Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Confirmation Of Chinese Markets. Will Durham Go This Far? Ironies!!!

This from a great friend, fellow memo reader, often a tennis partner who has traveled all over the world. He was responding to the link I sent regarding the wet food markets in China:

As you may recall me saying, my daughter and son-in-law lived in Beijing for over 4 years.  They worked at our embassy.   While they were there L... and I collectively spent months in China, including traveling all over the country.  The markets in the video are everywhere.  I have actually even been to Wuhan.  They stink to high heaven, are filthy and disgusting.  As the video showed, they feature some the strangest stuff anyone can imagine.  I have visited many of them.  When visiting any Chinese city, the markets are always an attraction.  If you’ve been there, you know the run of the mill Chinese citizen is crude, rude, bigoted and unsophisticated.  I’m not sure “unsophisticated” covers it adequately.  They aren’t worldly enough to realize how bizarre the markets are.  

Thanks for including the video.  The pictures were all too familiar sights.  It was interesting to learn the origin and the history of them.  China has aggressively wiped out their hutongs, and (over) built huge numbers of tall apartment buildings.  The next step should be to eliminate those disgusting markets.  Maybe this might do it.  



A lot of boomeranging irony is happening or will be and I am listing a few and in no particular order. of importance.

Bernie's presidential campaign is finished or will be after Wednesday's vote.  Politically speaking, Bernie will be a dot in the history books and I suspect those who embraced his nonsense will look back and see how stupid they were to buy into his garbage. That will take some maturity and some might never make the grade.

However,  ironically, Socialism is coming to America not because of  Bernie but because of the Coronavirus,.

The government must do what it can to keep as many employed as possible while, at the same time, again ironically, help more to work at home where the increased virus risk is less.

Thus, the government has to help businesses stay open in order to keep employment up and the wheels of capitalism turning while, at the same time, doing so in a  medically rational  manner. Thus, government is going to have to subsidize the private sector and in some cases actually become an invested partner. This is a version of Socialism.

Another irony is we are now paying for our desire to own cheap products.  WalMart claimed their purchases from China lowered U.S inflation by 1 and 1/2%. Perversely, this also resulted in the decline of our middle class as factories were closed and production moved off shore. Now we are beholden to China, and they can squeeze us, because they control essential raw materials etc. and we find ourselves at their mercy.

While we were buying their cheap goods they were investing the profits in: rare and essential raw materials, building up their military, particularly their navy, and investing in foreign countries through onerous loan agreements that could give them options like control of port facilities and other strategic assets.

The irony is China was buying the hotel we were vacationing in with our money.

A third irony is more like a two edge sword.  I believe Xi is vulnerable. As head of China's ruling Communist Party his people are suffering from his mis-management. We have a golden opportunity to possibly put a big dent in his rule.  The irony is Xi has trade cards he can play but we and the West have to decide whether to move production out of China.

That is initially disruptive and might prove impossible because the nations we could move production to lack the workers that match those engaged in Chinese production.

If we chose to return production to our own shores that too has ironic implications because we no longer have the factories and the labor costs and final product prices will rise significantly.

Without Communist and/or Socialist regimes the decision would be less difficult but as long as we manufacture in countries capable and desirous of world dominance we are left with Hobson like choices.

A final irony involves the collapse of what Trump built through no fault of his own.  He inherited a health response system that had never been confronted by this type of virus. It is irrational to spend and store medical items costing billions in anticipation of every contingency. It is not practical to have hospitals that are empty and unused simply because one day a need might arise.

The decline in the stock market is not a reflection of a bad economy but rather a health black swan that came out of a nowhere food market located in Wuhan. The decline in the market has wiped out the Trump rise.

Trump is also blamed for his initial reaction and lack of knowledge of what we were facing, partly because his friend Xi hid the facts and, we know, information from China is totally unreliable. (In a previous memo I told about a meeting I attended where a former CIA Agent said we are abysmally behind the curve when it comes to understanding and knowing about what is actually happening in China.)

Because Trump considers Xi his friend one could say he was stabbed in the back. One could also muse this is "ironic" payback for when Xi and Trump were having dinner at Mar Largo as Trump was retaliating against Iran and told Xi as our planes were dispatched.

