Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Be Glad You Are Not Wearing His Shoes!

Some random thoughts:
a) Everyone has needs.  We all need to be liked, we all need to be appreciated for what we do, we all need to be needed etc.

In Trump's case perhaps his needs are somewhat excessive.

b) That said, any fair minded person should be willing to give the devil his due and congratulate Trump and his team for yeoman effort and doing right y our nation.

c) Compare the average household with America's unpreparedness and perhaps that will put matters in perspective.

The run on TP is a reflection that we were unprepared for a long siege. Show me a head of household that stocks months of TP and I will show you a neurotic. Businesses of all stripe stock according to a general pattern of need and make allowances for seasonal trends. No one can afford to continuously overstock.  It would be a poor use of one's capital unless they were trying to corner the market, as The Hunt's once tried and failed,  or were preparing to go to war.  This is the only reason our nation keeps a huge reserve supply of oil.

If what I have written is rational and mostly factual, even though there have been reports of unheeded warnings, it is not Trump's fault  he found an inadequate/out of date response system to a virus we have never experienced.  To attack Trump is pure politics and partisanship.

Once the crisis is over we can examine to correct mistakes.

d) Considering China knew and withheld cannot be blamed on Trump.  China is not only our enemy but also  a Communist run government and secretive at best. We know little of what truly goes on in that country try as we may. Thus, we lost the advantage of time but once Trump realized what we were up against his response has been swift and the results have been amazing in large measure due to Trump's decisions. to work in partnership with the private sector and to eliminate many governments restraints on production, supply etc.

e) When it comes to Trump Pelosi, The NYT's, WAPO and  CNN they  are cut from the same cloth.  They hate Trump.  Based on  their actions and statements they care not about the nation because politics and lies seems all that interests them.  When the Coronavirus crisis has passed, and the American people get a chance to assess the responses of various national figures and media, one would hope they will suffer for their despicable actions.

Cher Lashes Out on Trump, Says He is a “Sick Man” Who Is “Addicted” to the “Camera” Read More

Contrary to what you hear from the mainstream media, According to Dr. Fauci himself, he says President Donald Trump listens to his advice and stands with the science every single time. Fauci gives him advice on if something is a good or bad idea, and Fauci says he listens to it. This is despite what Joe Biden is out there suggesting.

And yes, as we enter the eye of the storm, the need to shift may compel Trump to refocus and assume risks he would rather not take but he cannot allow America to falter economically. Life is full of compromises and Hobson-like choices. Be glad you are not wearing his shoes.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Food for thought op eds:

Enemies to the LeftAlexander G. MarkovskyThe American people will reject socialism in November and force the Democrats to reexamine their internal doctrine.  MoreWinning the War Against the Chinese Communists Mario Alexis PortellaJust like the pandemic, which we will eventually defeat, we can win the war against China  More


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