Saturday, April 3, 2021

Our Republic Is Threatened From All Sides, By All Types Of Radicals And Groups. Church Membership In Sharp Decline.



American citizens and, most particularly, American tax payers are experiencing the greatest threat to and shakedown of our economic and political system ever.  America is being taken over by the most extensive array of  radicals of all philosophical stripes,  racial colors, ethnic and religious groups ever assembled and arrayed  against our freedoms and social order. Our republic's very existence is at peril.

“The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves”

From Shakespeare’s “The Death of Julius Caesar”

Scene I Act II, Cassius to Brutus plotting to

Assassinate Julius Caesar

By E.P. Unum

The legendary broadcast journalist and war correspondent, Edward R. Murrow used the above in his effort to reinforce the age-old principle that journalists cannot shrink from their responsibility to tell the truth and to never sacrifice that responsibility on the altar of convenience or succumb to bombastic, inflammatory rhetoric unsupportive by facts and hard evidence. He was then alerting the nation to the significance of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s groundless “witch-hunt” for Communists in government (and, frankly in every walk of life). Where have you gone, Mr. Murrow? We sure do need you now.

Beware of what you may have voted for! 

This essay is for all those who don't get it:

Do you now understand why there was never any action against the Clintons or Obama, how they destroyed emails and evidence and phones and servers, how they spied and wiretapped, how they lied to the FISA Court, had conversations on the tarmac, sent emails to themselves to cover their asses after key meetings, how Comey and Brennan and Clapper never were brought to any justice, how the FBI and CIA lied, how the Steele Dossier was passed along, how phones got factory reset, how leak after leak to a corrupt, accomplice media went unchecked, why George Soros is always in the shadows, why they screamed Russia and pushed a sham impeachment, why no one ever goes to jail, why no one is ever charged, why nothing ever happens?

Now you know why there was no wrongdoing in the FISA warrants, why the Durham Report has been delayed, again, and with each passing day we will likely never see it; why Hunter Biden will likely walk free, perhaps with a fine and a slap on the wrist and some words to “go and sin no more”. Why the FBI sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop for over eleven months. Why the mainstream media, Twitter and Facebook withheld publishing anything about the Hunter Biden scandal which has close and direct links to now President Joe Biden. Why the Biden’s connection to China and massive cash payments were overlooked and hardly covered in the mainstream media. Why, like “Manna from Heaven” a lethal virus from China was unleashed on the western world, the perfect weapon, an invisible scourge that could be weaponized politically to bring down the greatest economy in the history of mankind and usher in unverifiable mail-in voting.

By now you surely know why the media is 24/7 propaganda and lies, why true journalism is dead, why up is down and down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right, why evil is good and good is evil. By now you surely know why social media silences the First Amendment, speaks over the President of the United States, and bans him from using their services. This has been the plan by the Deep State all along. They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016. He messed up their plans, delayed them a little. They had to get him out, so they concocted lie after lie, falsified information, tried unsuccessfully, twice, to impeach him! They assaulted him in the press every single day while he continued to serve the American people and put America First! They failed in all their attempts. But, they weren’t about to let it happen again.

Covid was China’s gift to the Global Elites. It was everything the Deep State needed to rid themselves of the one man who could stand in the way of their takeover of America. So, Covid was weaponized, Governors helped shut down their states, the media helped shame and kill the economy, and the “super lucky unverifiable mail-in ballots” were just the trick to make sure the career politician, with a track record of zero accomplishments in 47 years, allegedly with his hands in Chinese payrolls; a man that couldn’t finish a sentence or collect a crowd, miraculously became the most popular vote recipient of all time! If you are foolish enough to believe that this was all on the up and up, there is a bridge in Brooklyn N.Y. I’d like to sell you….cheap.

Ladies and Gentlemen, you have just witnessed a silent coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, and the seeming end of our Constitutional Republic, and the merge of capitalism into the slide toward socialism and communism. What will happen next? Well, here is a look down the corridor of the future:

