I have always maintained liberals love to drink their own bath water. By this I mean they are so self absorbed they truly believe if they say it, it must be so. I also believe what I say reflects what I believe but I throw it out mainly to serve as a jumping point for a discussion of opposing views.
Those liberal friends who are willing to discuss politics generally begin by smearing Trump. I assume they believe if they jump out of the gate first and belittle someone you are willing to defend they make it more difficult because how could you possibly defend a lecherous type they have demeaned. This is why identity politics is so important to liberals.
In the op ed Bret Stephens wrote, and which I posted in a previous memo, he began by smearing Trump basically suggesting he was a low life. I believe he had to do it to lay out his bona fides so he could then proceed to talk about freedom of speech being under attack while totally leaving out reference to the paper he writes for (NYT's)and which, I believe, is a shill for the Democrats.
I recently heard former Governor Huckabee mention when people attack other people they are actually attacking God. His point being, if "man" is created in God's image then it follows attacks on God's creatures are attacks on God. He continued by saying anarchists want to destroy man's connection with God and religion and seek for "man" to substitute "himself" for God.
Lat night I heard Robert Woodson's interview by Mark Levin. Woodson is an author who founded the Woodson Institute in order to counter the NYT's distorted 1619 project that teaches the radical message "blacks are victims." This is the message being taught in public schools today.
NYT's 1619 Project is (dishonest) attack on founding ...
The NYT's 1619 Project Is Garbage History | RealClearPolitics
Robert Woodson - 1776 Unites
Robert L. Woodson, Sr. is Founder & President of Woodson Center formerly the (Center for Neighborhood Enterprise) (1981), and 1776 Unites (2019). Woodson Center helps residents of low-income neighborhoods address the problems of their communities helping to reduce crime and violence, restore families, create economic enterprise and employment ...
America is under attack on all fronts. The end of our republic has been in the planning for decades and the recent murder of a black served as a necessary trigger to unleash what we are viewing every day.
This is why the destruction of education, America's cultural values, history and connection with God is so critical. Anarchists and their financiers want to eliminate police departments so we will have to defend ourselves and, in doing so, pit citizen against citizen. Discord serves the interest of those who benefit from chaos
America is the only nation that went to war to end slavery. Our Constitution is one of the most unique document ever devised by man and stipulates ten indelible rights every citizen of our country enjoys.
The hostility towards our nation, by the mass media, cannot be ignored. As for Trump, he is offering a positive view by telling us the best is yet to come. He has added another branch to explore the universe, to place an American on Mars. His recent speech at Mt. Rushmore was uplifting and was crafted to appeal to our better spirit. Those who seek to trash his words, to distort their meaning have another agenda.
Democrats have chosen Biden to be a front for their Trojan Horse objectives. It is past time for the "unwoke" to wake up and do what is necessary to save our nation from the clutches of the true "evil doers."
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