Friday, July 10, 2020

Track John Solomon. Pelosi's Overreach Will Backfire and Eventually Create Pain For Her Party. Hating Thomas - Blame Biden and Ted Kennedy.

John Solomon is excellent and generally is correct:

John Solomon: Indictments Imminent In ‘Obamagate’ Probe
Will Maxwell live to tell? Stay tuned.

Former Prison Official Says Ghislaine Maxwell Should be Transferred to Rikers For Her Own Safety Read More


This will never happen because when you get two allies together you get three ideas, discord and dissension.  Particularly if Trump asks Merkel to do anything. 

 However, if ten major democratic nations close their embassies with China shaming them for the Corona-virus, treatment of  Hong Kong, their aggressive/corrupt behaviour with respect to trade and unlawful territorial expansion this would send a visible signal to the Chinese people they need to rebel against the CCP.

It is time for Democratic nations to overthrow the CCP .  I know this is a tall, if not impossible, order and will not happen so watch the CCP get more aggressive, particularly should Biden be elected. 

I would not want to be living in Taiwan.
In Gen. Spalding's Chapter entitled "Modern Warfare 5.0: The 5g Future" we learn several chillings things.  First, China was able to influence our Intelligence Agencies to fire Spalding because he began seminars for all NSA members to attend and learn how China works and conducts  espionage and how China even penetrated our nation's military research effort and essential programs.. America has spent untold billions on developing the F-35, one of the most advanced planes in our armory.  Critical parts used in building this awesome plane are actually manufactured in China and could sabotage the plane's entire functions.  The billions we have spent could become worthless because a few million dollars of Chinese parts have compromised the plane's technological security and maneuverability.

In referencing 5G, Spalding  urges the reader to think of it as a network built for machines which should be protected by our government. Why? Because, anything connected to an unsecured 5G network can also serve as a potential weapon that procures China geopolitical influence and even potential control over an entire nation. Spalding considers 5G a national security matter and , here again, ,he met resistance from America's corporate side who had their own reasons to object but also were espousing what the CCP wanted, ie. we were endangering bi-government relations.

In chapter 7: "Politics and Diplomacy," Spalding outlines how China uses both as deception to gain control and expand their influence. Their entire purpose is to avoid destruction of war by attacking through deception and if that takes buying off people so be it.  They approach the issue in two ways,  First they identify  persons of influence  and then begin to sway them.

Spalding cited an example where the CCP used influence to try and stop one of the key officials of The Voice of America to actually stop a proposed interview of a former wealthy Chinese citizen living in America by getting the husband of Katherine Graham. owner and publisher of The Washington Post, to apply pressure on the director of the VOA. The interview occurred but the woman in The VOC who pulled it off was later fired.

China also seeks to infiltrate by establishing and paying for Confucius Institutes on American College and University campuses to spread influence through propaganda.

Chinese students pay full tuition and represent over a third of foreign students seeking higher education in America. They are tracked by Chinese Officials and told to avoid contact with American students and are warned not to engage in certain activities. They are monitored and their families, residing in China, are threatened if their children wander off the reservation, so to speak, and disobey CCP warnings. Chinese students also spy on each other and are here also to gain information pertaining to technology.

Chinese students studying in America  serve a purpose and are very much like termites. with specific missions and assignments.

In Chapter Eight: "Stealing Intellectual Property" Spalding begins by stating China is fixated on acquiring scientific knowledge.  This follows logically because they use technology to spread influence in order to gain control of what they seek, ie. domination of trade, the oceans etc,

China seeks to excel in 10 areas:

a) New information technology
b) High-end numerically controlled machine tools and robots
c) Aerospace equipment
d) Ocean engineering equipment and high-end vessels
e) High -rail transportation equipment
f) Energy saving cars and new energy cars
g )Electrical equipment
h) Farming machines
i) New materials, such as polymers
j) Bio-medicine and high end medical equipment

Technology transfer, by whatever method and any means, is driving China's desire to openly steal IP.

Add to theft they also are crafting lawfare as another weapon.

Spalding discusses several instances involving their use of lawfare and one, which was particularly egregious,  involved the Hughes Division of GM and Boeing who actually helped China gain technology that allowed them to perfect accurate delivery of long range missiles.  The motive was money,  bottom line profit. Both companies were subsequently fined for breaking licensing laws

Capitalists often become prostitutes when money is involved and the Chinese know how to take advantage of human frailties and greed.

Think Biden and his son!
A dear friend and fellow memo reader shares her view of an interesting book read:
Conrad Black on the mass media.

