Saturday, April 24, 2021

BLACK LADDERS MATTER and Stacey Wants To Climb Them. If Greta Is Your Authority You Need To Resign From Congress.

Common sense still reigns in our home.


Jen Psaki Dodges Whether Biden Agrees With Maxine Waters' Controversial Remarks

They do this for two basic reasons:

A) They support radicals because they have been infiltrated by radical whose message is based on their belief America is a systemic evil nation and b) by stirring controversy they build revenues.
Every Congress has it's buffoon.  Most are harmless but occasionally one comes along who is dangerous.  Maxine Waters is my candidate for two basic reasons:

a) She is a racist of the worst kind and b) she is re-elected and thus,  gains power in the system of seniority.

Republicans have a better history of getting rid of their idiots as they did recently with a Representative from the mid- west. Pelosi fears getting rid of Waters and Swalwell who come from California, her own home state.

Maxine Waters’s Long History of Reckless Rhetoric

The California congresswoman has never been a peacemaker. She’s always been on the side of rioting.

By Joseph Perkins

The Ku Klux Klan was in Huntington Beach, Calif., on April 12, holding a “White Lives Matter” rally. It was a 37-minute drive away from the Hawthorne district office of Rep. Maxine Waters. “ Auntie Maxine ” (as the Democrat calls herself) declined to confront the Klan. But she flew all the way to Minneapolis last weekend to coach protesters awaiting the outcome of the Derek Chauvin trial.

“I hope we get a verdict that says guilty, guilty, guilty,” Ms. Waters said. “And if we don’t . . . we’ve got to stay on the street. We have to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational.”

The 82-year-old lawmaker has been notorious for such incendiary language since she was first elected to Congress in 1990. She called the 1992 riots that followed the acquittal of the Los Angeles police officers who were filmed beating Rodney King an “insurrection.” She meant it as a term of approbation. Sixty-three people died during the L.A. riots, but Ms. Waters declared that she wouldn’t tell her constituents “to go inside, to be peaceful, that they have to accept the verdict.”

Ms. Waters has always shunned the peacemaker role in favor of rioting. Thirty years after the L.A. riots, nothing has changed.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended Ms. Waters’s latest remarks. “Maxine talked about confrontation in the manner of the civil-rights movement,” Mrs. Pelosi said. But nothing could be further from reality. As attorney Alan Dershowitz suggested during an interview with Newsmax, Ms. Waters’s rant had more in common with the bile historically spewed by the KKK than the language for which the civil-rights movement is remembered. It was “an attempt to intimidate the jury” in the Chauvin case, he said, a tactic “borrowed precisely from the Ku Klux Klan of the 1930s and 1920s when the Klan would march outside of courthouses and threatened all kinds of reprisals if the jury dared to convict a white person or acquit a black person.”

Ms. Waters apparently is so myopic it doesn’t occur to her to consider the consequences of her words. In 2018, she encouraged people to harass members of the Trump administration. “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and create a crowd,” she urged. “And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore.”

“Resistance” agitators leapt to do as the Congresswoman ordered. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was denied service at a Virginia restaurant. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and her husband Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader at the time, were verbally abused while having dinner in Kentucky. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was heckled by a crowd at a Washington restaurant. And someone posted “Wanted” posters with the face of Stephen Miller in the Washington building where the Trump adviser lived. All this only a year after Republican Steve Scalise, then House majority whip, was shot by a Democratic activist at a charity softball game.

If Rep. Waters continues to get away with her unhinged rants, it may only be a matter of time before she is responsible for a tragedy. Then Auntie Maxine will have no one to blame but herself.

Mr. Perkins is a commentator for KUSI News in San Diego.

These young whites are racists and demean those they don't even know. The also probably attend college and yet, don't know their a-- from their elbow.

This should prove Stacey Abrams is also a racist who is lying, knows nothing about her own people and simply wants to stir up discord among the races so she can gain power and become Governor on her way up the BLM, ie. BLACK LADDERS  MATTER.


Reverse prejudice acceptable in State of Washington. Apparently they never heard of Civil Rights Laws apply to everyone.



When Greta becomes your authority you need to resign from Congress or, better yet, walk in front of a train.:

Top Democrat BEGS Greta Thunberg For Help

How ridiculous does this make America look?


 Proceeds from sale of one of Epstein's home's will go to reimburse his victims. So sad . Money will never be a substitute for the pain and suffering he caused.

Good News for Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims

BY Ryan H.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion has finally been demolished to make way for a new building.

Epstein raped and victimized more than a hundred underage girls at 358 El Brillo Way. His ability to get away with his crimes for multiple decades has been described by courts as a “national disgrace.”

The destruction of Epstein’s property will provide funds to victims and may provide them with some closure and relief as well.

A usually tight-lipped local real estate broker told the newspaper he helped put the sale together to ensure that the troubled property would be demolished.

“I only got involved in the sale of Jeffrey Epstein’s residence to ensure it would be wiped off the map of Palm Beach,” Lawrence Moens reportedly said.

Developer Todd Michael Glaser bought the mansion for $18.5 million in March. Those funds have been added to the Victims’ Compensation Program, which will make payments to Epstein’s victims.


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