Sunday, March 15, 2020

More Reliable and Urgent Message From Atlanta. Important!!

Max Berkowitz, our son Daniel's son, is now 9 months old and more handsome with the passing of each day. He is our 9th grandchild.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More Very important information re Coronavirus from dear friends and fellow memo readers . This from an Atlanta pulmonologist.


I just received this from my good friends who are good friends with Dr. Howard Silverboard, pulmonologist in Atlanta.

If you have organizations with gang emails and a list of friends you can send to, I’d advise it. This is the direct email quote from Dr. Silverboard that he sent to his family and friends TODAY:

“I am sending this message to you (sorry it’s impersonal) out of concern that the shit hit the fan today in Atlanta re: Coronavirus. I have been in direct conversations with critical care experts around town and I can tell you the epidemic is now widespread in our community. I hope you are taking social distancing very seriously. Our first patient at Northside is very critical and only 51. Additionally, Wellstar and Emory are quickly becoming overwhelmed. Please take every effort to reduce your risk. If you have questions or concerns feel free to reach out. This is an unprecedented event in my 20 year career, and in the lives of most. This is not a drill. With love and respect, Howard Silverboard.”

Stay safe and healthy! Lee

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