Biden’s fiasco at the southern border is just the beginning. By summer we will have hundreds of thousands of people trying to enter the United States illegally, and they will likely be successful because that is what the left-wing zealots in the democratic party want. Joe Biden invited them in! You will continue to see agencies like CBP and INS and Homeland Security muzzled or possibly deleted. Law enforcement will see continued defunding. Criminals will be released without bail, free to commit crimes again and again. Soon, the idiots on the left will try to restrict our Second Amendment Rights to own weapons and will add this to the list of additional items to tax. There will be a concerted movement to make Washington D.C. a State along with Puerto Rico because democrats can then stack the House and Senate with additional votes. There will be an assault on the electoral college with an effort to eliminate it.. American history will be a thing of the past (if it isn’t already) erased in favor of Revisionist History. By Fall 2021 you will see mounting pressure to pack The Supreme Court. If you work in the manufacturing or oil industry, get ready. Biden’s day one action to reverse the Keystone XL Pipeline was just the beginning. There will be a full-scale attack on oil and gas because these are considered “evil”. In one stroke of his pen, Biden wiped away decades of effort that culminated under President Trump in making the U.S. energy independent and for the first time in history, an oil-exporting country. Now, we will once again be dependent on Middle Eastern Oil while the starry-eyed intelligencia in Biden’s Cabinet plays around with trying to make our nation carbon-free by 2035…regardless of what the other countries in the world are doing!

If you run a business, brace for impact. Maybe you’ll be on the hook for slavery reparations like some people in Illinois are today, or have your suburbs turned into Section 8 housing. Feckless Joe Biden has just signed a $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that doesn’t rescue anyone and puts us further in debt while he pursues the left’s Utopia Goal. Our taxes are going to increase significantly, regardless of the empty pledges of Joe Biden. Businesses will pay more and the flight of capital offshore will accelerate resulting, once again, in massive unemployment. Do you really believe Joe Biden when he says that his tax plan will focus on the “wealthy paying more and that families making less than $400,000 will not pay a penny more in taxes”? What do you think the wealthy will do? For starters, like businesses, they will move someplace else and we, the middle class will end up footing the bill. But that should not come as a surprise because that is what the people in power want….the dumbing down of citizens…and more power concentrated in big government. In Joe Biden’s America, there is not a single problem that exists that cannot be solved by big and more expansive government throwing more and more taxpayer money at it. I bet you found it exciting to learn that Biden’s new Secretary of Defense, General Lloyd Austin proudly took time to focus on how the Pentagon has designed new, more fashionable uniforms for pregnant female soldiers, sailors, and marines and that our tax dollars will be spent on providing surgical procedures for those in the military who wish to be transgender. Doesn’t that make you feel safe and comfortable? I can’t wait to hear how we intend to deal with the Chinese Navy who now has more ships and submarines than we do. And make no mistake, our enemies, China, Iran, Russia, North Korea are watching all of this unfold before them, and they will soon seize upon the opportunity our bungling, babbling weak-kneed President offers them. They are watching closely as Biden extends $75 million in aid to the Palestinians, an affront to our ally Israel. They are laughing at us as we grovel at the feet of Iran seeking to begin a new round of talks towards rejoining the nuclear agreement negotiated by Obama and John Kerry.

And the spending spree is not yet done. Biden is seeking to push another $2.3 Trillion Infrastructure Bill through Congress only 7% of which is directed to infrastructure. What could go wrong? Well, think about it this way: If you go shopping for bread or milk and notice that there is a very large supply of bread and milk at the supermarket, what would you expect the prices of those two staples would be? You would expect because of the oversupply of milk and bread that prices would go down. It’s that way with money because money is essentially a commodity, a product. The only way Biden and his gaggle of miscreants can finance their spending spree is for the Federal Reserve to print more money. The problem is that when the Fed cranks up their printing presses, they fuel inflation because there is no corresponding increase in productivity and we thus have “too many dollars chasing too few goods” the very definition of inflation. Suddenly we will find our economy following the paths of Argentina, Venezuela, and Cuba. If you don’t know the history of these economies, you should do your homework and find out.

I could go on and on. There is no real recovery from this sort of tremendous civil unrest and civil disobedience, possibly civil war. The elections from this point on will likely be decided by New York City, Chicago, and California. At that point, the Republic will be dead. Mob rule, appeasement, and corruption will run rampant. The candidate who offers the most from the Treasury will get the most votes. But the votes really won’t matter, just the ones received and counted. That precedent has been set. As I type these words into my computer, I note where Major League Baseball has pulled their annual All-Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia because the White House and the left-leaning media have taken the position that Georgia’s new voting law is racist and unconstitutional. Since when is the MLB political? 

By now you all have heard the story. “Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, ‘Dr. Franklin, what have we got? A Republic or a Monarchy?’”

