Whether you realize it or not you have worn out your welcome.
Music interlude:
https://youtu.be/I6e7LBmUUCo I thought Republicans ate them decades ago.
Just another day at the office serving the people:
Democrat State Senator Steals $600,000 in Public Funds to Pay for Lavish Lifestyle - Read More
So what's new? Another Democrat, Trump Hater lying.
Democrats received potentially bad news for their chances of winning the White House this week.
According to a report by the Washington Post, Attorney General Bill Barr has no plans to wait until the election is over to release the report from John Durham’s Russiagate investigation. If President Trump’s suspicions are correct and he was targeted by his predecessor Barack Obama, it could be terrible for the Left.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Cowardly Republicans fear if they de-fund NPR they will be attacked. Consequently, tax payer funds are used to attack Republicans and they are dumb enough to allow this to happen.
https://www.newsbusters.org/++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Cowardly Republicans fear if they de-fund NPR they will be attacked. Consequently, tax payer funds are used to attack Republicans and they are dumb enough to allow this to happen.
Orange Man Bad? Democrats Worse Jonathon MoseleyLeftists in both parties have lied about Donald Trump, accused Trump of saying things that Trump never said and doing things Trump never did. More
Trump Is Right: All-Mail Voting Poses Grave Dangers Hans von Spakovsky, FOX News
Alec Baldwin: “Trump Must Die So That We Can Live” - Read More
Sweet Antifa rioters burn bibles:
George Will is a very bright but decidedly marginalized man these days and a total snob.
I had the distinct displeasure of meeting him at a Commission of White House Fellows'
function.. There was a time when George was one of the Republican Party's shining stars
but then he became petulant over Trump's victory and has been bad mouthing him ever since.
but then he became petulant over Trump's victory and has been bad mouthing him ever since.
Nevertheless, this snarky op ed is worth reading because it is imperative we have an honest
election. Therefore, whatever reason motivates Trump, all states should take to heart his
warning so they can be prepared for what, in Will's view, will be a 70% mail in vote.
warning so they can be prepared for what, in Will's view, will be a 70% mail in vote.
Will's op ed evokes some general thoughts about so-called conservatives or Rhino's,as they
have been called, like Romney, Noonan, Will among others.
I mentioned Noonan because I read her diatribe in Saturday's WSJ in which she believes the
Republican Party needs to be burned down because of the impact of Trump. As for Romney,
he still seems ruffled by Trump's slighting/rejecting him for Sec.of State and still smarts from
his failed presidential run.. These three "intellectuals" consider Trump crude and not as sophisticated as
they see themselves. Indirectly,Noonan basically implied Trump is simply a billionaire"deplorable ."
overly sensitive/defensive when it comes to handling criticism.
Where he shines, in my opinion, is he is not caught up in believing he has to defend what does not work and is
logical, arrogant and combative enough to believe he can bring the establishment down to size. I believe he failed
to realize when the mass media are aligned against you and your party does not control Congress they can best
In his defense, there has never been a president, in my life time, who has been so stiffed, so investigated, so
undercut, so rudely treated, so disrespected than Trump. Perhaps some is of his own doing but most borders on
outright hatred and contempt which might also reflect he ran against and beat their "queen." They simply cannot
swallow the loser pill he dealt them. After all, when you have such a vaulted feeling of yourself and then
lose to someone you have designated a loser, that has to sting.
Secondly, when your own candidate is basically undistinguished, after 50 years has no record of accomplishments
that stand out and is trailed by questionable actions/behaviour you are tactically compelled to beat up on Trump to
deflect attention from your own embarrassment..I have yet to mention Biden's mental state.
Finally, along came the Corona-virus which knocked the wind out of Trump's remarkable economic accomplishments
close to a key election and Trump Haters could not have asked for a more delicious event. Furthermore, when
winning means more than doing what is best for the nation it is understandable why Democrats are so zealous and
At a crucial period in our history and the rising arrogance of China and rioting in our own streets, I am truly
concerned. about America's prospects and I have yet to mention our mounting debt etc. But then, what do I know
since I am voting for Trump. At least he does not have a son who was given a billion bucks by the banking arm of
the CCP. and therefore, is now a business partner of Xi the dictator of our most serious adversary.
