Thursday, March 5, 2020

Down To Biden and Bernie. McConnell Responds To Schumer's Behaviour. Is Liberman, Israel's Schumer/Pelosi?

I hope these memos will provide/offer a bird's eye view of the continuing battle for the Democrat nomination.
Yesterday was our 48th anniversary. Hard to believe Lynn would put up with me that long.  Thought she was smarter.  Must be love or my sense of humor.
The previously posted article by Christian Whiton, bears selective re-posting.  This is his summation analysis of the Democrat's two candidates who will be slugging it out, as well as each other, over the ensuing months until convention time.

"Biden has always been a junior varsity player. His 1988 campaign ended after he was caught plagiarizing mediocre material. His career was all but over when Barack Obama tapped him to be vice president in the 2008 campaign, owing largely to Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience. Biden chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but warranted nothing more than a participation trophy: Obama’s holdover secretary of Defense, Bob Gates, wrote that Biden was wrong on nearly every major foreign policy issue in his career. He even opposed the raid that killed Osama bin Laden."

"The alternative is Sanders, a 78-year-old socialist who will be 79 before the election, and who survived a heart attack last year. Sanders’s recent reiteration of support for some actions of communist governments like Cuba’s wasn’t a gaffe; it was a carefully crafted position."

That said,Democrats have chosen to rally around Biden for several reasons, in my opinion:

a) If they are going to lose, Biden is more likely capable of helping them retain The House.

b) Biden is the best to rally Democrats in view of the fact they have proven their willingness to ignore his obvious flawed mental abilities, his incompetent record of poor judgement and lack of meaningful accomplishments. 

Democrats will do anything to retain power and stir radical crowds as evidenced by Schumer's, Pelosi's, Water's etc antics and their own weaponization of everything political.

The Democrat Party has done more to divide this nation by passing progressive legislation wrapped around PC'ism.  Meanwhile, they profess they care about the underclass but offer/support weak education opportunities. Their voting record is history and documents they opposed desegregation. They proposed and passed trade legislation that helped wreck our middle class.  Their policies, though arguably well intended, are anti-family and religion and their attitude about sexual identity is bizarre. Time and  again, they prefer funding transfer social policies than maintaining a strong military.

One would think, Trump's record of achievements against all odds and opposition and the failure of his impeachment,which was based on fraudulent claims, would make Trump unbeatable but passions have a way of trumping logic and Biden is good at stirring the pot  while coming across as a friendly/bumbling uncle type.

We know Trump's unorthodox style makes him his own worst enemy and feeds the passions of those who do not like him  and willingly ignore his achievements. 

Time will tell who will continue to lead our republic.  

While I am typing this, I am listening to McConnell's pointed response to "triple down" Schumer and Schumer's response and now we have the non-Native American candidate folding her tent.

Finally, the market  is responding as I thought it should.
Erick Erickson comments re Schumer's dumping on SCOTUS in front of the august building. What did Schumer mean when he threatened two Justices by saying? "you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price."

The Schumer Example of Media Bias

The press will never treat Schumer's comments the way they would comments by McConnell or any other Republican

Yesterday, during a rally in support of murdering children in front of the Supreme Court — and yes, let’s stop dancing around euphemism. Abortion is murdering a human child — Senator Chuck Schumer threatened two Supreme Court Justices. In his speech before a friendly crowd, Schumer said,
I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.
A month ago, Chuck Schumer took to the floor of the United States Senate to denounce President Trump’s attacks on the Supreme Court. Yesterday, Schumer went to the Supreme Court to actually threaten, by name, two members of the Court.
Here’s the point.
If Senator Mitch McConnell, Congressman Kevin McCarthy, or prominent unelected Republican no-name had said what Schumer said about any progressive member of the Court, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, McClatchy, Politico, and more would be shoving microphones in the faces of every elected Republican everywhere demanding to know if they agreed with or would repudiate the statement.
Remember, when a no-named Republican staffer on her personal Facebook page criticized the behavior of President Obama’s daughters at a White House event, the media mob got her fired and reporters camped out at her parents’ home.
When President Trump attacked a federal judge, reporters from the above-mentioned networks demanded other Republicans go on record affirming or denouncing the President.
When President Trump last year criticized the federal courts for bias against him, Chief Justice Roberts repudiated President Trump and the various reporters at various outlets demanded to know which side various Republicans were on and did they reject President Trump’s views on the judiciary.
Reporters are going to tut-tut Chuck Schumer. They’ll say what he said. They’ll say what the Chief Justice said. They may even compare Schumer’s attacks on the Court to the President’s. They will insist they covered it. But don’t hold your breath on the media ambushing a bunch of prominent Democrats to find out if they agree with Schumer or not. They only do that to Republicans.
Consider Politico, which ran articles blaming the GOP for politicizing of coronavirus while running a cartoon of a man committing suicide when he found out Trump was in charge of mitigating coronavirus. They ran this first thing this morning:
Then there is NBC News from yesterday, which ran this:
Schumer, for his part overnight, has doubled down. Note that the media has chosen to go with the “Schumer said vs. Roberts said” line as opposed to going with Schumer actually threatening Supreme Court justices and demanding Democrats agree or disagree with him.