Franklin responded, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Ladies and gentlemen, The ascension to the Presidency of Joe Biden, one of this nation’s greatest frauds, incompetents, and crooks, along with Vice President Kamala Harris whose claim to fame and experience on the national stage is……nothing,… has ushered in the pending collapse of our Republic, the last bastion of freedom in the world, the shining city on the hill. And remember this. In dealing with the China Virus, which is now a year old, we locked down the greatest economy in the history of mankind over a virus that has a 99.96% recovery rate. Government shut down religion and people turned from God. They turned from family. They turned from Flag and Country. People embraced degeneracy culture. They celebrated and looked to fools for guidance. They worshipped themselves selfishly as they took for granted what many sacrificed and died to give them. People disregarded the lessons of history and all it teaches. On their watch, America just died a little. I’m afraid she’ll never be quite the same again.

I used to sit on the stoop in my NYC neighborhood as a young boy and listened to my grandfather who told me time and time again, in Italian, “you can sometimes trust a thief, but you can never trust a liar”. I may be wrong, but I believe with all my heart and soul that the greatest tragedy of this experience is that we continue to allow the people we elected to run our government to lie to us. I studied the works of Edward R. Murrow and marveled at his ability both in radio and then pioneering such successful CBS TV shows like “Person to Person”, “CBS Reports”, “Small World” and “See it Now”. Here is one of my favorite quotes from Mr. Murrow, one I use in teaching my college students every semester:

                       “To be persuasive, we must be believable; to be believable

                         we must be credible; to be credible, we must be truthful”

It is a sad commentary on the current state of our media that they lack this very basic of all responsibilities.

Cassius got it right. “the fault dear Brutus is not in the stars, but in ourselves


When  religion no longer comprises the fabric of everyday life our Republic will also be no more. Without faith, humans will have no moral anchor. I m not a religious and observant Jew but I truly believe what I have written. I basically allow my life to be guided by what Christ allegedly said - do unto others ---!

New Poll Shows Church Membership Is Collapsing



Ross keeps ranting:

I still believe the stock market will rise over the summer as everything is reopened and people go out to shop, eat, 

and travel. Ignore the February stats as they are heavily impacted by the bad weather. Now they have extra cash 

from the $1.9 trillion so it will provide a short term bump that will not last more than a few weeks. The unknown is 

what happens with taxes and inflation. If the Dems use reconciliation McConnell will shut down the Senate and so 

maybe there will be no tax increase. We just have no way to know. Moderate Dems are at real risk if taxes are raised. 

If there is a $3 trillion bill approved giving money to all sorts of left wing friends of Nancy that will likely really hurt 

moderate Dems in 2022. It also depends on if Biden can actually appear to be cognitively proficient all through the 


The country is now experiencing its second civil war. Just as the in the first one, this is a battle is for the culture, 

control of government institutions, the economy, unity of the country, states’ rights, and racial issues. Last time it was 

fought on battlefields with guns. This time it is being fought in Washington, and in the courts, using legislative power 

plays by Pelosi and Schumer. The issues are just as divisive, and just as determinative of the future of the nation. At 

stake is who controls the power to govern and set policy. Biden is just the avatar with the real leader being Obama 

deciding on overall policy and strategy, instead of Lincoln. Pelosi uses her control of the cash for campaigns and 

committee assignments to assure she has the votes to push through the legislation she wants. The Members have 

no say, and don’t even know all that is in each bill until it is passed. Same strategy as with Obamacare. House 

members are irrelevant under Pelosi. The press has been coopted, and is, as judge Silberman said, the propaganda 

arm for the DNC. Social media is used as a weapon to silence dissent through attacks on anyone who dares to 

disagree, and that leads to censorship, which leads to firings, and then to intimidation. The exact same tactics as the 

Nazis used in 1936, except is has been upgraded with social media and the internet, instead of the Brown Shirts. The 

same as in 1936, organized mobs are used to protest to intimidate and suppress, with violence similar to what 

occurred in 1936-1938. Brown Shirts, or BLM and Antifa smashing and looting. There is absolutely no difference. 