America’s domestic tranquility depends on us
administering the 2020 election right
By George F. Will
Perhaps hoping to postpone that indignity, he has suggested postponing the election —
supposedly to prevent fraud — which only Congress could do. Trump’s proposal
performs a public service: With it, he probably —one cannot be certain — has
unfurled a flag so bedraggled that not even congressional Republicans, these
gluttons for servitude, will salute it.
Today’s presidential noise aimed at fomenting doubts about election integrity should summon
the nation to belated seriousness about preventing the calamity of a botched
election. Low expectations of government competence, although increasingly
reasonable, are intolerable regarding this election, because governments often
live down to expectations. We know what to expect from Trump.
Writing for the Bulwark, Kim Wehle, law professor and former U.S. attorney, notes that there are
approximately 250 million voting-age Americans. Of those eligible to vote in 2016, Hillary Clinton
received votes from 29 percent, Trump from 28 percent — and 39 percent did not vote. A Knight
they think their votes do not matter or that “the system is rigged.”
In a normal year, a 60 percent turnout of eligible voters — the 2016 rate — would be sufficient.
Normally, it is not urgent, or even prudent, to hector and prod to the polls people so
uninterested in the nation’s civic life that they must be hectored and prodded.
This, however, is not a normal year, because the nation’s chief executive, possibly
anticipating a defeat in the electoral college as well as in the popular vote, is
sowing the suspicion that the election will be rigged — stolen by floods of fraudulent votes. This
suspicion will ferment in a substantial minority of American minds.
Although the polls look bad for Trump’s future, they look even worse for the nation’s. The fact that
approve of his job performance. In 2016, he was a largely undefined figure to
low-information voters, who are a large majority. Now, however, everyone has
had three and a half years of exposure to him, and more than 2 in 5 Americans
seem amenable to four more years of this.
Three things are clear. First, Trump will again lose the popular vote. Second, if he loses it narrowly,
he will claim — as he did when he won in 2016, and as he is beginning to do
preemptively — that fraud produced his margin of defeat. Third, many — perhaps
most — of his voters, in their inexhaustible credulity, will agree. So, this year every
vote cast against him — not just in the relatively few swing states, but also in
states he will carry easily and those he will lose decisively — matters. The
larger his national popular vote margin of defeat, the more his predictable sore-loser whining will
seem not just contemptible but risible.
Hence it is imperative that the conduct of this election depend as little as possible on the U.S.
Postal Service and state and local governments doing unusually difficult things.
Polling places must be staffed during a pandemic. There will be unprecedented
demands for mail ballots, which must be tabulated quickly.
The Republic’s domestic tranquility depends on encouraging a historic level of early voting. In
percent will be this year. To minimize the scope for Trump’s sociopathy, the nation
needs a timely determination of the outcome — before sunrise Wednesday, Nov.
4. To facilitate this — to prevent days or even weeks of uncertainty, during which
Trump can fertilize discord — states should immediately stipulate that mailed
ballots must be postmarked five days before Election Day, so that counting can
be completed by that evening.
During World War II, the nation bought 60,000 acres of eastern Tennessee wilderness and built an
instant city — streets, houses, schools, shops and the world’s most sophisticated
scientific facilities in Oak Ridge, a component of the Manhattan Project. Americans
can do amazing things when alarmed, as they should be about administering
the 2020 election.
This is a broad statement but it captures the essence of what I believe and have found to be
true. Democrats, liberals, progressives are all to often an unhappy lot. Nothing is ever right
and if you believe something they do not it causes them pain. They also are willing to go to
just about any length to impose their will. If you want to possess a weapon because our Bill
of Rights allows this and they do not interpret the 2d Amendment as you do they are not
happy and will do whatever they can to take your right away.
They also have a tendency to think if they believe and say it, it is so and there is no arguing.
Their way or the highway.
Perhaps the most distressing thing is that it is difficult to engage them in a rational discussion.
They do not like to be challenged, particularly if they are unable to make an effective explanation
of what they believe and why.. They can get very testy and might even resort to becoming
demeaning etc.