Press Now Plumbs It's Own Depths of  Depravity
By Conrad Black

There has never been a presidential Campaign in the United States Where the administration was so massively opposed by the principal press outlets as in this election. 
Nor, in at least a century, have the national political media so widely and thoroughly discarded the traditional criterion for journalistic professionalism: the clear division 
between comment and reporting. 

Almost throughout the four-term presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the great majority of American newspapers was officially opposed to him. But far more important
than the publishers’ editorial recommendations were the generally favorable disposition to him of the working press. He charmed them, and the journalists ate from his hand. 

Many aspects of the Trump presidency are unprecedented; he is the first president never to have sought or held a public office, elected or unelected, or a high military command;
and this is the first presidency, at least in living memory, in which almost the entire national political press have completely and constantly misreported the president’s public remarks
and policies. 

The former newspaper of record, the New York Times, has been commendably forthright in declaring that it was opposing rather than just reporting on the Trump administration.
Mr. Trump delivered the greatest speech of his career on Friday evening at Mount Rushmore, devoted altogether to celebrating the idealism of the American Revolution, 
the suppression of the Confederate insurrection in the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, and the enactment — albeit tardily — of the Jeffersonian promise, renewed 
by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, that all men are created equal. The Washington Post editorial board declared that he had reached “new depths of depravity.” 
This is an outrage worthy only of the press of a totalitarian country describing an opposition figure. 

With few exceptions, the United States is now served by a national political media that is incapable of reporting about the president accurately, that baits him at press briefings
with disgusting insolence, and that is extraordinarily negligent in ignoring or downplaying anything that reflects poorly on the president’s other enemies, the media’s allies
in the war against the president. 

The hideous permutation of the legitimate protests following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25 — protests the president endorsed — into widespread arson, pillage, vandalism, and assault resulting in more than 20 deaths in many cities across the country was largely ignored or deemphasized by the media. 

On the July 4 weekend, Chicago had 87 shootings resulting in 17 deaths, New York City 64 shootings and 10 deaths, Atlanta 31 shootings and five deaths, and the crime rate
in New York City since the city since the city council voted to reduce the annual police budget by a billion dollars has increased 130% over the corresponding figure in 2019.
The anti-Trump media have said almost nothing about this.

The semi-organized mobs of urban guerrillas masquerading as social reformers and champions of racial equality have been generally soft-pedaled by the anti-Trump media as understandable forces of resistance to Trumpian injustice. Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization that is anti-white and denies that all lives matter, has been sugar-coated as 
legitimate reform. 

President Trump and most of American history and its most admired personalities have been explicitly or tacitly debunked. The destruction of a statue of Frederick Douglass,
America’s greatest 19th-century black leader, in Rochester, like the destruction of a San Francisco statue of U. S. Grant, newly morally indistinguishable from his Confederate
opponent, Robert E. Lee, was almost entirely ignored. Most of the national political press have treated the American public, in BLM Marxist parlance, as an ignorant
lumpenproletariat unworthy of hearing the truth.

In the same spirit, the national political press have simply dismissed the administration’s view of the evolution of the COVID-19 crisis. The fact that weekly fatalities have descended 
by nearly 90% in two months is never mentioned. Also rarely mentioned are the facts that large increases in detected coronavirus cases have occurred because almost 40 million
Americans have now been tested and most of these new discoveries are cures, and that a large number of healthy people have contracted the virus with no or minimal symptoms
as the country has reopened and are essentially progress towards the general immunization of the country, as second infections are rare and comparatively resistible. The failure of the administration’s COVID-19 policy has been enthroned as conventional wisdom despite these contrary facts.

Another unique aspect of this election campaign is that the candidate who has emerged from a contested nomination, Joe Biden, is not now moving back toward the center.
He was extracted by the party elders from the ditch where the primary voters had deposited him, transported to the finish line on the wheels of the Democratic machines that
have so disgraced themselves in the dissolution of metropolitan government in the last months, and in so far as he is campaigning at all, he is still moving to the left. He has
promised to “transform America.” 

Given the influence now being exercised within his party of a rigorous, authoritarian socialism that no substantial American electorate has ever approved, that ticket is likely
to be written by the SandersOcasio-Cortez-BLM faction of the Democrats. At Mount Rushmore, the president condemned the socialistic and anti-American brainwashing conducted
in a great swath of American schools and universities. The following day, Mr. Biden promised the primary teachers’ union, the NEA, that he would abolish charter schools and produce
an “education system for the teachers.” The status of the students and their parents was nebulous. 

The principal reason for these unprecedentedly profound cleavages in public sentiment and media conduct is that this president ran as an outsider to win the Republican
nomination and an upset victory for the presidency.