Now that Trump and his team are responding and doing their best to marshall the public sector and meld it in conjunction with the powers of the government we have a president acting for the good of the nation.  Americans, being rational and realistically comfortable that all is being done that is possible, they might not be prone to change horses in mid-stream. Most particularly considering their choice , ie. an old man who has visible mental health issues,has been around swimming in the swamp with nothing much to show by way of visible accomplishments besides worn out inane rhetoric.

Ironically, there is that word again, Trump has an opportunity to show his organizational mettle, his business acumen to resolve something that blindsided him, which could not have been predicted.

So, ironically,  it will be Biden versus Trump.  Biden because his party became frightened at the prospect of Bernie and Trump because,ironically, he won against all odds because voters hungered for America to be made great again.

Time will tell who will come out on top so stay tuned.


Joe Biden, the Manchurian Virus Candidate

If one didn’t know better, he could think that China unleashed the Wuhan virus upon the world purposely to get their man, Joe Biden, elected president. Jumblin’ Joe is their man, too.

It’s not just that the disease will assuredly cause economic distress as people’s lives and commerce are disrupted; it’s not just that no matter what President Trump does, the EneMedia will portray his response to the disease as lacking. (Never mind that Barack Obama apparently spread disease throughout our nation by shipping sick illegal-alien minors throughout the country. Enterovirus D68, anyone?)

It’s also that the Wuhan virus has now become a handy excuse to limit debates and Jumblin Joe’s personal appearances. Health is the concern, you see (Biden’s mental health, that is).

Heck, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) even suggested that his party “shut” down the rest of the primaries and debates. The idea is to coronate Jumblin’ before his brain completely shuts down.

But don’t think it’s a stretch to say that, lucid or senile, Biden is for certain the Manchurian virus candidate. There’s a reason why Forbes wrote last summer that “Joe Biden Is The Only Man Who Can Save China In 2020” and why the “announcement of his campaign alone was enough to encourage Beijing suddenly to take a harder line on trade negotiations with the Trump administration,” as Senator Tom Cotton recently wrote at National Review. It’s that unlike “many other Democrats, he takes its side, reliably,” writes Cotton. (Certain other Democrats take China’s side only unreliably.)

For example, as senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the ‘90s, Biden made sure China got most-favored-nation trade status and World Trade Organization membership (the latter in 2001). “Wherever a brake might have been applied — by placing human-rights or labor conditions on most-favored-nation status, for example — Biden voted the measures down and lobbied other senators for Beijing,” Cotton informs. “Unfortunately, China and Biden got their way, and American workers are still suffering from it.”

While we should have withered Beijing on the vine instead of creating a monster (thanks, Richard Nixon), Biden compounded earlier mistakes and continued feeding the dragon. In fact, even as China’s fascist regime (yes — with its market reforms, it’s as “communist” as Bernie is capitalist) grew in power and Xi Jinping strengthened his dictatorial hold, Biden continued lobbying for increased trade and more intimate ties.
Just consider that while standing next to Xi in 2012, Biden rationalized that competition from China was good for us. Yet millions “of American jobs were disappearing as he spoke,” Cotton reminds us, “and the militarization of the South China Sea was just around the corner.”

What’s for sure is that, call it “competition” or collusion, the relationship was very good for the Biden family. Oh, and if you’re guessing that there’s a Hunter in this story, go to the head of the class.

“Reporters thought it unusual when Hunter Biden, Biden’s prodigal son, accompanied him on a trip to Beijing in 2013,” Cotton relates. “That same year, Hunter joined the board of a Shanghai-based private equity firm. In 2017, a few months after his father left office, he invested a substantial chunk of his own money in the company.”  Below is an interesting Fox Business video on the subject.

So, as the Ukraine/Burisma situation evidenced, “Biden Inc.,” as Politico put it last year, was very good at monetizing Jumblin’s vice presidency. And though we don’t know how much Hunter made off the China deal, we can bet he’s doing better than laid-off American workers. 

Moreover, though he sometimes may not know what state he’s in, what office he’s running for, his wife from his sister or that he’s not married to himself, Jumblin’ Joe hasn’t forgotten how to defend today’s evil empire. When President Trump imposed travel restrictions on China a few weeks back to combat the Wuhan virus, Biden called it “hysterical xenophobia.” Of course, our real problem today in multicult America is xenophilia — and in Jumblin’s case in particular, Sinophilia.

But it’s hard to know where the avarice ends, and the asininity begins. Just consider the statements Biden made at a campaign rally last spring (below), in which he said China is “not competition for us.”

