Sunday, July 26, 2020

Buying Eternal Votes Through The Reparation Sting. Links and Cartoons Regarding Rioting. Remembering Dante.

The ones marked with a white X in the bottom left corner are school teachers.

Federal Officers May Go Blind After “Peaceful” Protesters Shine Lasers In Their Eyes Read More





This black dude minces no words. His message is simple and straightforward. He speaks to his own as no white can because they would be called racists.

He made his money the old fashioned way. He worked for it.

Before I came upon this video I began to think why not send checks to every legal black citizen in the amount of $10,000 as reparations.  That would amount to I believe $3 trillion or so and then cancel all welfare programs and get rid of all agencies devoted to welfare.

This would end dependency, which is dehumanizing, would allow non-black American citizens to rid themselves of guilt and our black citizens could then begin lives for themselves and pursue the opportunities available to all citizens.

Asheville N.C has decided to get into the reparation business and a black rapper has also decided we owe his people trillions in reparations so I have no doubt the reparation "sting" will eventually become a reality because it is another way for Democrat politicians to buy eternal votes and loyalty. Enslavement will never end for a large number of black voters.  It  simply changes it's form.
Biden's behaviour demonstrates the contempt he must hold for American voters.
Apparently Biden believes he can hide from them and yet ask them to elect him to lead our nation. It is the height of arrogance and hypocrisy.

Furthermore, while the nation is being torn apart and fired by anarchists he hides in a dungeon beneath his home. What a pitiful display of leadership from a bunkered coward.

He has been a political figure approaching 50 years and you cannot point to anything meaningful  he has accomplished other than enriching himself and his family at the public trough.

It should be obvious he has serious mental issues and therefore, if elected, he probably will be unable to serve a full term. This is evermore reason he select a serious VP capable of becoming president.  Here again, his avowed list of contenders reflect further contempt because none are qualified and virtually all are radical.

If America elects Biden because of their distaste of Trump's personality and totally disregard his accomplishments, all prior to the pandemic and killing of a black suspect, neither of which were caused  by Trump, then the expressions "you get what you pay for"  or "if you break it you own it" will deservedly haunt us because they will validate emotion triumphs reason..

What is happening in the streets of America's major cities has been building for decades.  These cities have been run by Democrat mayors and other key elected officials during this time and their current dereliction of duty is equally shameful.

Unwillingness by mayors and governors to confront anarchist challenges, their yielding to outrageous demands is disgusting and the yellow streaks running  down their backs assuredly disqualify them from public leadership roles.  Add a Biden presidency and you have every right to question the survival of our republic.
Dear friends and fellow memo readers relate their own Dante experiences :
Oh no!  I knew Dante, but not well.  Spent many fun evenings in Down the Hatch with friends.  Sam and I went there when we were dating.
May he rest in peace.

I remember him well. C------
Fond memories of Dante’s place.  Deepest condolences J---
Sad to learn of his passing, he was certainly one of a kind! V-------

I knew Dante—wonderful man with fascinating stories.  A neighbor from Atlanta (when I worked on the Hill) introduced us.  We went to Union Station and met him on his railroad car, The Survivor.  He gave us a great tour and said part of its history was that it was owned by Barbara Hutton when she and Cary Grant were “courting.”  If walls could talk!
Later, he agreed to let us use his railroad car to transport Republican Senators to an annual event in Williamsburg, VA.  He really was a generous soul.  And for a diminutive man he had a giant heart of gold.  He will be missed.  Thanks for sharing. S----
My Response:
Everything you say is true.  I rented  his car and took clients for a fall trip to Chattanooga and back. Stay well and be safe.  Me
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This black dude speaks to his own as no white can because they would be called racists.

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