Friday, July 24, 2020

Three Topics.




According to Kim the "political whoring" has begun in earnest and Madame Mnuchin is leading the pack.

The Mnuchin Follies

With his help, Pelosi keeps outmaneuvering Republican senators on coronavirus bills.


The concerted Republican effort to fritter away both policy and principle in these pandemic times continued apace this week—indeed, it leapt forward. Who needs Nancy Pelosi demanding more spending, more unemployment benefits and more union payoffs when Steven Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell will do it for her?
Five months after the coronavirus’s arrival, Washington has settled into a predictable loop. Speaker Pelosi’s House unveils sweeping virus legislation with vast dollar figures and progressive policy demands. Republicans argue among themselves. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin crashes in to “negotiate” the GOP back to their own 5-yard line. Senate Majority Leader McConnell reminds his caucus it is an election year and provides Mrs. Pelosi her touchdown. America goes another trillion dollars, or two, into debt.
The only difference this week was the speed with which the drive unfolded. By May, Congress had authorized some $3 trillion in virus relief, and Mr. McConnell had mercifully called a “pause.” Yet Mrs. Pelosi responded with another $3 trillion package, and Mr. Mnuchin last week sucker punched GOP senators by signaling White House openness to provisions they had already foresworn. The Senate GOP spending brigade seized on the bill as a chance to throw more cash in an election year. The party’s opening bid is $1 trillion, and that’s before Mr. Mnuchin and Mrs. Pelosi get to truly huddling.
Some spending might be justified in aid of economic growth. But as the White House and appropriators now view this as a vote-buying exercise, the proposals focus on handouts and income transfers that would, if anything, prolong closures. That includes renewal of the federal “enhanced” employment insurance that is paying Americans more to stay at home than go to work. The GOP says it will reduce the amount from the current $600 a week, but any federal bonus (atop regular state unemployment benefits) makes it harder for businesses to rehire.
Republicans intend to spend more than $70 billion on K-12 schools, including ones that refuse to reopen to educate children. One slim silver lining in the virus mess has been the spotlight it has put on the nation’s failing schools, and the importance of choice, charters, vouchers and private and home education. Yet here is the GOP Senate—in its infinite brilliance—sending billions to teachers unions that oppose all this, and that will divert these funds to elect Democrats.

Republicans are looking at $20 billion in direct payments to farmers and another $15 billion for child care. They gave up on a payroll tax cut, and started coalescing around another round of nonstimulus checks to select households. They are bragging that their bill doesn’t include more money to states (a key Pelosi demand) even as they brag about the restrictions they will put on such money when Mr. Mnuchin gives it to Mrs. Pelosi anyway.

But what about the $25 billion more the Senate would give to testing, or the $26 billion for vaccine research and distribution? Surely we need that, right? Previous legislation allocated $25 billion for testing. Some $13 billion hasn’t been used. A full $10 billion was set aside for states, localities and tribes; they’ve so far spent less than $100 million. Much of the new money for vaccines would go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, still sitting on $5 billion of virus cash. And the administration already has funding for Operation Warp Speed, which covers the cost of vaccine distribution.
The mystery is who in the White House keeps deputizing Mr. Mnuchin as lead congressional envoy, given Mrs. Pelosi’s flawless record at schooling him in the art of the deal. The Treasury secretary remains relentlessly focused on what House Democrats want, rather than on what the economy or the Trump White House needs. His malleability eggs on the big spenders. His fickleness has additionally discouraged the Senate GOP from drawing lines in this debate, for fear of being undercut by Mr. Mnuchin—and inevitably Donald Trump. What’s the point of warning Mrs. Pelosi that it will never renew enhanced unemployment benefits when Mr. Mnuchin has already invited her to begin the bidding?
Republicans overall fear political fallout if they don’t act, but they put themselves in this situation. They might have spent the past two months talking about the money that has already been allocated, the huge sums that still sit in reserve, and the need to correct the mistakes of prior, hasty bills. But that would require familiarizing themselves with figures, then delivering a consistent message. Which is apparently asking a great deal.
So the default is to proceed on the precarious notion that the way to hold the White House and Senate this fall is to join Democrats in a spendathon. In fact, conservative voters are increasingly unhappy about the lasting damage Washington’s aid bills are doing to both the balance sheet and the underpinnings of the private economy. Republicans more than anything need a fired-up base this fall. Another $2 trillion blowout—one that will do little to help the economy—is hardly the way to move them to the ballot box.
This memo will be devoted solely to three topics as follows:
Thursday Night's dinner with Blake and Dagny.