This is the nation, do note, whose economy is six to eight times the size of that of Russia, which the left says is our big boogeyman (do I hear Obama saying that “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back”?). But it’s not just that China has been stealing our manufacturing base and technology, though that’s bad enough.

We in addition now rely on China for sensitive components used in our weapons systems (what could possibly go wrong?). We’re also dependent upon the nation for our pharmaceuticals, including an estimated 95 percent of our antibiotics. Oh, and note here that via Beijing’s official news service and mouthpiece, Xinhua, it just threatened to cut off our medication and intensify the Wuhan virus epidemic. China has threatened to kill us, in other words.

This isn’t surprising, mind you. Beijing’s aggressive, fascistic regime oversees what it considers a superior culture and race, and it apparently believes that this übermensch status entitles it to dominate the world. In fact, there already is a cold war between China and the United States.

In keeping with this, Beijing censors our movies (really), bullies American businesses into spouting its propaganda and manipulates our schools’ curricula via its Confucius Institutes. And this is all possible because while the Izzy Mandelbaum of politics* (Biden) is now infamous for threatening to assault voters, he and other free “traiders” have long been helping China assault us.

So, the main problem with Biden isn’t that he doesn’t know what state he’s in, but that he doesn’t know what nation state he represents. Combine this with his rapid mental decline, and one could imagine learning after a Beijing visit that President Biden signed Alaska away to Xi. (“I thought the document just got another billion for sonny boy!”)

Of course, a president doesn’t actually have that kind of unilateral power.

The point is that if you’re worried about what Biden’s policies might be while mentally confused, know that they were morally confused even when he was lucid.
Interesting insights:
I cannot wait for Durham's report. May not cover this, however.

Flynn Lawyer Says Shocking Clinton Material On Anthony Weiner’s Laptop, Recommends Military Examine It

‘There’s a LOT that can be prosecuted, I have no doubt, on that laptop,’ says Sidney Powell
(Infowars) – The lawyer of retired General Mike Flynn claims that Anthony Weiner’s laptop seized by the NYPD in 2016 contained hundreds of thousands of Hillary Clinton emails revealing heinous crimes.
In a speech delivered at Hillsdale College last week, Sidney Powell claimed that the laptop belonging to Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s ex-husband Anthony Weiner contains “675,000 emails” detailing crimes related to the Clinton Foundation, and possibly much worse offenses which deeply disturbed investigators who reviewed them.
“It was all the Clinton emails, the Clinton Foundation, her Secretary of State emails, Huma Abedin’s emails – lots of people emailing Huma as a proxy for Hillary,” Powell told the audience.
Powell recommended that President Trump ensure Weiner’s laptop gets into trusted hands within the military to examine all the emails.
“So one of the things, if I were the president I’d do, is demand the Anthony Weiner laptop and get it to the most trusted person in the military to take apart everything on it, and then start using it.”
“There’s a LOT that can be prosecuted, I have no doubt, on that laptop,” Powell continued, adding that some crimes may be downright atrocious.
“In fact, I heard that the New York Police officer who saw some of it, even though they’re hardened investigators, literally had to go throw up. It’s bad,” she added.In 2016 just before the presidential election, prosecutor Doug Hagmann reported that the FBI found evidence of treason, money laundering and connections to child exploitation – including the infamous “Lolita Express” jet belonging to billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein – on Weiner’s laptop.
“It involves Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Bill Clinton as well as Jeffrey Epstein,” Hagmann said on The Alex Jones Show. “According to my source, these files exist – he did not touch these files so he doesn’t know what’s in them, but the fact that they exist on this computer suggest some sort of overlap here.”
“It involves the Saudis, very big money and interests in the Middle East, and it involves Hillary, Huma, and to a much lesser extent Anthony Weiner,” he added.
Watch Powell’s full speech below:
Author: Tea Party Staff
China Lied And People
 Died: Chinese Scientists 
Destroyed Wuhan 
Coronavirus Evidence in 
By Matt Vespa

The Chinese are to blame for this Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Their containment methods were laughable, their officials refused to inform the public, and people died. They allowed Wuhan to celebrate Chinese New Year, exposing potentially tens of thousands to the disease. Some five million left the city before they enacted a quarantine. And now we’re hearing that they knew about human transmissions. The Wall Street Journal’s piece on how this whole international fiasco began all but places the blame where it should rightfully be directed: China

It was on Dec. 10 that Wei Guixian, a seafood merchant in this city’s Hua’nan market, first started to feel sick. Thinking she was getting a cold, she walked to a small local clinic to get some treatment and then went back to work.

