he is going "weak" after 100. He has a full plate coming up as he speaks to Congress. Then, I believe he will rest up for his next activity.  Biden has allowed AOC and other radicals in charge of the Democrat Party to accomplish a good bit of their goal. They have kept the nation on edge, everything is racially oriented and police keep being blamed for protecting the public. The "knifers" are winning.

Things could not be better if you hate America.

We have allowed the likes of AOC, Kamala, Waters, Abrams, black communist radicals to take over our nation and supplant their disputatious philosophy with that of America's  Founder's . Apparently Washington,  Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Madison  and their "brothers" got it all wrong and freedom is not preferable to government control, "The Bill Of Rights"  needs to be replaced by their "Bill of Wrongs." Everything we have been taught about our nation is untrue. We are systemically no better than China, Russia, Iran and other such peace loving nations.

Angela Davis should be our nation's  role model not Betsy Ross or Clara Barton.  The values of Hollywood Liberals should drive our nation, not those of Adlai Stevenson. (“This is an industry that screams more than anybody else for tolerance...but now all that stuff is completely a one-way street.”

Kevin Sorbo, best known for his role in ‘Hercules: The Legendary Journeys’, boldly shared his conservative values during his prolific acting career. Hollywood’s response was to ostracize him. This is his story. Click here to watch.

We are led to believe the Krauthammer's cannot hold a candle to today's mass media light weights. What difference does it make if 2 and 2 is not 4 as long as aggrieved, angry blacks are assuaged and allowed to determine what future generation's learn.  Hooray for Critical Race Theory.

We all know the white man is evil and police have it in for black's carrying  weapons and disregarding instructions.

Who needs law and order when rioting and destruction is more fun. Welfare is preferable to work. Slovenly attitudes and dress wins over self respect. "Anything goes" champions discipline and faith. Belief in a higher being is old hat. Most importantly of all, Socialism tops Sowell's economic views. Misery is preferable to wealth notwithstanding the fact there is no empirical evidence, in all of history, that socialism has worked or elevated mankind.

This is the pot of gold Democrats and their pathetic leaders are selling. They have even persuaded cowardly captains of corporate America to buy into this garbage through intimidation. 

Eat your heart out you jokers who run Coca Cola!


 Bravery and patriotism are defining words of the past. Cast them aside so we can embrace new descriptions.  Supplant equity, whatever that means, for equality, open borders and allow anyone the sacred right to vote.

Yes, this is the America I see. We have become the home of the petulant, the aggrieved, the victim, the unreasoning, the weak, the neurotic, the pothead, the radical and the shiftless.

This is what radicals and Democrats  also want to do to our military so we will continue losing wars:

Disagree and you are a racist.
Salena writes most coal miners do not dig the union:

Coal workers union doesn't always represent coal worker values 
By Salena Zito

GRAYSVILLE, Pennsylvania — When coal mine employee John Morecraft heard last Monday that United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts approved of President Joe Biden’s plan to move the nation’s energy industry away from fossil fuels, Morecraft said he anticipated the news would be misconstrued.
“I knew the story would come across as though all coal miners approved of this deal, with no mention of how [un]representative the UMWA is of the coal miner population,” said Morecraft, just before going down for his shift at the Bailey Mine here in Greene County.
”The UMWA in actuality represents a small portion of the people who work in the mines," Morecraft said. "What that means is, that deal was not made with the support of most of the people who do the work in the industry.”
He is not wrong.
According to the latest energy statistics for the U.S. government, there are 6,758 coal miners working underground in this country today who are members of the UMWA, compared to the 24,820 miners, such as Morecraft, who are not members of the union.
The same goes for the surface-mine workforce, where just over 3,000 are members of the UMWA, compared to the nearly 17,000 who are not.
Once a dominant force that represented virtually everyone working in the entire industry, the UMWA membership today is the smallest portion of the mining workforce.
Had you not really followed the decline of the UMWA membership over the decades and were sitting at home watching the news reports and thought, "Oh, wow, the coal miners are now backing Biden’s 'climate-justice' infrastructure package, maybe it is not that bad," you were misled.

