Wednesday, July 8, 2020

No "Master" Bedrooms.Biased Mass Media Rushmore Coverage. Israeli Spy Satellite. America Slips Behind Chinese Technology Advances.

All homes with a designated room called "master bedroom" should be torn down on racial grounds.


Joe Biden Says Police Have 'Become the Enemy,' 'Absolutely' Should Defund Them


America On All Levels


Marriage Humor

So there is no media bias?

Mt. Rushmore...

In 1996, when Bill Clinton visited during his re-election campaign, ABC News called it a place where American ingenuity and American creativity came together and formed an amazing American accomplishment.

In 2008, when Barrack Obama campaigned there, CNN called Mt Rushmore a majestic site and every president should visit.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders campaigned there and said he was humbled to be in the presence of 4 of the greatest American presidents. CNN described the scene as awe-inspiring.

2020...Trump visits...CNN called it a celebration of white supremacy and Trump stands before two former slave owners on land wrestled away from Native Americans.
Prosperity, Pa. by Zito

The way to Prosperity has many paths 
By Salena Zito

PROSPERITY, Pennsylvania — How this little village earned its name is rooted in an old tale featuring a common last name, one-in-a-million odds, and a likely exaggeration about how many settlers were attracted to settle here in the middle of the frontier.

Click here for the full story.
PragerU spokesman, Wil Witt refuses to back down.


After interviewing hundreds of young people across the country, I can sum up what’s wrong with America today and how we can fix it. Here’s a recap of the problem — and the opportunity — that stands before us.
I hope you stand for the same values PragerU.

The left is trying to grab ever more control over the smallest details of our lives.

You can help educate my generation about the values that have made America the greatest country on earth. Should young people only be hearing scare tactics from the doomsday media? And from celebrities like Alyssa Milano, Cardi B, or Leonardo DiCaprio who promote socialism, more government regulations, and open borders?

Or would you like them to hear more from Dennis Prager, Candace Owens, Michael Knowles, Anna Paulina, and me? People who truly love and appreciate the United States of America?

With 59%+ of Generation Z now getting their news from social media, we can do this, with your help.

Will you stand up for America?

Please give today.

Will Witt
Israel keeps technological edge:

New Israeli spy satellite set to provide powerful intelligence edge over adversaries
The “Ofek 16” satellite, launched by the Ministry of Defense and Israel Aerospace Industries, will significantly upgrade Israel’s ability to monitor the activities of the Iranian-Shi’ite axis throughout the Middle East.
The more I read Spalding's book the more I come to believe our government is trying to improve the clothes pin while China is building washer-dryers. In Chapter Five: The Digital Battlefield,the author begins by describing China's internet as being closed and thus, difficult to attack.  Whereas, in the West, the internet was built for connectivity.
The more I read Spalding's book (Chapter 5 entitled: The Digital Battlefield) the more I believe America is perfecting the clothes pin while China is focusing on washing machines and dryers.  China's cyber unit is a wing not of the military but the CCP and is central to China's
unrestricted warfare strategy.

China enlists all of its citizens to participate in theft of sensitive information, attacks on "secure" corporate information and critical secrets. He wrote about several incidences where China made successful cyber assault attacks that proved successful. At the present time, China probably has some 12 million engaged in cyber efforts.

Neither  has China been asleep in the weapons department. They now have a $one billion missile that can destroy our $30 billion aircraft carrier and other advanced weaponry. America is no longer the superior military power because we have cut funding for research and devoted what we have spent in areas that  are traditional and which have, to some degree, been muted by Chinese technology.

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