Thursday, March 26, 2020

My Concerns!



From a long time Israel/American friend and fellow memo reader:

"Dick: You will love hearing  this : The two shipments (Last Thursday and this evening) arranged by the MOSAD of test kits, and other Protective gear for the Corona Virus were sourced from Arab Countries in the Gulf.

That’s what I call cooperation………………….probably Mosad discovered plots against the Kings and that was the thank you note……………………….HA! HA! HA!

We are living in a new World ! M--",7340,L-5702226,00.html#autoplay


Joe Biden Bombs His Latest Virtual Event – Proves He Knows Nothing About Technology.

In all fairness, neither do I but I ain't running for president nor do I claim to have been a teacher, nor plagiarized my law school case notes but do know who is my wife  etc.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Every-time there is a crisis presidents find it necessary to address the challenge and in most cases they call upon Congress to pass legislation. That is understandable.   FDR used The Depression, Dec. 7 and WW 2 to turn America into a more Socialized Society. He tried to pack the Supreme Court, he came up with massive social programs and even took the right of citizenship away from Asian Americans and interred them. Some of his social programs were very beneficial and necessary but I once reviewed Amity Shlaes' book: "The Forgotten Man," in a previous memo.  In her Pulitzer Prize winning book she reviewed FDR's stewardship and concluded his policies actually prolonged the Depression.  The War is what actually brought us out of The Depression.

After the War, we were the only nation among the allies including Russia, that escaped being directly attacked (save for Pearl Harbor and some island territories.) Truman brought Europe back with The Marshall Plan and we have felt obligated ever since and the influence of many of FDR's policies remain to this day and have been built upon over the ensuing 75 years.

Subsequent wars cost us untold fortunes both in money and blood and in the '60's I believe we experienced a series of devastating changes in our social order, our institutions and, most significantly, in our nation's character as relates to respect for authority and the rule of law.

Prior to the outset of the Coronavirus there were calls to open our borders, sanctuary cities were springing up like popcorn, states were flouting federal laws, and demands for socialized government controlled medicine was actively being sponsored by candidates and you know the rest.  There are even a cadre of conservatives discussing an untaxed national income that places everyone above the poverty line in substitution of a minimum wage.

Now the cost of confronting the Coronavirus has been added to our already weakened financial structure and I seriously believe, once the crisis has passed and we begin the return to a semblance of normalcy, much of the legislation will, somehow,  remain and it will be, as if, Bernie actually became president.  I doubt all the prisoners being let of of jail will return to serve, and maybe they should never have been incarcerated, and I hear nothing about "sunshine laws" attached to any of the legislation being voted upon.

I fear America will soon  become the land of the entitled.  After all, The Founding Fathers created our Republic on the premise government was beholden to serve our citizenry and our inalienable rights came from God not mortal bureaucrats.

Simply put, how do you take candy away from a child? If there is any rational  hope it would be advantageous for the Republicans to retake The House, retain the Senate and re-elect Trump and pray this alignment will produce the type of Congress that will do right by the nation and our circumstances.

I may be way off track but I am hearing  the DNC and those who control the Party are getting increasingly discomforted by Biden and somehow are going to orchestrate his replacement with Cuomo.

These are my deep concerns.

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