This from a dear friend and
fellow memo reader:
The recipe for dissolving freedom of expression. Take two cups of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, mix with several lumps of EVIL, and let it fester for a few years; then spread it on some STATUES. And now you have CULTURE CANCELING. R--"
Breaking: MUST SEE! You’ll be ROFL After Watching Joe Biden’s Warning to Vladimir Putin
Probably those who read these memos are more attuned to what is going on than most but I want to discuss something you might not be aware of.
Most Democrats want to abolish the filibuster if they re-capture The Senate. That way they can muscle passage of legislation they want without regard to opposition. Biden has stated he favors doing this as well.
In addition to the rioting and disregard for law and order taking place in the streets this would be the equivalent of ending democratic debate in the halls of Congress.
As I have repeatedly said, Democrats are clever and love to use the tactic of accusing opponents of what they do. Remember they have consistently called Trump a Dictator. This is a phrase Rep. Waters loves to make. Hillary
and Obama also loved to do this knowing the mass media would pick the ball up and run to the goal post. But then, if you remember, what difference does it make.
The democratic form of government is a fragile construct and rests upon respect for the law, right to free speech and open debate and, most of all , respect for the rights of others. Laws intended to allow one to run roughshod over opponents is not democratic. In fact wimpy Republicans might even be bold enough to say it is an "inelegant "way to conduct oneself.
Secondly, Democrats are for open borders and weak on the Second Amendment and a few other Rights, If you do not believe this ask the two citizens in St Louis who have been charged with breaking the law by defending their property and persons.
Third, Biden attacked Trump for being a racist when he wanted to ban travel into America from China and referred to the CORONA-Virus as a Chinese virus. This could be the president forced to tangle with a Chinese Dictator named XI.
Fourth, most recently Biden said we need to learn more about Islam and should be teaching it in our schools. Many of those who embrace the strictures Islam are involved in killing those who do not embrace Islam. Would Biden also want grade schoolers to increase the study of psychiatry so they can better understand Radical Islamists who enjoy chopping heads off of Christians and others.
You might think about this before you embrace mail in ballots which are more susceptible to causing a fraudulent election and/or vast delays in the vote count, also something Biden and Democrats support. They use, as a reasonable objection, the pandemic but also it can be a Trojan Horse method for increasing the number of illegals voting. But I repeat, what difference does it matter.
FBI Investigated Joe Biden’s Campaign for Corruption
On Tuesday, Politico published an in-depth interview with Christopher Tigani, a wealthy beer distributor who bundled cash for former Senator...
Cops In Riot Gear Clear Out NYC ‘Occupy’ Camp Near City Hall In Pre-Dawn Raid
There are less than 4 months until election day when people will decide who will be the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the President of all Americans not just the Democrats or the Republicans. It’s time that we all need to come together, Democrats and Republicans alike, in a bi-partisan effort for America.
If you support Donald Trump, please drive with your headlights ON during the day. If you support Joe Biden, please drive with your lights OFF at night. Together we can make this happen.
Best Regards
Trump yields to public pressure:
President Trump To Re-Start Daily Coronavirus Briefings On Tuesday
Pittsburgh and Covid 19:
A personal COVID-19 radar could be key to resuming daily life By Salena Zito
PITTSBURGH — The ideal COVID-19 contact tracing app would precisely state on your phone’s screen the distance, down to the inch, of your proximity to someone who is infected or who has come in contact with someone infected, without sharing your, or that person's, personal information.
Essentially, it would create a COVID-19 radar for individual users.
It would allow much more nimbleness for schools to open, churches to conduct regular service, families to visit loved ones in hospitals, as well as open doors to museums, zoos, restaurants, and bars, not to mention the resumption of big family wedding celebrations or your child's baseball, soccer, or basketball games.
Carnegie Mellon University math professor Po-Shen Loh has developed such an app, called NOVID, and its technology is a game changer.
It would allow much more nimbleness for schools to open, churches to conduct regular service, families to visit loved ones in hospitals, as well as open doors to museums, zoos, restaurants, and bars, not to mention the resumption of big family wedding celebrations or your child's baseball, soccer, or basketball games.
Carnegie Mellon University math professor Po-Shen Loh has developed such an app, called NOVID, and its technology is a game changer.
Click here for the full story.
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