Thursday, April 8, 2021

Walled In. Maybe Not As Portrayed So America America May Burn. Boycott Baseball.


Biden seems to have walled himself in but he as a history of shifting:

BIDEN ON BIDEN: Then, “No wall” – Biden Now, “Meh, maybe some wall.”


Biden lies again  when he says there are no background checks if you purchase a gun at a gun show.

He should go return to plagiarism and stop lying. He is ruining the credibility he never had. 

Also appears his son Hunter lied when he purchased a weapon by not acknowledging his drug addiction.


HOOVER Daily Report (edited.)

Wealthy And Woke
by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

Apparently to rant about “privilege” means the less you need to worry about your own.


Being Good Isn't Always Great In Foreign Policy
by Josef Joffe via Real Clear World

“Goodness had nothing to do with it,“ Mae West retorts in Night After Night when a hat-check girl gushes: “Goodness, what a beautiful diamond!“ The Biden team should hire someone like her as a consultant as it labors to undo what former President Donald Trump has wrought.


Now it may be that Officer Chauvin's knee was not on Mr. Floyd's neck. Should the officer be exonerated, I am willing to bet BLM will incite riots and torch America anyway.

Officer Chauvin's Knee Was NOT on George Floyd's 'Neck' and 8 Other Things You Didn't Know About This Case


Prominent BLM Activist: If Derek Chauvin Isn't Convicted for George Floyd's Death, Cities Will Be 'On Fire'

No justice, no peace.

Leftists hoping for a swift conviction of the innocent until proven guilty former Minneapolis cop accused of murdering George Floyd last May have made up their minds.

If they don’t find a verdict that’s favorable, as opposed to one that is just and fair, the fires will start again.

That’s according to one high-profile Black Lives Matter movement supporter, who is apparently keeping a close eye on former police officer Derek Chauvin’s ongoing murder trial. Social media influencer and BLM activist Maya Echols vowed over the weekend in a since-deleted Tik Tok video that the nightmarish riots would begin anew if Chauvin is cleared.

Thankfully, people who use the platform saved Echols’ video before she deleted it.

 “If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced, just know that all hell is gonna break loose. Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire. Just saying,” Echols said.

It wasn’t clear if Echols was advocating for arsons and murders, or simply stating the obvious. She’s most likely right, though. Why wouldn’t the left go insane and burn down more buildings if Chauvin is found not guilty?

Basketball fans in Los Angeles can’t even celebrate championships without some good, old-fashioned violence. There will probably be riots no matter the outcome of Chauvin’s trial.

But Echols, in saying this out loud, reminded social media users of something they might have forgotten amid the relative peace of the last few months — the corporate-backed, sports league-supported and media-allied Black Lives Matter moment will be there to destroy communities.

Echols’ message reads like a mob-style threat to jurors and prosecutors.

Will Echols be visited by the FBI? She isn’t exactly a white nationalist, so most likely not. The bureau is still hunting down people who were simply near the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, so you’d assume the agency is short on manpower.

That’s assuming the bureau would even bother paying the young woman a visit. The FBI didn’t seem particularly interested in taking down down domestic terrorism last year. This year, they’ve apparently turned over a new leaf, but are focusing on chasing white supremacy.

We know the minority neighborhoods that will likely face the brunt of this violence will be left out in the cold by the establishment media. They were quick to label every vile action carried out by militant leftists as “peaceful” when former President Donald Trump was in office last year.

We can only imagine what the coverage would look like if President Joe Biden’s America was being set ablaze by people spray-painting profane messages and burning down public housing projects.

When round two of the fires begins, if that indeed becomes the case, remember who to thank.

Thank the White House.

Thank CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post and others.

Thank Coca-ColaFedEx and Delta Air Lines.

Thank the National Basketball Association, the National Football League and Major League Baseball.

The racist Black Lives Matter moment and its neo-Marxist agenda would be a fringe group on life support right now if not for the aforementioned organizations and others.

If we do indeed see another round of fires and deaths, remember that businesses got into bed with the media and Democrats, and that together they encouraged two summers of atrocities against innocent people — many of them minorities.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.


