Sunday, July 5, 2020

Comments on Various Topics. Hope You Had A meaningful 4th.

DC Mayor: Everyone Ordered to Stay at Home July 4th…Except for Black Lives Matter
Trump's response to statue destruction - you destroy we build.
Liberals ERUPT After Trump Promises THIS
He just delivered a huge blow to those who hate America.

President Trump sent shockwaves after he announced  he will be issuing an executive order to have a Statue Garden built which will include some of the greatest American hero in history.
According to the Gateway Pundit, Trump said, “I am signing an executive order to establish The National Garden of American Heroes, a vast outdoor park that will feature the statues of the greatest Americans who ever lived.”
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Biden will not campaign because of doctor's orders. He will remain in the basement and when he wins he will move The Oval Office to the basement in The White House. His son will become Tsy Secretary.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++It is hard for those who hate to step aside and look at themselves in a dispassionate way. If they could what they would see would be:
a) The culmination of  decades of planning by those who hate this country and know that as long as America succeeds it impedes their desires to support dictatorial regimes.
b)  They have been actively engaged in educating multitudes by lies and deceit, turning them into foot soldiers for anarchy.
c) Their weapons of choice are division, identity politics and  criminalization of everything so one's freedoms become restrained. Defunding police is simply another  effective method to accomplish the aforementioned.
d) Next comes the destruction of a nation's history, monuments and crippling of commerce.
e) Additionally, we have the breakdown of law and order and the forcing of weak, cowardly leadership to bend to the demands of those committing crimes. This also means the election of puppets who will do their bidding in furtherance of their goals of anarchism.
f) The prospect of an election determined by mailed in ballots is perhaps the most damaging of all because it taints our most sacred of rights - voting and a credible ballot box. 
This is why the Democrat Party has become subsumed by radicalization and why these radicals are delighted Biden has become the Democrat's candidate. Greasing the tracks by demonizing Trump and supported in their efforts by a dishonest and biased mass media is the final nail in the coffin.
Everything I have stated above is or will be happening and we are witnessing it when, instead, we should be responding in protest.  It is much easier to create a mob bent on destruction than to get people to resist, be vocal and demand their leaders uphold the sacred trust voters placed in them to defend and uphold the law.
Furthermore, watching corporate America bail is disheartening. Companies who owe their wealth and success to the virtues of capitalism turn their backs on their stockholders and America in the mistaken belief they are doing what is morally righteous. In fact, they are feeding the animals  intent on their  future destruction.

I am  posting some random op eds and articles that support what I believe is happening and what I have mentioned above:

a) Virginia is considering passing legislation that assaulting a police office should not be deemed a felony.VA Dems: Assault on an Officer Should Not be a Felony

b) CNN Praised Mt. Rushmore When Obama Visited; Attacks When Trump Visits and

CNN Only Calls Mount Rushmore Majestic When Obama Was There Read More


d) Our nation's support of "political correctness" is leading us to losing our freedom of being an American. 

e) REDACTED: What did Dems Hide in Pandemic Stimulus Bill?

f)  Can the republic survive?Our society is marinating in a racialist obsession Roger Kimball

This is the America I see after 244 years. It is sad to even think that the end of our glorious republic is near and growing more likely all because Trump became president pledging to clean up the swamp while exposing the corruption of his predecessor.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The remainder of this memo will be devoted to more random commentary:
Always follow the money:

Jeffrey Epstein And His Alleged ‘Madam,’ Ghislaine Maxwell, Exchanged $20 Million Over 5 Year

By Jim Hayek

The key to another Trump victory will be impeded by one or all of  the following:
a) Indifference by the electorate to what Maxwell and Durham reveal/uncover.

b) Trump's ability to wander off the reservation and not stay on message

c) Biden's ability to duck exposure until he is flushed out of his dungeon and has to debate.

d) Someone like Donna Brazile gives Biden the questions to any debate as she did for Hillary when she ran against Sanders.  For her to be a spokesperson for FOX is contemptible.

e) The theft of the election because of ballot box and other voting irregularities.  Liberals and radical Democrats are more likely to engage in this behaviour  not only because they have a history of doing so but also because wimpy Republicans and conservatives  tend to play by the rules. Nixon refused to challenge Kennedy's election because of Illinois voter fraud.

f) Mass media bias and now the same coming from technology and corporate  giants like Amazon and Facebook.

I hope you’ll take two minutes to find out how Big Tech plans to steal the 2020 election from President Trump by waging a war to silence conservatives until November.

You see, corporate elites, including Verizon and Starbucks, are pushing a leftist Stop Hate For Profit boycott of Facebook aimed at quieting the conservative voices of…

…President Donald J. Trump and ME!

My name is Candace Owens.

g) Voter intimidation by potential rioting on election day.

h) something else I have not thought of.

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