Saturday, July 11, 2020

43rd Consecutive Year At Tybee. Finished Review of Spalding's Book Not Encouraged We Will Take His Prescription.

Are there enough of us to make the critical difference?


The End of Teaching as We Know It


Spalding's chapter nine is entitled "World Domination Via Infrastructure"  and he begins with a flat out statement  that China is using construction as a way of embedding their technology, their ideology  in other nations and are taking advantage of the desire  of lesser developed nations to improve their infrastructure by making loans that cannot be repaid.

China's Belt Road development is an instrument of political warfare and if they accomplish their goal they will extend transportation to over 30% of the world's nations and even more population-wise. By accumulating data through technology, China will gain unbelievable insight and ultimate control of minds.

Basically China is trying to infiltrate two thirds of the world.

Chapter ten, entitled: "Sino Solutions: How To Combat and Stop China's Stealth War." is advice on how the West must draw a line in the sand .Spalding writes it is past the time to play hardball. As he ends this chapter he posts a distilled list of key strategic steps that , hopefully, will ensure the future of our children's birthright of freedom.  Additionally, he proposes the establishment of a national infrastructure bank to rebuild America through public funding in conjunction with government assistance.

China's economy is very leveraged and they depend upon out-sized growth fora nation of its size.  Whatever we can do to slow this growth and deprive them of capital can have major consequences favorable to the West, The problem is capitalists are too often by self-defeating  greed than reason. Because of the various rules demanded by China and the unwillingness to abide by accounting rules and trade laws others must obey any investment in China is akin to engaging in  a Ponzi scheme.

On the other hand what happens if China decides to mark down the thousands of tall empty buildings which currently exist and represent housing for some 60 cities all of which can house 6 to 10 million each?  It would result in massive losses for Western investors, banks, pension funds  as they write down these investment to 20%of their current carry rate and allow China to fill them with citizens who would need all kind of items like refrigerators, TV's etc. giving rise to employment and production that could result in China becoming a virtual self-sustaining economy at Western expense.

Spalding's last chapter: "Beating China At Its Own Game" begins which an admission we are losing the battle as China begins its third decade of its Stealth War. Their goal of achieving dominance by 2049 is in sight.  He sighted FDR's "Four Freedoms Speech" as a  unifying speech which has guided the world and which China vehemently remains in opposition yet, appears to conform to the rules and norms it seeks to undermine. The CCP embraces freedom from want as the only principle. The remaining three principles remain enemies of China.

It is undeniable that China's seeks economic power, theft of technology, cyber aggression, infrastructure control, political chicanery and expanded military deployment and employs any subversive means to succeed. Spalding gives us three years to change our failure to respond and lists a series of actions we must take including preventing cash from pouring into our political campaigns that taint and influence the electorate. He refers back to actions he previously cited as evidence of the danger China imposes. He also notes the CCP has become emboldened by their successes. 

Spalding believes the 2020 election affords America an opportunity to redress our past failures and  our failing  to understand China is the friendliest of enemies.He believes the focus of theelectio should be about China and he lists four basic concepts:

a) Lead with principles
b) Strengthen America
c) Organize to Compete
d) Rebuild the international order

The guts of these 4 concepts means protecting our valuable intellectual property, re-building our infrastructure, coming together (unifying) politically and patriotically, enforcing fair trade rules, re-establishing military superiority and withdrawing manufacturing from China and certainly all items that are essential to our security must be made in America. Having R and R located in China, which can be co-opted, devalues corporate wealth. Investing in China and locating manufacturing there also means we are complicit in China's willingness to pollute and runs contrary to those who assert they embrace "green" policies. Wall Street must also stop being the cheerleader for China. The author asks would Wall Street have floated German Bonds during WW 2 and would institutions have bought them?

In essence, we must resort to business"unusual" as we turn away from the last 40 years of how we conducted ourselves and lowered our guard.

If one embraces Spalding's views and accepts his conclusions it appears a Biden election carries greater risks because China already has hooks into his son. That is not to say Biden would knowingly sell America down the river but can voters depend upon Biden to stand against China if he cannot stand against the radicals who have taken over his party?

Being cynical and pessimistic I believe Spalding may be totally correct in most everything he has written. I have been writing about the rise of China for decades ever since I attended courses at The Naval War College and began reading their Publication  Consequently, I believe Spalding's prescription is correct but I believe we/the West will fail to implement because we are too politically divided and selfishly driven by greed so I fear China will continue along their path of dominance and America and the West will pay the ultimate price..

Sorry to leave on this downbeat note.
Off to Tybee for 43rd consecutive year.  Have a great week, stay well be safe. Me

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