Yes, Boycott Baseball

Liberals the past year have become addicted to political wokeness. It’s time for an intervention

By  Daniel Henninger Yes,:00 

Sherman’s burning of Atlanta wasn’t enough punishment. To clean out any traces of racism 157 years later, Gen. Rob Manfred of Major League Baseball decided the North had to sack Atlanta one more time.

Still, count it as progress that instead of the indiscriminate looting and burning of stores as happened last summer, Gen. Manfred merely ordered the destruction of an estimated $100 million of commerce for Atlanta’s post-pandemic businesses as he moved the All-Star Game to the presumably less morally offensive, if overwhelmingly white, city of Denver.

The CEOs of Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines—headquartered in Atlanta—chirped in their 2 cents of moral condescension. Frankly, Georgia, they don’t give a damn about you.

At issue, one is obliged to insert, is the voting-procedure law passed by Georgia’s Republican-controlled legislature and signed by Gov. Brian Kemp. It is not “racist,” as explained in detail by at least three editorials in this newspaper

As with the routine battles over gerrymandering House districts, this dispute about election law is a political fight between the two major parties. But alongside Georgia, we have the simultaneous trial in Minneapolis of Derek Chauvin, accused of murdering George Floyd during an arrest May 25.

Since that happened, progressives repeatedly have deployed the race card against their opposition, notably over post-pandemic voting legislation. Their goal, again, is partisan and political: to enact H.R.1, which would nationalize federal elections, effectively eliminating a traditional role for elected legislators and other officials in all 50 states.

Yes, politics is hardball. But today we are living through a flood tide of efforts to reduce politics to a permanent confessional on racism. To clear a path for passage of H.R.1, Barack Obama called the Senate filibuster a “Jim Crow relic,” a volatile charge to make in 2021 against so many Americans. Joe Biden, the president of the United States, repeated that lovely thought last week: “This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they’re doing in Georgia and 40 other states.”

In the interests of tit-for-tat, note that in 2016, President Obama sat next to Raúl Castro watching a baseball game, supported by the major leagues, in communist Cuba, whose liberalization since that state visit has been zero.

Though he’s been absent from this column for weeks, it’s time to put Donald Trump back in play. He’s right: Boycott baseball—and the rest of the progressives’ new corporate cancel-culture all-star team, including Patagonia, H&M, Uber, Tripadvisor, Levi’s, Blue

Why boycott them? Because their leaders assume that most of their customers are compliant saps. Mr. Manfred knows that he can get away with smearing half a Southern state as racist (still), because fans everywhere will yet again choke down the political and personal insult and trudge forward to watch the “home team” play. So they win and you lose in the large-stakes political game being played daily by progressives across America.

It’s worth considering why so many corporate and institutional leaders have rolled over for any wild charge the left lobs at its enemies. There are two reasons—one commercial, the other historically deeper and more important.

Most of commercial life today revolves around one idea—promoting a company’s “brand.” No dopes, the left saw that if they could generate 500 hostile social-media posts against a corporate brand over some made-up woke offense, the CEO, having bet his career with millions in marketing costs, will think his brand is about to be destroyed by groupthink millennials who all at once will stop drinking Coke or refuse to stream baseball on MLB.TV.

Corporate cowardice is worse than ever, but by itself insufficient reason for conservatives to organize commercial boycotts, say, a mass Coke dump-a-thon. A better reason is to save once-rational liberals from destroying themselves and pulling the rest of us down in the woke vortex.

As a song once asked: How did it ever get this crazy? Don’t look to rationality for answers. We knew that was gone when the New York Times’s “1619 Project” gained ground.

Liberal guilt is so common that bookshelves bend beneath volumes explaining it. But after Minneapolis, liberal guilt passed into a new dimension. Liberals surrendered themselves to wokeness. They are wallowing in it.

I suspect the left’s professional activists were as taken aback as anyone at how the middle-aged liberals running big companies and cultural institutions swooned for wokeness. Why so easy?

Up to now, feeling guilty about life’s differences, which are real and complex, has suggested some ambivalence about the causes. Not anymore. Rather than wrestle with the rampant illogic and contradictions inside claims about identity or systemic racism, liberals have given in completely to the narcotic pleasure of total guilt. Finally, they’re free.

Alas, their acts of addictive self-release, such as mindlessly canceling Atlanta, will keep disrupting everyone else’s lives. The time has come for an intervention. Boycott baseball.



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