Schumer fires back, saying that he was referring to the "political price" Sen GOPers will pay for putting the justices on the court. Adds that Roberts interpreting his comments this way, while mum on Trump's attacks on lib justices, shows he "does not just call balls and strikes"

Why? Because a reliable progressive bias, particularly on social and cultural issues, is a good thing to the secular hedonists of the press who employ, among others, a legal “scholar” who impregnated a co-worker’s daughter then demanded she have an abortion while refusing to pay child support costs.

Is Liberman,Israel's Schumer?  Every nation has it's worms.

Anti-Netanyahu bill has majority support with 

Liberman's vote

The Yisrael Beytenu leader's endorsement gave the bill a majority, now

with the support of all 62 MKs who are not in Netanyahu's right-wing 


Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman is seen speaking at the 'Maariv' Conference. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sufffered a blow on Thursday afernoon when Yisrael
leader Avigdor Liberman endorsed Blue and White leader Benny Gantz's efforts to pass a law
 that would prevent an indicted MK from forming a government.

Liberman's endorsement gave the bill a majority, with the support of all 62 MKs who are not in 
Netanyahu's right-wing bloc. Liberman said he would also back term limits for prime ministers. 

Speaking at a meeting of the MKs in his right-wing bloc on Thursday, the prime minister said
 the effort to pass the bill would undermine democracy. The leaders of the parties in his bloc
vowed to remain united and insist that only Netanyahu form the next government.

"This is an effort to divide the nation when we are facing serious challenges like the corona
crisis," Netanyahu said in the part of the meeting that was open to the press. "There are also
 opportunities like US President Donald Trump's plan that require us to be united and respect
the will of the people."After the press was asked to leave the room, Netanyahu upgraded his
 attack on Gantz, saying that he was  worse than Iranian Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hosseini 

"In Iran, they disqualify candidates before their elections, but here Gantz is doing it after an
election despite the results," Netanyahu said.

The Knesset reconvenes on Monday, March 16.Blue and White MK Moshe Ya'alon, who is a
 formerLikud minister, revealed on Wednesday morning that he had received overtures from
the Likud to help unseat Netanyahu.

"Bibi, after an election full of lies that hit a new low, in which you failed to win the 61 mandates
that could have enabled you to be above the law, you are still trying to steal votes from
 defectors," Ya'alon said. "There are many in Likud who have asked us for help in getting rid of 
you. You will not find such overtures about Gantz in Blue and White."
Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz called upon Blue and White to pass such a law.

"The incoming Knesset has a clear majority for a bill that would prevent there from being an
 indicted prime minister," Horowitz said. "This would be the right thing to do politically and 
ethically. It would reflect the will of a majority of the voters." 

But Yamina leader Naftali Bennett said such a bill would be "extremely undemocratic and spit
 in the face of half the country."
"There were elections two days ago, and they are already trying to bypass the will of the 
people using unacceptable means," Bennett said.
The Coronavirus is spreading in America and it will have an equally spreading economic impact.  The Administration is doing what it can to deter the virus's expansion but there is little they can do when it comes to getting people to respond to washing their hands etc.  This is why I believe corporate earnings will come in, most likely,  below most projections and thus, I believe the market has not fully adjusted. Time will tell.