He had attacked the governance provided by both parties as working almost indistinguishably together on key issues in the post-Reagan years, and was severely critical of 
the resulting Bush-Clinton-Obama record of poor economic growth, increasing poverty and violence at home, and in the world, enervating, endless war in the Middle East, 
and loss of status to a rising China as the Western alliance slowly disintegrated. He promised to drain the Washington swamp, conspicuously including the national political media. 

That he has been assaulted by all those whom he promised to depose or reform cannot be a source of amazement. As no such candidate had been elected before, it was
impossible to foresee the fury and tenacity of the resistance to him. The Russian-collusion fraud, the spurious impeachment, and the profound dishonesty of the national
political media have been the result.

If President Trump is reelected, his enemies will not have the strength or credibility to continue to obstruct with the fiendish determination of his first term. If Joe Biden wins, he will be an ineffectual figurehead in a chaotic and radical administration. With Mr. Trump gone, many of those distracted by their fear and hatred of him will return to a recognizable concept of the national interest, and the replacement administration will be an unmitigated shambles.

From this distant point and in this hypothesis, the most likely president for 2024 could be a revenant Donald Trump, bidding to succeed Grover Cleveland as the only other two non-sequential-term president in American history. After four years of a dysfunctional Biden Tower of Babel, Trump would be a nostalgic figure. 
BIBI seems to have taken his eye off the Corona-virus ball and focused on Iran instead.