One result is professors know to never say anything that might be construed to be outside the university party line, or 

they will be fired. So the kids are fed ideology instead of being taught to explore and analyze, and reach a conclusion 

through discussion and debate. HR1 is designed to allow fraud in voting with no ID, and ballot harvesting, and 

forbidding cleaning voter rolls of invalid voters before elections. There can be only one reason for these things, and 

that is to perpetrate voter fraud. The left and the press claim it is all about voter suppression of minorities despite 

record turnout of minorities. If asking for ID to vote is suppression, then what is asking for it to get medical care, fill a 

prescription, or buy liquor, or enter a NYC office building, or even enter government buildings. The spending bills are 

intentionally mislabeled to appear to be something that voters will like, “Covid relief”, but are really a way to fund the 

far left policies and agenda. The press duly follows along and calls it Covid relief and ignores the real essence of the 

legislation. The payments of $1400 plus the child subsidy is designed to bribe voters to vote Democratic to keep those

payments flowing. Tax the wealthy and corporations who ”don’t pay their fair share”. Given that the top 20% pays 80%

of the taxes and 45% pay zero, it is hard to calculate what is supposed to be my fair share, especially after I add on 

NY state taxes.

McConnell and Republicans seem to fully understand what is happening, and all that stands in the way to prevent the 

far left takeover is McConnell shutting down the Senate. Manchin is not reliable, even though his constituents are 

overwhelmingly Republican. He says one thing, but in the end is for “filibuster reform”, and he says “some of HR1 is 

good”. Pelosi is rushing things through with no hearings, or any transparency, because she knows if people are given 

time to realize what is happening, she will possibly be stopped. Biden just mouths what he is told on his que cards or 

the teleprompter. The next few weeks is the turning point. Either McConnell can stop them or we are going to be living

in a world we do not want to know.

Biden just lies, as does Kamala. Everything is Trump’s fault. Much of what Biden says about the border is purely false.

Appointing Harris to lead the border fix is like asking the fox to lead the hen house. She said she is for open borders, 

and claims a 30 foot wall is ineffective at stopping crossings despite what the border patrol says. Then she laughs 

when asked if she will go there. She also lies about Trump’ policies and illegal aliens coming across. Meantime the 

cartels are making a fortune and are able to now move drugs much mor easily. And dozens of Covid infected kids and 

adults are sent inland. But we can’t open schools because they are not safe.

Phil Gramm once again has provided clear evidence to refute the false narrative about inequality. As I have pointed 

out in the past, he makes the point that the data that the Census Bureau data publishes in relations to income is 

materially flawed and provides a material false narrative which is used by all sorts of people who claim there is an 

inequality problem. The Census Bureau fails to count two thirds of all government transfer payments including earned 

income tax credit, food stamps, Medicaid, plus 100 other government transfer programs. They also do not count 

taxes to be able to compare cash incomes net. So a wage earner shows as gross income, but someone collecting 

government entitlements pays no tax on any of that income, so to properly compare net spendable income to a 

household you must compare what cash they actually receive. When you do that income inequality looks entirely 

different. With the new $1.9 Trillion package, the difference is even less especially if the money to the kids, rent and 

utility subsidies and other payments are counted. Actual cash income inequality has in fact declined over the past 50 

years. From 1967 to 2017 inequality only rose 2.6% and not the 21.4% which is reported and used by politicians, and 

the press. Actual inflation adjusted real income of the bottom quintile has risen by 300%. The top quintile has risen 

213%. Twice over the past 50 years the Census Bureau has changed the way it collects and reports data, and they 

admit this has distorted all long term comparisons unless corrected by the data user. It even says that these two 

changes cause limitations on the use of the data. But almost nobody pays attention, and they use the wrong data 

anyway. The bureau, does not make these corrections when it reports long term trend data today. As transfer 

payments greatly expanded to the bottom quintile, their labor force participation declined materially to the point that 

income from government payments rose above 90%. To my point that the $1.9 trillion program will be a real drag on 

getting people back to work despite claims from the left to the contrary. Bottom line, the whole inequality discussion is 

based on faulty data which fits that narrative but now policy and spending is being made on totally false assumptions.

The Biden press conference was a staged, pre-scripted event -not a press conference. He blatantly lied about 

various issues and continues to falsely blame Trump even though the president of Mexico said publicly Biden is at 

fault. It is really bad when the president has to have que cards to tell him what to say when about his own policies.

This little woke just got poked:

While driving with my grandson Elliot , when he was here I mentioned the four or five books 
that have most  influenced my political thinking and Alice In Wonderland was one of them.

Now the radicals are attacking Cinderella because of her whiteness. This anti-American 
nonsense will not stop by itself. It must be put down with physical force since we no longer 
believe in enforcing laws and radicals  certainly have no intention of obeying.

Liberal Racism Cancels Town Cinderella Production Because of Whiteness

Cinderella is Canceled Because of Whiteness…

Read Here

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