This event will eventually become history but  has forced the medical industry as well as future administrations to anticipate and be better prepared for this this type event and that is a plus but we are still left with dealing with the consequences now.  Like Ecclesiastes: "This Too Shall Pass."
Wednesday I had an interesting experience.  I took my car in for maintenance and, while waiting , there were two former military personnel who had served all over the world but mainly in Iraq and Afghanistan. They were talking about their service and loud enough for me to overhear what they were saying even though I continued to read a biography about Theodore Herzl which is the definitive book about this extraordinary leader.

What I distinctively heard, and I am paraphrasing: was the following:

a) The politicians, once again, caused the war in Afghanistan to take longer and be less effective because they refused to allow former military to re-enter service.

I have often said, GW's appointment of Brimmer was a disaster.

b) Russian military were incompetent, generally always drunk or their ability to function was impacted by alcohol.

I fear the stress/ challenges of military service lead to increased use of narcotics and this has a serious impact on effectiveness.

c) We should never engage in a war that we are unwilling to win and should do whatever it takes to do so quickly.

My views completely.

I went to a grammar school that was in a tough neighborhood in Birmingham. I was born in 1933 and Birmingham was not the most tolerant city. Being Jewish, I often was attacked on the play ground  by fellow students/classmates. I am neither a lover nor fighter by nature but I knew I had to stand my ground to reduce being attacked and I always fought back with the intent of killing the SOB.  Semper Fi!

If there is a God, I am not sure he/she only tests Jews.  If he/she created the world, I suspect he/she is always testing those beyond Jews.  On the other hand, I  have always maintained Jews are like people only more so.  In other words, almost everything about them is intense, even extreme no matter what the question and/or challenge.

G-d Is Testing American Jews. They Are Failing.

