Saturday, April 10, 2021

Prince Philip RIP. We Are There. The Democrat Party - Enemy of "We The People." Money Matters More? What Migrant Dilemma?


Prince Philip was a, from the sidelines, stabilizing force for The Royal Family.


Sound familiar? I see Stacey Abrams, Biden, radical Democrats and the mass media.  What do you see? Believe me this is already here.


Biden either wants to outdo FDR when it comes to packing The Court or needs to pacify the radicals who control his every movement and get them off his back.

Democrats, as we know, hate to lose and they will screw an entire nation for power. By packing the SCOTUS they seek to turn  it into a third legislative body so what they cannot pass in Congress they can ram through the judicial system.  They are a gutless party seeking only power and continuance in office and care not a whit about the constitution, have utter contempt for the Founding Fathers and are as big a threat to America as any external foe.

If our republic is to survive Democrats must be thrown out of office and kept out until they indicate a degree of political sanity and co-operative spirit. Until that occurs they must be viewed as the enemy of "We The People."


Maybe money matters more:


The Migrant Dilemma:


The Migrant Dilemma

By: Phil “Not Retired, Self Unemployed" Gerber

The current migrant situation at the US southern border is confusing at best. To many it is a crisis, to others it’s just a problem and to those in the shadows it’s going according to plan.


Those who believe it’s a crisis see the humanitarian pain and suffering. They see the influx of people with the virus and those with criminal records or criminal intent. They see the massive financial impact associated with housing, feeding and caring for the medical needs of thousands of people with no income or marketable skills. They are compassionate people frustrated by the magnitude of the problem with no viable solution.


Then there are those who see the situation as just a temporary problem until the ‘system’, our culture, can be re-educated. They view it as necessary ‘adjustments’ to correct the abuses of the Trump administration. Many of them also believe the adoption of open borders is the ‘right’ thing to do. Regardless, the current situation appears to be the result of hastily implemented policies with little or no analysis of the consequences much less any contingency plans. Their strategy appears to be to gaslight the issues (with the media’s help) and throw money and rhetoric at the problems.  Of perhaps greater concern is the long term damage they are doing to our culture and our constitutional form of government. Also, we shouldn’t forget the pain and suffering being created by the massive influx of drugs coming through the border.


Finally, there are those in the shadows, the global swamp. They believe they are superior to the rest of us and it is their mission to reorganize the world the way it should be...their way. Call them Marxists, communists, globalists, trilateralists or the New World Order, and though their objectives may differ they share a common goal: Diminish the strength and influence of the United States to the point where we must acquiesce to their demands.


Given these three views of our immigration situation, consider a simple analogy. You come home to find your bath tub overflowing and the water on full force. What do you do?


If you are among the first group, first you’d get the water shut off, then you’d drain the tub and finally clean up the mess. So, to solve the immigration situation you would secure our border, finish the wall and turn back all immigrants in transit. Then you would identify all illegal immigrants and return them to their country of origin - firmly, but with compassion. Finally, to clean up the mess you’d tighten our immigration policy to remove ambiguities, negotiate treaties with Mexico and Central American countries to stem mass migrations and finally declare all organizations that organize and facilitate the transportation of immigrants as terrorist organizations.


The next group, which looks surprisingly like the current administration, would analyze the cause of the problem before taking any action. Then, marginally reduce the flow of the water as a show of concern. Meanwhile, they would sue the plumber and demand the insurance company pay for all damages and emotional stress caused by the situation. Finally, rather than try to clean the mess, they would leave it for future owners. In the case of our immigration situation the administration is marginalizing the problem and throwing money at it to ‘fix’ it. Rather than return the immigrants to their native country, they are relocating them to a neighborhood near you. Now it’s your problem. To complete the perfect storm, the administration now has a compelling argument to raise taxes to provide housing, health care, education and cash payments for this unanticipated flood of poor, abused, freedom seeking immigrants. Hardly seems like enough!


The third group is easy to understand. There is no problem because they are planning to demolish the house anyway.


If this was the only attack on our America it would be challenging enough. Unfortunately, we are fighting a multi-faceted campaign. 


Their battle plan is well documented. All you have to do is read the writings of Marx, Lenin and Saul Alinsky among others. Their objectives are ambitious yet simple: cripple the US economy, abolish religions, break up the family unit, convert the education system into indoctrination centers and promote identity politics and hostilities based on race, religion, sexual orientation, wealth, intelligence, etc to minimize any organized opposition.


Their battle plan includes global warming, open borders, pandemics, income inequality and white supremacy to name a few. They have gained control of the Democrat Party, while the Republican Party flounders indecisively looking for a unified voice. 


Unfortunately, we have ceased to be a republic for all practice purposes as our elected officials represent their political parties not their constituents. We have created a ruling class that has become self- perpetuating.


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