Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Liberman and Shumer Two Peas In A Pod. Stout of Heart Could Nibble.

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The similarities between what Bibi and Trump are facing is amazing and is rooted in opposition hate. Schumer and Liberman, two peas in a pod.

Weekly Commentary: This Elections Is About Exploiting The Window - Not Hating Bibi
Dr. Aaron Lerner 29 February 2020

Let's put the cards on the table.

With almost no exception, everyone citing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's legal difficulties as grounds for him not to be qualified to serve as prime minister (not as per the law and the land) are doing it because they do not want Netanyahu as prime minister REGARDLESS of his legal difficulties.

Now I can understand this as an election tactic by the left. They do not want Netanyahu on policy grounds and have determined that their shot at winning is via arguing over personality rather than policy.

Which brings us to a group that risks now taking a place of infamy in our history if Blue White comes to power.

That's the right wingers now running on the Blue White ticket who, to a man, are people with a PERSONAL grudge against Netanyahu that is so incredibly strong that they would rather forego the opportunity to apply to Israeli law with American support to the Jordan Valley, Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and more - than have Netanyahu continue as prime minister.

Shame on them.

To be clear. I am not about to deny that each of the right wingers on the Blue White list may very well have experienced tremendous personal frustration and emotional suffering as a result of their interactions with Binyamin Netanyahu.

But these elections are too important for personal grudges.

Do I know with 100% certainty that Netanyahu, if re-elected, will succeed in actually completing an acceptable map with the Americans and apply Israeli law to the Jordan Valley, Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and more, as he says he will?


But I know with 100% that if Bennie Gantz takes Netanyahu's place that this won't happen. And I know this because Mr. Gantz has stated repeatedly for the record that he WILL NOT apply Israeli law without the approval of Jordan and the international community in general. And that approval is 100% certain NOT going to happen.

So here we are. Citizens of the sovereign State of Israel, privileged to live in a moment in history which is one of the the greatest times for the Jewish People since Joshua brought us across the Jordan River, with the profound opportunity to personally participate in determining what will be written on this page.

Will we cast a ballot that could very well secure our future for generations to come.

Or will we forfeit this opportunity due to secondary and tertiary concerns.


Martin Kramer: The Trump Plan Will Be "Transformative" for Palestinians

Martin Kramer, chair of the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Department at Shalem College in Jerusalem and the Koret Distinguished Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, spoke to Middle East Forum Radio host Gregg Roman on February 5 about President Trump's "deal of the century" plan for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
According to Kramer, the importance of the Trump proposal "transcends whether either of the parties accept it" because "it's not a peace plan, it's a partition plan ... the proposal of a third party, looking from the outside, that has some authority." The Palestinians refused to accept partition plans put forth by the British in 1937 and by the United Nations in 1947, yet both had "historic effects," notably culminating in the establishment of Israel. The details of these plans were largely irrelevant – it was their underlying assumptions and core principles that proved enduring.
The same is true of the "deal of the century." Details of the plan are flexible and sure to be superseded by future negotiations. The important focus should be on the assumptions and principles of the plan.
A key assumption of the Trump initiative, according to Kramer, is that "history only goes in one direction." Previous peace plans, he noted, were based on expectations of "massive movement of peoples" as part of a final settlement – removing thousands of settlers from their settlements in today's Israel and absorbing a large number of descendants of Palestinian refugees from other countries into the West Bank and Gaza – which "is not going to happen."
A core principle of the Trump plan is that "everyone stays in place" – a reality that Palestinians must eventually come to accept. "Much of the responsibility for the predicament of the Palestinians today relies not just on them, but on their ... supposed friends who ... promised they would deliver to them on fantasies which were completely detached from reality."

"[W]hat will be transformative ... for the Palestinians ... is that they will begin to understand that history only runs in one direction, and the world is moving gradually to an accommodation with the facts of history," said Kramer. Until now, "the world has told them again and again that history could be reversed," he explained. "When people stop telling Palestinians that history can be reversed, that is the beginning of wisdom. It begins with the United States, [and] will percolate to other states in the West, and [to the] Arabs. The Palestinians will begin to understand that their demand for a reverse of history has no support from anyone else."
The truth, Kramer emphasized, will have to come from "the very same quarters which historically and traditionally have been supportive of their demands." While the Europeans, Russians and Arabs may not support the Trump plan, and many will reject it, "they will begin to echo some of the assumptions and principles ... then that will begin to have an effect."
Some worthy op eds:

You decide! Chait has a history of being wrong and hates Trump.

Today's market would appear to have made a temporary bottom and for the stout of heart one could nibble at high quality companies with solid balance sheets in the health sector like BMY, MRK, ABBV and some secondary technology companies with modest yields like IBM, CSCO, QCOM and T.

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