As I watch American Jews move farther left — and farther away from their Jewish heritage and connection to Israel — I am reminded of the story of the Exodus.  Moses ascended Mount Sinai in order to receive the Ten Commandments.  During the forty days he spent atop the mountain, the Jewish people became fearful and distrusting and began worshiping a golden calf.
Today's Diaspora Jews are worshiping a different type of false idol.  For eight years, it took the form of Barack Obama, but he was only representative of a progressive ideal for which Jews are constantly searching.  Our history of slavery, torture, dhimmitude, persecution, and genocide has led to a people who desperately seek peace, obsess over "tikkun olam" and social justice, and worship at the Torah of Liberalism.
American Jews' fixation on every victim class but their own and social issues like abortion, climate change, gay "marriage," and immigration, and the Democrat Party to which they have been tethered for a century, is harming the survival of our people.  While the United States holds the largest Jewish population outside Israel, our national population is minuscule — approximately 2%.  Our power is not in our numbers, but in our voices — and our voices are becoming dangerously self-destructive.
There have always been Jews whose ignorant hatred for Israel and their own people have made them a danger to their own survival.  The voices of the despicable Haaretz writer Gideon Levy, Professor Norman Finkelstein, the ultra-Orthodox sect Neturei Karta, and anti-Zionists like Bernie Sanders are examples of Jews whose actions and statements demonize Israel.  But there are many more Wicked Sons who, rather than recognize their responsibility as G-d's chosen people to work to ensure our survival in a world in which that survival is precarious, have instead chosen to work toward ensuring Israel's destruction.
Frighteningly, anti-Zionists are growing in number, in volume, and in threatening activities as they hide their Jew-hatred under the guise of criticism of Israel.  What makes this growing anti-Semitism even more dangerous is not necessarily the troika of haters who now sit in Congress; the intersectionality of hate groups joining together to demonize, harass, and silence Jewish voices (Black Lives MatterOccupy Wall Street, the LGBT movement, Students for Justice in Palestine, the Women's March); or the "Hamas-inspired" Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.  A serious threat to our people emanates from the growing number of progressive Jews who not only give these haters cover for their devious and dangerous anti-Israel activities, but organize and participate in projects and pursuits aimed at Israel's destruction.
The number of Jewish groups that oppose the "occupation," deem Israel an "apartheid state," and empower Palestinian terrorism is growing exponentially while these groups also unite and organize among themselves and with other anti-Semitic groups that hate Jews and Israel.  J Street, established under, and empowered by, Obama, a time when anti-Israel animus ran rampant throughout the White House and State Department, has become stronger and louder.  It began with campaigns for candidates who criticized Israeli policy and expanded as part of the Obama Echo Chamber to sell the Iran deal to Americans, including through demonization of the Israeli prime minister.  It now has a presence on college campuses; is organizing Birthright-type trips to Israel; and has successfully mainstreamed itself, making it a comfortable home for left-leaning Jews who know no better.
Last summer, IfNotNow appeared in the news as its young members joined and then disrupted Birthright trips to Israel, making pro-Israel students uncomfortable and sabotaging the efforts of the trips' organizers.  INN's activities have expanded from focusing on "the American Jewish establishment's support for Israel's occupation" to "the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates' support for the traditional US-Israel alliance."  It is currently pressuring the Democratic candidates to discontinue U.S. aid to, and other support for, Israel.
Jewish Voices for Peace, a leader in BDS activities, "views itself as the 'Jewish wing' of the Palestinian solidarity movement" and seeks "to create 'a wedge' within the American Jewish community."  Its anti-Semitic campaigns have expanded from local governments to college campuses where it works in lockstep with the violence, harassment, and intimidation tactics of Students for Justice in Palestine and the Muslim Students Association helping to marginalize Jewish students and their Zionist voices.
Two new groups are gaining attention.  Judaism on Our Own Terms, an umbrella group of several progressive Jewish student organizations, works with the virulently anti-Semitic SJP to fight "white supremacy" on college campuses and bring BDS-supporters to colleges and universities.  Progressive Israel Network, another new umbrella group comprising ten left-wing organizations, all of whose raison d'être is the demonization of Israel, is running a slate of delegates to be elected to the World Zionist Congress in the hopes of influencing policy dangerous to Israel's survival.
Part of the problem is the inclusiveness of the organized Jewish community.  The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations has at least two anti-Israel, BDS-supporting groups as members: Americans for Peace Now and Ameinu.  Ameinu, along with other far-left Jewish groups that promote policies antithetical to Israel's survival, including Partners for Progressive Israel, is also a member of the American Zionist Movement.  And for years, UJA Federations have allowed the pro-Palestinian groups B'tselem and New Israel Fund to march in the Israel Day parade despite their support for BDS and Palestinian terrorists.  One of the most mind-boggling partnerships is the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, formed between the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and Islamic Society of North America, a Hamas-funded Muslim Brotherhood front group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
Mainstream Jewish organizations are welcoming some of these haters into their big tent, remaining silent about the harm they are causing, or pretending their hate is not doing real damage to the Jewish people.  The Conference of Presidents, UJA, the Anti-Defamation League, AJC, and AIPAC all garner huge and blind support from the American Jewish community.  They have done nothing to stop the growing movement on the left, nor are they willing to admit that the most dangerous form of anti-Semitism may actually be coming from many of our own people.
Liberal Jewish professors, rabbis, and politicians are also enabling and furthering the growing anti-Semitism we see at home and anti-Israel animus across the globe.  Whether speaking out against Trump's pro-Israel policies (his peace plan, Israel prohibiting Omar and Tlaib from entry, the movement of the embassy to Jerusalem, or the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria), failing to acknowledge or minimizing the dangers of anti-Semitism on the left, or supporting candidates who demonize the Jewish homeland, Jews are complicit in allowing this hatred to flourish.  The newly formed Jewish Democratic Council of America, obsessed with hatred of Trump, went so far as to produce a dishonest ad calling him the "biggest threat" to Jews while continually attacking his pro-Israel policies and ignoring the real sources of anti-Semitism in the country.
With anti-Semitism rising at alarming rates both globally and domestically, Jews across the political spectrum must take a stand and fight everyone who seeks to harm them — including their own people.  Unfortunately, we are not only failing to engage in the battle, but waving the white flag while the enemies in our midst grow in number and aggressiveness.  We are once again failing G-d's test, and that never ends well.  What will it take for us to wake up before it is once again too late?
Lauri B. Regan is the New York chapter president and board member of the Endowment for Middle East Truth and treasurer and board member of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East.
There are four matters that are going to have a significant impact on the election and which are coming down the pike.  In no particular order.

a) Senate Investigation of Biden's son that is beginning.

b) Durham report's release.

c) Supreme Court decisions regarding religious freedom, abortion.

d) Primaries in Michigan and Florida.

Stay tuned.

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