I have a capital idea. Union pensions should be shifted to reparations for black citizens. That would show their solidarity up front.
Anarchists and radical Liberals can do better than Founding Fathers:
Michelle Malkin is a friend and fellow memo reader and my have been injured when she was invited to talk in Denver.
Schiff is truly sick:
Schiff: After Trump Is Gone We Will Continue to Investigate and ‘Expose What He Did’ - Read More
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Congrats to my dear friend Allen West:
I suggested in a memo several years ago Iran's power grid was above ground and the best way to wreck/deter their nuclear effort was to eliminate their power source. Also by doing this the Iranian people might then rise up and challenge the dictators. Perhaps this is starting to percolate.
“About 15 hours after rioters broke into the building that houses the Portland Police Association offices and set a fire, a passel of community leaders and activists begged for an end to the violence that has gripped the city for nearly 2 months,” Wayne Havrelly writes for Portland’s KOIN News.
The city’s “leadership has, for months, lost control of the anarchists and agitators,” President Trump tweeted yesterday. “We must protect Federal property, AND OUR PEOPLE. These were not merely protesters, these are the real deal!”
Click here to read more.
Naturally Maxwell would think this because:
a) it could be true
b) she is trying to save her own life from foul play
REPORT: Ghislaine Maxwell Believes Epstein Was Murdered in Jail - Read More
Theft of elections is nothing new to Democrats. They are shameless and therefore feel no guilt. Winning and havig power is their soul/sole goal.
Is America On The Verge Of Adopting "Cheat-By-Mail Voting?"
Dear Patriot,
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are holding corona-virus relief funds hostage by trying to force America to accept a vote-by-mail election in 2020. Voting by mail has been proven to be the most vulnerable, fraud-prone way to hold elections.
It’s cheating instead of holding a fair election, which is why Chuck and Nancy are desperate to force it on America. The politicians need to know that American voters won’t accept their national vote-by-mail scheme.
Cast your vote on this question today:
Fighting for Freedom,
Mark Beckton
Covid 19 and the New York Time's 1619 have one thing in common. They are both dangerous and viral.
The New York Times has been taken over by radicals who are powerful enough, apparently/allegedly, to even intimidate family members of the founders who still "theoretically" run the paper.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Where is America now:
We have Democrat mayors who have abdicated their primal responsibility,ie. keeping their cities and citizens safe.
We have anarchists and rioters marauding in the streets, attacking helpless police and destroying property.
We have mayors protesting federal help because they are intimidated by the thugs they allowed to take over their cities.
We have cowardly elected officials (mostly Democrats) responding to "defund the police" demands who claim they are the true friends of black citizens. de Blasio of New York City has demonstrated by public statements and actions he would be better suited to be the mayor of Moscow.
We have other elected officials insanely voting reparations to blacks because they believe America is evil and have been made to feel guilty for acts in which they had no involvement.
We have administrators who want to keep school closed and yet, profess they care about the underprivileged.
We have the union teacher's association holding elected officials hostage for increased pay and for meeting an assortment of "woke" demands before returning to the classrooms.
We have radical groups demanding we eliminate any public vestige of our culture, have been pulling public statues down without regard to what they symbolize, call for eliminating our National Anthem and wantonly are engaged in destroying and torching federal property.
We have organizations like BLM driving separatist wedges of discord between the races while allowing their "peaceful" protests to become subsumed by radical groups like Antifa etc.
Finally, we have a Democrat candidate for the presidency who is basically senile and is campaigning by hiding in his basement.
Yes, this is the America we live in today and it is all because power hungry and corrupt politicians like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, Waters and their ilk persist in claiming Trump is a fraudulent president. Why? Because Trump said he would drain the swamp and they feared being exposed would allow all to see they were corrupt. Therefore, they decided they would not accept the desired results of voters.
We also have evidence that the former president was engaged in what could be treasonous behaviour in support of the these that Trump is illegitimate because the opposition candidate lost after declaring Americans who did not agree with her were"deplorables."
The current Democrat Candidate even went so far as to pronounce his version of this insult by telling black that did not vote for him surely could not claim their own blackness.
I challenge anyone to tell me anything t I have stated is fake news as the mass media now embraces as their weapon of choice in support of their bias and political prejudice.
Portland Leaders Plead: End the Violence, Let’s Talk
“About 15 hours after rioters broke into the building that houses the Portland Police Association offices and set a fire, a passel of community leaders and activists begged for an end to the violence that has gripped the city for nearly 2 months,” Wayne Havrelly writes for Portland’s KOIN News.
The city’s “leadership has, for months, lost control of the anarchists and agitators,” President Trump tweeted yesterday. “We must protect Federal property, AND OUR PEOPLE. These were not merely protesters, these are the real deal!”
Click here to read more.
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