Click here for the full story.

Rest assured, Israel will defend itself and do what it must do to survive and continue to thrive. As long as Biden is president and radicals control the Democrat Party Israel can no longer place the same trust in an American commitment as when Trump was president. That is not a healthy condition but it is a fact.


Israel has no choice but to act on its own to stop Iran

Israeli officials are pleading against more appeasement of Tehran. But revelations about John Kerry’s past betrayal help explain the administration’s refusal to listen.



The head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency and the government’s national security adviser is in Washington this week on an important mission that has failed even before it began.

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki made it clear last week that the Israelis are wasting their time. When asked if Israeli pleas about the danger to the region if the United States rejoins the 2015 nuclear deal would have any impact on President Joe Biden’s plans, Psaki answered “no.” She went on to say that the Israelis are free to keep “challenging” the administration’s goal of returning to a weak pact that gives Tehran a legal path to a nuclear weapon by the end of the decade, but the best they could hope for is to be “kept abreast” of America’s plans.

That contemptuous attitude was of particular significance because the day before the Israeli security officials arrived, news broke about how former Secretary of State John Kerry had shared intelligence with Iran about Israeli covert operations seeking to stop their nuclear program. According to an audiotape of comments made by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif that were obtained by The New York Times, he said, “It was former U.S. Foreign Secretary [sic] John Kerry who told me Israel had launched more than 200 attacks on Iranian forces in Syria.”

There is a lot to unwrap in that one sentence and not just because the Times buried this revelation at the bottom of its story.

Kerry, for whom Psaki served as spokesperson during the nuclear negotiations from 2013 to 2015, currently acts as President Joe Biden’s special presidential envoy of climate. We already knew that in 2018, Kerry consulted with Zarif advising his former negotiating partner not to work with the Trump administration, which withdrew from the nuclear deal as part of a “maximum pressure” campaign to force the Iranians to agree to a new tougher agreement that would eliminate sunset clauses, as well as include bans on Tehran’s role as the world’s leading state sponsor of international terrorism and its illegal missile-building. Kerry told Zarif to simply wait out Trump and then deal with a more pliant Democrat that he hoped would be elected in 2020.

That’s exactly what happened, and now the Iranians are reaping the benefits. Biden’s foreign-policy team, composed almost entirely of veterans of the administration of former President Barack Obama, are again resuming their past practice of appeasing the Iranians with concessions in the works in order to entice Tehran to return to a deal with little hope of improving upon it.

Kerry’s collusion with Iran is important because it comes in the context of the growing tension with Israel over its efforts to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program. Unlike in the past, when it was clear that the United States and Israel were cooperating in a joint effort to derail the Islamist regime’s nuclear ambitions, the administration went out of its way to disavow any role in Israel’s recent successful attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility.

The implication of these off-the-record comments from “senior administration officials” is that the administration regarded Israel’s efforts as seeking to forestall an American push to re-engage with Iran. A news analysis published in The Washington Post filled with quotes from anonymous American and European sources, as well as some on-the-record potshots from former Obama administration figures, said the Jewish state was trying to play “the spoiler” in order to undermine Biden’s diplomacy. The liberal magazine Slate labeled the attack as an act of a “sneaky saboteur,” as if there was something inherently illegitimate about actions that sought to prevent a terrorist theocracy from acquiring a nuclear weapon that could fulfill the ayatollah’s genocidal threats against Israel.

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) fulminated about the attack, saying he would demand a full security briefing on it while sending a message to the Israelis that he—and other members of his party—take it as a matter of faith that diplomacy is the “only” acceptable path for relations with Iran and that Israel’s efforts were bound to fail.

