Last of Tybee Beach Pictures Stella ad Dagny at our house

These are two comments sent to me by those who are reacting and are fellow memo readers:
a) I'm putting the NFL on my list, along with Starbucks, as business entities I will no longer visit or support.
With all that is happening in our world today, I think the black race is pushing itself farther and farther away from civilized society. I understand that it probably is a minority of the race that is burning, looting and killing, but the problem is the majority of the black race is not stepping up and condemning the illegal acts of the minority. Therefore, the whole black race suffers in the eyes of most others, and the race as a whole is perceived by many as law breakers and criminals to be feared. And the whites that are also involved, I have no words for.
Next time you see a Police Officer, if you would, give him a thumbs up, a smile, a simple thanks or even buy his lunch. Folks who have never been in an Officer's shoes have no idea of the pressure the uniformed, street Police Officer is currently under. And understand, at any time, Law Enforcement could just as easily quit doing proactive Police work simply by closing their eyes and going in the other direction when they are needed. They need to know the people they are risking their lives for, their careers for and their families for, support them. Don't let this become a second Viet Nam for Law Enforcement.Support the Blue.
We need the Sheep dogs to keep the wolves at bay, if we lose the Sheep Dogs the sheep will suffer.
b) 98% out of Tolerance
This describes a lot of us ......I think !
My tolerance is running out!!
I never cared if you were "gay" until you wanted to train my kids to be gay.
I never cared what color you were until you started blaming me for your problems;
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine;
I never cared where you were from until you began condemning people based on where they were from;
I have never cared if you were well off or poor, because I've been both, until you started calling me names for working hard and bettering myself;
I've never cared if your beliefs are different than mine until you said my beliefs are wrong;
I've never cared about your beliefs until you wanted to kill me if I did not adopt your beliefs;
I've never cared what a 2% group did until they started to tell the 98% what they must do.
I've given all the tolerance I have to give. Your un-usualness is your problem. You need to adapt to living with the 98%. I am in the 98% and have no need to change my behavior or opinion to make you happy. In fact, I will not.
I will tell you, "you are out of step and wrong". I have every right to do that and I am not guilty of anything for telling you these things.
I have been too patient & now I'm out of patience.
Dick, this election is not about socialism versus capitalism. It is about Americanism versus Communism. Capitalism and socialism are constructs of types of economic systems. And as you know, socialism is where the government controls the means of production and distribution. Whenever socialism came to a country, it had a totalitarian regime, including a police state. The citizens did not have the freedoms that Americans do. They operated under something known as the "just ruler principal." They didn’t care who took control as long as it was a “just ruler”. The overwhelming majority of Americans are not willing to change their freedoms for free stuff. The only way that socialism gets into the United States is at the point of a gun, a police state, and that IS communism.
The anarchists are using “socialism” with its benign connotation as a bait and switch mechanism. They know that the social justice warriors (SJW) will conclude socialism is the form of government intended for social justice. If we allow them to keep that misconception, they will get a lot of SJW voters.
Trump’s clueless campaign team needs to change the narrative to Americanism versus communism.
+++With comments like this , perhaps you can better understand the above. A new twist on "deplorables.":
Collin Rugg from Trending Politics reports, On Thursday during “The View” on ABC, political commentator Tiffany Cross stated that President Trump’s recent comments relating to police brutality was like “tossing red meat to his Klan-like base.”
Joe Biden Asks Schools To Teach WHAT?
He's gone completely insane.
Salena writes about government thwarting opportunity:
Opportunity abounds when government gets out of the way
By Salena Zito
ERIE, Pennsylvania — To anyone who has said it would be impossible to transform one of
the poorest ZIP codes in the country into a role model for achieving economic prosperity has never listened to Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina discuss the promise of Opportunity Zones.
And they have definitely underestimated the determination of Erie’s local civic, foundation,
and business leaders to not give up the ship.
Click here for the full story.
I caught snatches of Trump's press conference and several things became evident:
a) It is hard for Trump to soften but he tried today.
b) Nothing he does will soothe Democrats because they are out to blame him for everything under the
sun. Most voters see through that campaign technique. What I never see/hear are Democrats offering
solutions to their charges of incompetence blah, blah, blah. Hypocrisy is part of Democrat's DNA.
c) Trump rebuilt our need for medical products and equipment so that is no longer a serious issue.
He also got the pharmaceutical industry to move forward quickly on a vaccine and that is beginning to
look favorable.
d) He went against experts and closed down incoming travel and that was a smart move which Biden criticized and said was racially motivated.
e) No matter what Trump does he will be challenged, criticized and second guessed so he has a lonely
job with little clarity when it comes to what choices he makes because we are dealing with a first time
type event.
f) Common sense supports opening the economy and there are some bright experts who believe a total
shut down was worse than leaving the economy open and pin pointing certain responses.
g) Opening schools is also something that must happen and there will be risks and deaths. A nation
that does not allow its youngsters to attend schools will pay a tremendous deferred generation price.
I can think of nothing more anti-black that keeping schools closed.
h) Voters will decide how far they are going to blame Trump for "mistakes" but generally are fair given actual facts and here he runs the continued risk the mass media want to defeat him so they will never
give him an honest bill of health. The ooze bias out of every pore.
i) As for the continued rioting it is all in Democrat run cities and if Trump moves to end them there
will be deaths and Trump will be attacked and if he does nothing the democrat mayors will continue to blame him for their own dereliction of duty.
j) Biden is capable of hurting himself with his constant bashing of Trump, particularly when he follows with solutions that are costly and resemble everything that has failed in the past..