Both hero and zero: Israel’s strategic incoherence 

By Mellanie Phillips

While Israelis are increasingly alarmed by the government’s loss of control over the coronavirus crisis, different events suggest that the country may have pulled off a spectacular advance in the battle against another intractable foe.
Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a succession of mysterious explosions in Iran.
At the end of last month, there was a major explosion in the Khojir missile factory near Tehran and at a power plant in Shiraz, which plunged the city into darkness. There has also been an explosion at a Tehran clinic, and other major fires in power plants and a petrochemical factory.
The most significant event, however, was an explosion and fire last week at Iran’s centrifuge assembly plant in Natanz.
According to the former U.N. nuclear inspector David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington D.C., this destroyed nearly three-quarters of Iran’s main centrifuge assembly hall.
No one has claimed responsibility for these events. But the explosions at Khojir and Natanz required the kind of sophisticated intelligence, coordination and operational skill that suggest the involvement of a foreign power. Many experts assume that, in these at least, Israel was a principal actor.
The two sites were important elements in Iran’s infrastructure of warfare against Israel and the west.
Khojir, which is said to have a network of underground tunnels, is suspected of involvement in the production of ballistic missiles. Intelligence experts agree that the explosion there seemed to be the result of an Israeli cyber-attack. The Kuwaiti newspaper al-Jarida, however, claimed that an airstrike by an Israeli F-35 stealth jet was involved.
The Natanz centrifuge hall, buried deep under concrete and enmeshed steel roof, was inaugurated in 2018 in order to make the advanced centrifuges needed to make an atomic bomb. Albright writes that it was thought to be Iran’s only clean-room operation set up for the mass assembly of these centrifuges.
In January, Iran announced that it would no longer adhere to its commitment under the 2015 nuclear deal, brokered by former President Barack Obama, that limited the number and type of centrifuges deployed at Natanz and perhaps also at the Fordow plant.
As noted in The Hill by Simon Henderson, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Israel was probably alarmed that Iran had now restarted this production.
The destruction at Natanz won’t have stopped Iran’s nuclear program or even eliminated all its centrifuges. However, Albright writes that it “must be viewed as a major setback to Iran’s ability to deploy advanced centrifuges on a mass scale for years to come.”
And that would buy precious more time to allow other increasingly severe pressures on the regime to destabilize and hopefully bring it down altogether.
The sanctions against Iran imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump are causing intense economic hardship. The coronavirus pandemic is thought to have raged out of control, with a large death toll (currently at more than 12,000 with 250,000 cases of infection, according to Worldometer statistics, though these statistics are said to be under-reported) and overwhelmed health services.
Popular revolts are continuing. In the last few days, mass demonstrations have taken place over the failure to pay people their wages. Last year, protests by people angered at the regime pouring money into foreign wars and terrorism rather than social programs resulted in the regime killing at least 1,500 people and shutting down the internet in panic.
Of course, no one in Israel is under any illusions about the dangers of possible Iranian retaliation. But it’s just possible that, through these recent attacks on military targets, Israel has navigated a route towards preventing Iran from going nuclear and helping bring down the regime, short of waging open war.
If so, such a stellar achievement is in startling and perplexing contrast to Israel’s current chaos over Covid-19. New virus cases, which had dropped to low double digits, have now soared to more than 1,000 a day with a rising proportion of people testing positive.
After Israel’s stunning achievement at the start of the virus crisis, when the government acted fast to impose travel restrictions, quarantine and a full lockdown that reduced cases to negligible levels, the current increase in weekly infections is one of the sharpest in the world.
So why has Israel gone from hero to zero? Its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems to have taken his eye off the ball. In his haste to reopen the shuttered and shattered economy, he did so without putting in place what was needed to contain a virus that had been suppressed but was still all-too active.
So he made the mistake of opening schools and relaxing other restrictions, including allowing large gatherings, far too soon.
The Israeli public, in turn, threw caution to the wind, along with their masks and social-distancing rules. Their behavior has been irresponsible but, given the mixed and utterly confusing signals from the government, hardly surprising.
The situation has been grossly mishandled by an apparently catastrophic lack of coordination. Some decisions are made by the health ministry, others by the prime minister’s office, still others by the Knesset.
The finance ministry is fighting with the health ministry for information about rates of infection or transmission that the health ministry may not even have collected. Crucial questions — about the number of new cases which are asymptomatic, for example, or how the infection is transmitted in schools — remain unanswered.
Even when restrictions are announced, they don’t all come into effect at the same time. As one Israeli told The Jerusalem Post in exasperation: “Pools are closed. No, pools are opened. Hold on, some are opened, and some are closed.”
The jarring disjunction between Israel’s achievements over Iran and its disarray over Covid-19 reflects a broader and institutionalized cultural incoherence.
Israel wins its wars against impossible odds because its military and security establishment is focused upon one objective: to defend the state against a real existential threat. This imperative carries all before it. Israeli society is organized around a military ethos. Social status is determined by the military unit in which you served.
The only strategic thinking is over defense. There is no strategic vision of what kind of society Israel should be, no politically defining divisions over the state versus the free market or over social and cultural matters. There’s only one overwhelming issue: how to keep Israel safe from its enemies.
This is entirely understandable, but very unfortunate. For it permits a deeply dysfunctional and corrupt political system where priorities are distorted by parties representing very few people but upon whom the prime minister depends for power. Add to that Netanyahu’s tendency to centralize all decision-making and the result is an overwhelmingly incompetent, feuding and destructive administrative class.
At the start of the pandemic, Netanyahu focused on eliminating the virus with military-style single-mindedness. The country’s security apparatus was deployed to fight this unseen enemy, which was viewed as another existential threat to the nation. The Shin Bet was tapped to track and isolate those who bust quarantine or had been in proximity to virus carriers.
But as soon as the threat was perceived to have retreated, the security element bowed out and the civil infrastructure took over. The result was instant chaos.
This is why the virus has become the enemy that has got under Israel’s defenses. A country cannot live and thrive by military strategy alone. It must have a governing vision of itself not wearing armor, too.
I lean towards what the Justices have decided but it also opens the door to weakening the ability of a president to serve unfettered by external political witch hunts and harassment.

Eventually, rabid Democrats will cause a backlash due to their overreach.  Pelsoi has become a mad dog in pursuit of Trump and this type of unfettered  behaviour eventually bites the perpetrator in the behind. 

Pelosi may think she is serving the interest f her party but actually she is adding nails to their coffin.



Supreme Loser: Pelosi’s House

The justices make it harder for lawmakers to justify subpoenas for the president.