The Board Decisions of The Landing's Club's

Soros and Meg Heap
Blake and Dagny are still here enjoying Tennis Camp and swimming.

Thursday night they decided we would have dinner in the BLD Restaurant.  This stands for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and chef Lynn would make dinner and Dagny and Blake would be waitress and waiter.  They drew up a menu  and when it was time to eat they escorted me into the dining room and had dimmed the lights.  I selected from the menu they drew up and they served  all four of us.

The meal consisted of Ravioli, garlic bread,  zucchini served with onions and your drink of choice.  After diner they served themselves ice cream with a cookie.

We are taking them home this weekend and it has been a great week.  They get along fine with each other, for the most part, and have met new friends at camp.

Lynn is a saint and has the patience of Job. I have the Wall Street Journal and my computer.
The Landings Club Board recently made three decisions with which I do not agree .

First, they forbade wearing political identification articles which might  offend and/or cause discord among our members. Had they stopped there I would not have felt as I do but they then chose to change the name of one of our clubs (Plantation) because more liberal members felt it offensive.  When I hear the word plantation I think of southern ambiance and the beautiful ones in Augusta. One established Plantation was  owned by Robert Woodruff, The Chairman of Coca Cola who was known for his extraordinary charitableness.

Having gone to Penn, I could be offended by someone wearing a UGA shirt.  Should they be forced to take that off or not wear something identifying them with an organization that offends me?

The Board's third action really caused me to write this because they unilaterally decided to bar FOX TV. Why?  Because some  adults cannot conduct themselves in a proper manner and become argumentative.

If you get drunk and abusive, management can handle that but if you want to get into a discussion with someone of a different political view and it escalates into boorish behaviour,  management cannot cope. In essence, it is a subtle TROJAN HORSE way to restrict free speech and I find that abhorrent.

This is the way liberals subtlety sneak domination in through the back door and by intimidation. This is partly why our republic is hanging by a thread.

I know I cannot change the minds of those who hold opposite views but I am perfectly willing to hear them out and engage in a thoughtful discussion.  If they cannot respond in kind then there are two choices :  agree to disagree and disengage or the manager can approach the more boisterous person and ask them to stop or leave.

To many this is a small matter but when you go from banning emblems, to changing names and then shutting down programming one has to ask what is the next decision that will follow?  Before long the devil has occupied your tent and you are on the outside.

These unilateral Board Decisions are an infringement on my/our liberty, were not voted upon by the membership and this is how autocracy breeds and why we now have Portland's, Seattle's et. al.. A recent study revealed 60 plus% of Americans no longer feel they can express themselves and a couple in St Louis, who exercised their 2nd Amendment Right to protect themselves and their property and who were not protected by their Association and/or the police, were charged by a radical black district attorney for waving their weapons and telling an unruly mob, who had broken through gates and invaded private property, to depart.

Citizens became the victims while anarchists became the favored and this is the America we are supposed to accept? Those who are willing to accept this are the ones who are dangerous.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The third matter I want to get off my chest is connected to St Louis and involves the re-election of Meg Heap. How Come?

George Soros is unhappy with America and wants to change it to his liking.  He knows by funding state attorney general and district attorney campaigns it is a cheap and leveraged way to accomplish his goal.  Soros contributed some $114,000 to the radical St Louis District Attorney who obviously is unaware of a document called The Bill of Rights.

Allegedly in Savannah he is funding Meg Heap's opponent by many multiples of $114,000. Soros would like to radicalize Savannah and bring it under his fold as with St Louis, Virginia and as he has in other communities  of America along with Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General.

If one familiarizes themselves with the job Meg Heap has done as Chatham's District Attorney there is no reason she should have opposition.  She took a department that had been destroyed and turned it around.  Her management style caused her to be recognized and voted upon as the state's best district attorney several years ago.  Meg's efforts to support victims and to dispense fair justice under the law is evident/legion. Certainly anyone has the Constitutional right to challenge Meg but to have their campaign financed by an outsider whose mission is to create chaos through balloting is something I feel compelled to bring to your attention.

We planned an open house fund raiser for Meg and  canceled because of the pandemic.  Many still contributed.  I am making another appeal to you to help re-elect Meg because we do not need to follow the law enforcement direction being set in St Louis and elsewhere.

I am in discussions with Meg about what is the best way to help her and I will be contacting you and seeking your support for a  deserving and outstanding public servant who was trained by Spencer Lawton, one of the finest District Attorney's Chatham Country ever had

Stay tuned.

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