I received this from a dear friend and fellow memo reader and thought it very provocative:
“Normalcy Bias” prevents us from clear geopolitical
July 21, 2020
Considering our current geopolitical conflict- read second
Cold War- with China a review of
US involvement in WWII may be instructive.
In retrospect, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a
sort of “all in” Hail Mary pass. The Japanese had spread themselves thin in
China and Southeast Asia in their quest for Asian hegemony. Earlier in 1940-41,
The US, Britain and the Netherlands had blocked oil shipments
to Japan to
include access to the oil-rich fields in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia)
and Borneo, as well as access to oil shipments through the Panama Canal,
seriously curtailing
their ability to continue on this course. For them to hold
on to China, Taiwan, French Indochina and the Malay peninsula, they needed to
neutralize the US Pacific Fleet. From the outset,
Admiral Yamamoto knew that
attacking Pearl Harbor was a perilous endeavor. And, of course,
he was right.
So, how does this historical reflection bear relevance to
our current geopolitical situation?
China is also dependent on oil imports and, more
importantly, grain imports. China imports up
to 10 million tons of grain
annually, in large measure from North America, i.e., the US and Canada. In
President Xi’s reckless rush to Chinese hegemony over Asia and global
superpower status, he surely understands that the US can still turn off the
fuel spigot by
blocking the Straits of Malacca and the Panama Canal and
blocking grain shipments from
North America. And now, with Trump willing to
take an economic fight to the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), Xi will need to
take drastic measures.
I believe that when he saw the devastating impact of
COVID-19 on his own people, Xi
stonewalled the reporting of the virus’
virulence and human-to-human communicability with
the probably forced collusion
of the WHO. The virus was then spread by the hundreds of thousands of Chinese
who traveled back and forth from and to the West during Chinese New
Year in
January 2020. This has led to economic devastation. We in the West have
this devastation out of respect for individual human lives.
The CCP has no such humane ethos and probably perceived
the death of hundreds of
thousands of Chinese as an economic gift that would
thin the numbers of elderly and infirm
while they continued commercial and
industrial activity at near pre-pandemic capacity. All
while we in the US
bicker politically about the wisdom of opening businesses and schools,
effectively paralyzing our economic activity.
Next phase: social unrest. For decades the USSR planted “agents
provocateur” in our
government and media. Why would anyone think that the CCP
would not do likewise? In fact
there are now hundreds of thousands of Chinese
graduate students and scientists here who,
we are learning, are expected to
conduct academic and scientific espionage by the CCP. It is
likely that some of
these act as indirect funnels of funding to support the many loosely
Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. It is likely that the
planners were waiting for another Rodney King moment- now a George
Floyd moment- to
foment widescale civil unrest. Let’s face it: if BLM, which
willingly and purposefully violates the
law, was really interested in saving
black lives, they would form their own militia and go door-
to-door in Chicago, Baltimore
and other centers of wholesale murder of black people and
disarm the many evil
fools who perpetrate these crimes.
But instead, they are destroying our urban communities,
and with the media’s support,
blaming American conservatives and thereby
causing a social and spiritual rupture of our
national identity and weakening
President Trump politically.
The CCP cannot wait to get rid of Trump who is the ONLY
President in decades who has
stood up to their political bullying and many
financial sins: industrial espionage, forced
transfer of intellectual property
rights from Western companies, currency manipulation and
more. They must drool
when they see poll numbers that show Joe Biden surpassing Donald Trump among
What do they see in Biden that appeals to them?
He appears to be senile.
Through his long political career he has been
the typical politician who has no real
soul or belief system but has merely
done what he needed to get re-elected.
He is corrupt: his son has made millions from
corrupt insider deals with the CCP
He is weak.
He is a leftist by convenience: without the
support of the far left he would never get elected.
He wants to disarm America. Admiral Yamamoto
once stated that an invasion of the
US mainland would be folly because the Japanese
would encounter “a rifle behind every
blade of grass!” Biden would end this and
to the benefit of our geopolitical enemies.
China needs oil and grain in large quantities. These are
available in Russia, the US and
Canada. They must have their eyes on Canada,
since an invasion of either Russia or the continental US would be foolhardy in
the extreme. So how about Canada?
With Western economies in shambles and extreme political
discord in the US, some sort of permanent and exclusive access to Canadian
resources would be not only ideal, but workable. How does this work? Just as in
the US the CCP already has many thousands of potential
agents in Canada to do
the intelligence work as well as operational work needed to set the
stage. If
China threatens to invade Canada, it is unlikely that NATO forces would be of
help considering their current depression-level economies. The Canadian
forces would be too
few and underequipped to resist a large-scale
invasion. If Trump were President he
throw the full force of American military might at the Chinese and we
would destroy their war-making ability.
However, if a patently weak President Biden, surrounded
by Marxist and anti-American
advisors (Saunders, AOC, etc.) were to try to
oppose the CCP, he would likely succumb to
fear, advice from the Marxist
stooges in the Democratic party who would love to see the
Chinese next door and
some offer of accommodation by the Chinese. He would essentially
offer the CCP
the keys to Canada.
China has been setting this stage for years. They are
developing both cyber weapons and
space weaponry at an alarming pace. They
desperately need a fully reliable supply of both
grain and fuel to avoid the
oft-referenced “rice-bowl revolution” that is always looming for
them in their
near future.
They will likely strike soon. During the last cold war,
the USSR had plenty of grain and fuel.
They were engaged in global conflicts to
spread their ideology. China could quickly starve
without fuel and grain
resources. Ideology is a weak motivator of national resolve compared
to hunger.
Xi is now “President for life” and dictators often act rashly. We will soon be
at war.
Grow a garden and let no one take your guns. And find your blade of
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