Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Have We Returned To Witch Hunt Trials and Biased Intimidated Verdicts? Is Biden Much Better Than Putin?


For Biden to make a martyr out of Mr. Floyd is despicable but very much in keeping with what Democrats do and had Floyd followed the police's instruction and not resisted arrest  he would not have died and Minneapolis might not  have been burned to the ground. Radicals love to engage in destruction and when they do they often prove how feckless those who run our cities are and this only encourages more civil unrest.

The police officer may have been guilty as found but one cannot deny the surrounding threats and intimidation and the impact it had to have denied him a fair and impartial trial.

What is happening to law and order in this nation is a tragedy. For Biden to say what he has shows how unsuited he is for the job but then his former boss was no different. Not much difference between poisoning people versus minds of jurists when seeking your version of  manufactured justice.

Trump had his issues but compare his Rushmore speech with Biden's drivel and it should make one shake their head in shame, despair and cringe.

We have appeased black citizens in far too many ways in order to assuage their claims of victimhood to the detriment of our entire society and now we have intruded, once again,  into the justice system by denying a trial to occur without bias and intimidation.

I thought America had moved away from witch hunts and rush to judgements because of bias and intimidation.

Joe Biden Issues Questionable Statement on Controversial Trial

By: TTN Staff| Government,NEWS,Politics 

Joe Biden recently made comments that could be seen as influential to the outcome of the Chauvin trial.

President Joe Biden said he was “praying” for the jury to reach the “right verdict” in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin Tuesday after consoling the family of George Floyd.

Biden’s comments come as the jury in Chauvin’s trial sits in deliberation on the verdict for the second day. The trial wrapped up on Monday with closing arguments by the prosecution and defense before the jury was sent to deliberate on a verdict. The jury is also now sequestered, meaning they are staying in a hotel without access to news media for the deliberations process, according to CNBC News.

“I can only imagine the pressure and anxiety they are feeling, and so I waited until the jury is sequestered and I called,” Biden said, referring to a phone call he shared with Floyd’s family Monday. “I wasn’t going to say anything about it … it was a private conversation.”

“They’re a good family and they are calling for peace and tranquility no matter what that verdict is. I’m praying the verdict is the right verdict, which is, I think it’s overwhelming, in my view. I wouldn’t say that unless the jury is sequestered,” he continued.

Biden also called the Floyd family and gave them his well-wishes that everything “will come out ok.”


America's Streets Are Spared, But Was Justice Done in the Chauvin Trial?

By Mark Davis


Biden & Harris Rail Against Criminal Justice System They Helped Create

By Spencer Brown



Chauvin Guilty Verdict Completes the Total Collapse of Law, Order, and Due Process in Biden's America


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