As Martin Peretz pointed out in Tablet, while Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s messaging on Iran has sounded a moderate tone, he has essentially outsourced the nuclear issue to Robert Malley, Biden’s special envoy on Iran. Malley was not only one of the chief architects of the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran; he is a veteran appeaser and critic of Israel.

In essence, right now the United States is asking Israel to back off on its efforts to stop Iran and to trust Biden’s team to deliver a diplomatic solution to the problem. But given that Malley has demonstrated no interest in strengthening the nuclear pact so as to forestall an Iranian bomb or stop the regime’s terrorism, that’s a leap of faith that no responsible Israeli government can make.

More to the point, Zarif’s revelation about Kerry’s sharing of intel about their anti-Iran operations makes it clear to the Israelis that the administration isn’t merely wrongheaded in its approach but may actively be seeking to undermine their country’s security and that of its regional allies.

Not only did Psaki refuse to answer a question about Kerry’s astonishing betrayal during her regular press conference on Monday, she didn’t even make an attempt to say something that might reassure the Israelis that the administration regarded this as an issue of concern, let alone something about which an apology should be forthcoming. An investigation into this scandal is imperative. So is Kerry’s resignation from his current post.

The implication here is something that advocates for Obama’s signature foreign-policy accomplishment have always been at pains to contradict. Democratic apologists for the deal have spent the last six years trying to claim that the agreement was the best way to safeguard Israel against an Iranian nuclear weapon. However, critics pointed to the way the deal empowered and enriched a rogue regime, and asked whether the goal was very different from the one Obama had discussed.

Obama said it was a chance to give Iran the opportunity to “get right with the world” by giving up its nuclear ambitions. Instead, the deal may have been part of an effort to shift American policy in the region from one of an alliance with Israel and the Gulf states to one in which Iran would supplant them as America’s best friend in the region. Few would have believed this claim in 2015. And yet, the impact of the agreement on the region, coupled with Kerry’s actions and the efforts of Obama alumni to return to the deal on Biden’s watch, lend some credibility to this theory.

Whatever Obama intended or what Biden may want now, the inescapable conclusion from these events is that the Israelis should be in no doubt about the fact that they are being abandoned by the United States with respect to Iran. This leaves Israel with no good options. Nevertheless, the Jewish state has no choice but to proceed as if its future safety lies solely in its own hands. If the Biden administration or the Democratic Party don’t like that, they can reverse course and start acting as if they take the Iranian nuclear threat seriously. Otherwise, they should pipe down and let the Israelis do what they must to stop an existential threat to their existence.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of JNS—Jewish News Syndicate. Follow him on Twitter at: @jonathans_tobin.

Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Warns of ‘Expanded’ Attacks on Israel Amid Rocket Fire From Gaza

 The head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami warned that recent attacks on Israel are poised to happen again and could be “expanded.”

In an interview with Al-Mayadeen, the chief commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said that the “evil deeds” committed by Israel in the region in recent days could backfire and expose the country to “real dangers.”

 Salami threatened that if Israel continued with its actions, the Islamic Republic is ready to respond in the same level or with stronger force as all “conditions for the collapse of Israel’s existence” existed.

Salami referenced to the Syrian missile that exploded in southern Israel last week and triggered warning sirens near the secretive Dimona nuclear reactor. According to Israeli military, the missile overflew its target to reach the Dimona area, 125 miles south of the Syrian border. The missile exploded about 19 miles away from the Dimona reactor.


HOOVER Daily Report (edited.)

There Will Be Boondoggles
by Michael J. Boskin via Project Syndicate

On top of the trillions of dollars already spent on pandemic-related rescue and stimulus since last March, the Biden administration wants a $2.3 trillion package of loosely defined infrastructure spending. In doing so, it risks stimulating an economy that has already recovered, while undercutting America's long-term competitiveness.

Inflation: The Ingredients Are In The Pot, And The Fire Is On
by John H. CochraneKevin Hassett via National Review

The Fed's dismissive attitude toward inflation risks a repeat of the 1970s' stagflation.


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