By Kimberley Strassel

The Supreme Court on Thursday punted in two cases concerning subpoenas for President Trump’s financial records, sending them back to lower courts to resolve a host of legal questions. Yet if the cases had no clear winner, one of the rulings did produce an outright loser: Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overzealous House.
Since the moment Mrs. Pelosi retook the gavel in January 2019, she’s operated as if her institution is the only branch in town, with limitless power. Within days of the 2018 election, an unnamed House Democrat bragged that the incoming majority was loading a “subpoena cannon,” aimed at more than 80 different areas of Trump investigation. The president’s tax returns, his firing of former FBI Director James Comey, his discussions with foreign leaders, security clearances, the Trump family business, Stormy Daniels, the reassignment of executive branch employees, the Mueller report. Ad nauseam.
No one disputes the House has oversight authority. But courts have always made clear that this power must be firmly tethered to a “legislative purpose.” Prior Congresses at least attempted to hew to the spirit of that phrase. Mrs. Pelosi’s committee chairmen—driven by fury over the Trump presidency—embarked on an extended fishing expedition. In doing so, they exposed how easy it is to abuse the legislative-purpose doctrine.
Case in point: Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal in the spring of 2019 demanded six years’ worth of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, from 2013 to 2018. Mr. Neal knew he needed a legislative purpose, so he claimed his committee was conducting oversight of the Internal Revenue Service’s policy on auditing presidents. In case the pretext wasn’t already painfully obvious, he didn’t bother to ask the IRS about its audit policy, he didn’t ask for information about any other president, and he asked for Trump tax returns from four years before he was president.
The Democratic House also tossed overboard an established system of compromise. Congress and White Houses have long fought over documents and generally worked it out. Republicans as recently as 2017-18 spent more than a year using threats to pry documents out of the Justice Department about its Trump-Russia investigation and finally reached an accommodation. The Pelosi Democrats cared more about generating “obstruction” headlines than getting results. They refused to negotiate; they moved instantly to hold officials in contempt and file lawsuits.
These antics forced the Supreme Court to weigh in—and today’s Democrats, as well as future Congresses, may be sorry. In Trump v. Mazars, the justices blocked for now several congressional subpoenas for the president’s financial records, instructing lower courts to re-evaluate the issues. Mrs. Pelosi put a brave spin on this, claiming the justices had “reaffirmed Congress’s authority to conduct oversight.” In fact, the decision puts heightened scrutiny and new limits on Congress’s subpoena power.
Writing for a 7-2 majority, Chief Justice John Roberts took note of the House’s unrestrained behavior, explaining this dispute was “the first of its kind” to reach the high court after “two centuries” in which Congress and the White House were able to work such disagreements out. Yes, the court held, Congress can continue pushing for its subpoenas in lower courts, but henceforth all courts will be required to subject all subpoenas to several tests.
For starters, lawmakers will have to show that they need the president’s papers specifically to fulfill a legislative purpose. “Congress may not rely on the President’s information if other sources could reasonably provide Congress the information it needs,” Chief Justice Roberts writes. Courts must also now insist on a subpoena “no broader than reasonably necessary to support Congress’s legislative objective.” Those subpoenas must provide “detailed and substantial” evidence of legislative purpose. And finally, courts must from now on specifically assess “the burdens imposed on a President by a subpoena,” because they come from a “rival political branch,” which could use them “for institutional advantage.”
That’s a lot of new hurdles to jump, and the immediate consequence is that the Pelosi subpoena cannon has been replaced with a rifle. House Democrats are going to have to work much harder to pry information from this administration. Should Democrats go to the courts, their subpoenas will be subjected to new scrutiny. Should they attempt to return to a tradition of negotiation, the administration may now prove less willing to play ball, knowing that it has some shot of victory in the judiciary.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The attacks on Justice Thomas from liberals is sick, sad but ongoing. You have Biden and former Senator Ted Kennedy to thank. Naturally Biden is a leopard who is allowed to change his spots but every once in a while his racial hypocrisy creeps through, ie.  If you don't vote Democrat you ain't black.

Hating Clarence Thomas

The Twitter left rolls out racist attacks. Calling Jack Dorsey. 

The Editorial Board

Even by Twitter standards, the response to Thursday’s two Supreme Court decisions on President Trump’s tax records was revealing. For much of the day, Clarence Thomas was “trending,” as they say, and not in a nice way.
The reason for the Twitter fury appears to be Justice Thomas’s dissents (along with those of Justice Samuel Alito) in Trump v. Vance and Trump v. Mazars. Both cases dealt with efforts—one by Manhattan’s district attorney, the other by Congress—to gain access to Mr. Trump’s personal tax and business records. (See nearby.)
Many critics limited themselves to expletives, but many featured an ugly focus on his race. “Clarence Thomas believes he’s still a slave, and he’s fine with it,” ran one. Another declared, “Uncle Tom was a real Clarence Thomas.”
Others focused on his interracial marriage. A self-described Ivy Leaguer cited Justice Thomas’s originalist legal principles to imply he’s a hypocrite because “the laws in 1776 did not allow a Black man to get an education, become a lawyer or marry a White woman.” One tweet that now seems to have been deleted along with the account was this: “Clarence Thomas—the one black life that doesn’t matter.”
People have the right to disagree vehemently with the Justice’s opinions, and we understand that Twitter is often a free-speech sewer. But these tweets reveal the sorry fact that many on the political left think racist attacks are fine as long as they’re levied against a black conservative who has the nerve to think for himself.
Don’t wait for CEO Jack Dorsey and his Twitter censors to mark these racist tweets as offensive hate speech.


These 18 Corporations Gave Money to Radical Black Lives Matter Group

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