My friend, Michelle Malkin, relates her story and concludes we are an entirely different nation today. We need more Malkin's who have the courage to speak out and if the voices of other friends like Strassel et. al. are allowed to be stilled by anarchist bums then we truly are finished.
Another manifestation of why we have reached the point we have is evidenced by absolute rudeness, disrespect and outrageous behaviour on the part of those who write and speak trash in the mass media. Their public displays, in order to create controversy and gain personal attention, are boorish, childish and set tones of disrespect displayed by today's marauding goons.
Lamentably, they reflect the continuation of anti-establishment behaviour that became popular in the '60's and has simply become more emboldened as it ripened into anarchism. The hatred of Trump has metastasized into cancerous disregard both for him and the office he legitimately holds and was elected to occupy. By breeding contempt for him and by focusing on and manipulating his often ill suited behaviour those who hate this nation and want to bring it down have been allowed a degree of legitimacy when they should be jailed for their acts of destrucrion and civil disobedience of our laws.. They have reached this status through intimidation and the cowardliness of mostly Democrats who have run their cities into the ground and now the entire nation is paying the bill for their stupidity.
Malkin's episode and the many that have been forerunners speak to my belief that our republic hangs by a thread and the election of Biden will provide the scissor to cut the cord. Once again, I am not endorsing or denying Trump's contribution but separate his personalty and focus on his pleas for adherence to the need for law and order, for adherence to and upholding of our Bill of Rights and Constitution and his many efforts to improve the lot of the underprivileged and compare what he has done in 3 plus years versus 50 Biden years and Trump wins hands down.
By de-legitimizing his presidency, the Trump Haters and those who seek to bring him down and/or refuse to accept his election are the real culprits regarding what is happening to our nation. Trump sought to drain the swamp. Obama sought to transform America. Trump sought to level the playing field and put American interests first. Obama apologized for America and its history. thereby, justifying in the mind of radicals their right to pull it down and destroy our culture.
Trump cannot be blamed for decades of past wrong headed policies but once he has it opened Pandora's Box so the Trojan Horse of anarchists have been allowed to ride in and cripple our society and rule of law way of life.
Obama laid the foundation and the radicals are burning down the gates.
There are those who obviously disagree and blame Trump for everything under the sun because they cannot abide his personality and it is their right to do so but eventually what they have enthused will boomerang on them and they too will pay the price for what they have encouraged when the republic they wanted to change is no more.
One Nation Under Anarcho-Tyranny
By Michelle Malkin
The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now.
One nation under God? Ha.
Land of the free? Ha.
Domestic tranquility? Ha.
Equal protection under the law? Ha.
The right to bear arms? Ha.
Freedom of speech? Ha.
It's not "socialism" or "communism" under which we suffer. Our dangerously chaotic, selectively oppressive predicament is more accurately described as "anarcho-tyranny." The late conservative columnist Sam Francis first coined the term in 1992 to diagnose a condition of "both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny — the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes."
The "criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent," Francis expounded, is achieved in such a state through: "exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation; the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through 'sensitivity training' and multiculturalist curricula; 'hate crime' laws; gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally; and a vast labyrinth of other measures."
The toxic combination of "pandemic panic" and "George Floyd derangement syndrome" has thoroughly destroyed the home of the brave. It is a paradise for the depraved and dictatorial.
Anarcho-tyranny is how hoodlums can toss statues into rivers with impunity, while citizens disgusted by Black Lives Matter street graffiti are charged with "hate crimes" — as David Nelson and Nicole Anderson in Martinez, California, were by a George Soros-funded district attorney two weeks ago.
Anarcho-tyranny is how rioters can shut down highways and byways on a whim without fear of arrest, while commuters trying to escape the window-smashing barbarians obstructing traffic are charged with "assault" — as poor Jennifer Watson of Denver, Colorado, was this week.
Anarcho-tyranny is how hordes of gay pride activists marching shoulder to shoulder can defy social distancing guidelines with gushing approbation from radical left-wing medical "experts," while anti-lockdown and anti-mask mandate protesters are deemed public health menaces who now face snitch hotlines, fines, house arrest or jail time.
Anarcho-tyranny is how 1,000 black militia members can take over the streets in Georgia and point their guns at motorists as they demand reparations, while white citizen militia members in Idaho, Utah and New Mexico have been smeared publicly as racists and face injunctions for peacefully defending their neighborhoods.
Where do the police stand in this regime? It pains me to say it, but those of us who have backed the blue so loyally and vocally can no longer do so under the assumption that the blue will back us.
It's rank-and-file cops who are issuing citations to citizens who want to breathe freely.
It's rank-and-file cops who are standing by while our monuments and courthouses and landmarks are burned and obliterated.
It was rank-and-file cops in Denver who watched as my patriotic friends and I tried to hold a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day this past Sunday and were besieged by Black Lives Matter and antifa thugs who had declared that their sole intent in invading our permitted celebration was to "shut us down." I livestreamed the chaos as pro-police attendees were beaten, including the organizer Ron MacLachlan, who was bloodied in the face and head just a few feet from me by black-masked animals. One antifa actor wielded her collapsible baton just inches from me.
The cop-haters had obstructed traffic on their five-minute march from their unpermitted event at the Colorado State Capitol to our permitted space.
No cops intervened.
Unprovoked, the cop-haters blared airhorns, sprayed our faces (mine included), burned an American flag, punched, shoved and menaced and took over our stage.
No cops intervened.
Tucker Carlson: NYT Is Planning On Revealing Where My Family Lives To Injure My Family
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Need no commentary intro - these links speak for themselves
https://issuesinsights.com/ And: https://freebeacon.com/
More bureaucratic crap. Our State Department remains left wing and basically have been asleep at what is going on regarding China. Trump and Pompeo are trying to awaken them. Obama's institutional influence is walled in and hard to fumigate.
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