Eight days later, the 57-year-old was barely conscious in a hospital bed, one of the first suspected cases in a coronavirus epidemic that has paralyzed China and gripped the global economy. The virus has spread around the world and sickened more than 100,000.

For almost three weeks, doctors struggled to connect the dots between Ms. Wei and other early cases, many of them Hua’nan vendors. Patient after patient reported similar symptoms, but many, like her, visited small, poorly resourced clinics and hospitals. Some patients balked at paying for chest scans; others, including Ms. Wei, refused to be transferred to bigger facilities that were better-equipped to identify infectious diseases.

When doctors did finally establish the Hua’nan link in late December, they quarantined Ms. Wei and others like her and raised the alarm to their superiors. But they were prevented by Chinese authorities from alerting their peers, let alone the public.

One of the first doctors to alert Chinese authorities was criticized for “spreading rumors” after sharing with a former medical-school classmate a test result showing a patient had a coronavirus. Another doctor had to write a self-criticism letter saying his warnings “had a negative impact.

And now, there are reports that Chinese scientists destroyed evidence about the virus back in December (via The Times UK):

Chinese laboratories identified a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen by late December last year, but they were ordered to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news, a Chinese media outlet has revealed.

A regional health official in Wuhan, centre of the outbreak, demanded the destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia on January 1. China did not acknowledge there was human-to-human transmission until more than three weeks later.

The detailed revelations by Caixin Global, a respected independent publication, provide the clearest evidence yet of the scale of the cover-up in the crucial early weeks when the opportunity was lost to control the outbreak. Censors have been rapidly deleting the report from the Chinese internet.

Those who do slam the Chinese government’s antics vanish, as National Review’s Jim Geraghty noted, among other things. One doctor in Wuhan tried to raise the red flags about this virus in December and the state came down on her (via Business Insider):

A Wuhan doctor said she wishes she could rewind the clock to December when she first sounded the alarm about a new pneumonia-like virus — only to back away after being reprimanded by Chinese officials.

Ai Fen, director of Wuhan Central Hospital's emergency department, told Chinese magazine People that a colleague sent her a diagnostic report in late December of a worrying infection that mirrored severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), according to the South China Morning Post.

Ai shared a picture of the report on a WeChat group on December 30, and then its members circulated that photo more widely. Whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang, 34, who was silenced by Chinese officials and then died of the COVID-19 virus, was part of that group. 

Ai said she also gave hospital authorities a heads-up about the virus.

"I even grabbed our hospital respiratory department director, who happened to be passing my office, and told him that one of his patients was confirmed to have been infected with a SARS-like virus," Ai said to People magazine, the Post reported.…doctors were not allowed to report cases that they encountered.

"It's fairly easy to fill out the disease reporting form," a doctor told Caixin. "When we get cases of hepatitis B or other severe infectious diseases, we can make a diagnosis directly on the computer, fill in the infectious disease report in a pop-up window and just click OK." But "to do that, a diagnosis must be made," the doctor said.

A law enforcement official visited the hospital on January 12, Caixin reported, and told medical staff that the infectious disease forms could only be completed and submitted with guidance from experts at the city and provincial levels.

The next day, Wang Wenyong, who leads infectious disease control at Wuhan's Jianghan district disease control center, told Wuhan Central hospital to alter a suspected coronavirus report to say that patients were suffering from other illnesses.

The Chinese knew. They tried to arrogantly suffocate this news with a pillow. They kept medical staff in the dark. They strong-armed doctors who tried to save lives and do the right thing. Like all authoritarian governments, disasters of this scale cannot be allowed to happen. Look how long it took the Soviets to realize that Chernobyl was, uh, a HUGE problem. The same applies here. China didn’t want to look weak, powerless, and ineffective in a massive public health situation. They thought if they ignored it, it would go away. It didn’t. And now they’ve unleashed this mess onto the world. It was them.

It’s all their fault, those pathetic communist morons. But what to do about it needs to wait. We have to get a handle of this thing because the market can’t keep taking 6-10 percent hits every day. 

The Chinese government deleted lab work and samples and intimidated their doctors to cover up any trace of it while also lying to the World Health Organization. I'm fine calling it a Chinese Government Virus as well. NBC has been on the front lines pushing PRC propaganda. 
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