Monday, April 12, 2021

Lot Of Meat On The Bones Here Including A Battle Already Lost.


The above are harsh but I dare anyone to tell me they do not accord with a strong semblance of truth.
Can black conservative pastors shake the bad mouth attack of being called Uncle Toms?

Black Conservative Pastors Expose 5 Lies by Joe Biden, Stacey Abrams About Georgia Election Bill
There are Bulls and Bears at any given time.  I will set forth what I consider is the bear argument first then the bull one

Succinct Bear Case

1) inflation is starting to rise and interest rates will follow.
2) investors are already in so where will addition inflow come from to support elevated prices?
3) the VIX index is very low suggesting volatility has peaked
4) September historically is one of the worst market months and the market discounts some 6 months in advance.
5) supply chain restrained and this could effect earning projections
                                                                      Succinct Bull Case

1) Fed unlikely to raise rate even if inflation rises a bit.
2) rising inflation and even interest rates impact the bond market and as bond prices decline it lowers, somewhat, competitive hurdle rate for equities.
3) American economy recovering faster than European and thus money could flow from Europe to America.
4) family household balance sheets strong, Biden prepared to spend like a drunken sailor so economy will be strong preceding mid-term elections.
5) rotation from, somewhat, overvalued growth into value and cyclical stocks has further to go.
6) analysts keep raising estimates thus, lowering PER.  

                                                                       Personal View

Though not embracing the entire bull case, I remain positive and expect there will be corrections but , depending upon one's appetite for risk and investment horizon , I would be a buyer on reactions.

                                                                      You decide
Corporate American executives continue to be intimidated and believe their acts of supplication are moral.  They will eventually regret their pusillanimous posture in time. Their hat in the hand groveling is despicable.
Israel must march to its own drumbeat.  I seriously doubt Biden will come to Ukraine's aid if attacked and/or Taiwan if blockaded. Why should Israel think Biden would do much more for them?

Frankly, if Biden proves feckless faith in America could crumble throughout Asia and I believe China's Xi realizes this.
Will Hunter escape and if so what message that does send assuming, as most do, he did what he denies.

I will end with a discussion of FOX's Tucker Carlson.

Lynn and I tend to eat late so we began watching Tucker Carlson when he first began his program.  Initially I was somewhat turned off by his contentious attitude toward guests who held opposite persuasions and I thought he was actually rude and wondered why his guests appeared to be lacerated with a sharp, snide tongue.

Then he began to give a much more thoughtful analysis and tonight (Monday Feb. 12,)  he, far more eloquently than myself, explained what I have been alluding to and writing about for decades.

Tucker explained Democrats are interested in holding onto and increasing their political power and this is why they are willing to flood America with illegals.  The effect is to reduce the voting power of legitimate citizens. In essence, as I have said for eons, Democrats, hypocrite liberals and progressives do not care about blacks nor even  America.  They simply want power and diluting the vote of legitimate citizens is the way to obtain same. 

Ticker made the analogy of parents who brought children, other than their own, into the home and began lavishing on them and what would be the reaction of their own rejected kids?  What is the difference between packing The Court and packing the nation? Both are dilutive of the existing order.

This is why, if we are ever to retain our republic we must do everything in our own power to rid the nation of the radical Democrat Party as currently constituted.

I fear it is a battle already lost.

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