Monday, March 2, 2020

Is The Fix In and Will Bernie Supporters Stay Home? BIBI Might Have Squeaked By Only To Face A Vindictive Prosecutor.


Why Are so Many Young People Unhappy?

Why Are so Many Young People Unhappy?+++++++++++++++++++++++++In my previous memo I forgot to mention a few facts with respect to the economy:

a) No way Trump could  anticipate the Boeing debacle and the impact it would have on domestic growth and

b) The GM strike also took a notch out of GDP growth.

c) Finally, I am of the opinion, though I know Trump likes to bash The Fed, there is not much they can do when demand is curtailed by virus concerns and the supply chain is equally impacted.  Interest rates are low enough and any additional funds put into the economy might stimulate the market but that is not the solution to the virus issue.

I listened to some women this morning discussing their presidential preferences and they mostly favored Biden, Bloomberg for all the reasons they actually should be voting for Trump.  They, obviously, dislike, Trump's persona and that blinds them to his accomplishments. For instance, they want a president who is practical. Trump is practical. They want a president who can handle the economy. DUH!  They want a president who makes them feel safe. DUH, again. They want a sound health care system and did say Bernie frightened them. I seriously doubt they know what Trump's health care program is because he has not fleshed it out nor what he would accept if presented one. He is not in favor of socialized medicine and has committed to protecting those with pre-conditions and portability because competition is what iproves the system and brings prices down..

There is no accounting for taste and what irrational thinking drives voters to vote as they do. I often wonder how we survived as long as we have.

In the case of health care, I have no doubt we can force the drug industry to reduce prices but we also must recognize high prices supports both research and drug development failures.  Developing drugs does not come cheap! Furthermore, we cannot depend upon China for  drug ingredients for two basic and obvious reasons.  Their plants are not as safe and inspected as our's and it ultimately  boils down to national security.

Until recently we depended upon Russia for space exploration and were paying them for space rides.  How stupid can we be?

Far too many of our security priorities are beholden to government handouts because progressives want to buy constituent voters with tax payer money.

Meanwhile, was Buttigieg paid to drop out so Biden could benefit? Will he be offered a VP ticket?  Will his decision help Sanders? Politics is one of the dirtiest enterprises that remains legal.

The fix is in, Klobuchar out as well.  Another Cabinet Position?

Democrats run the risk of Bernie supporters staying home or rebelling.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Can BIBI sneak through?  Just may have done so.  Now he will face a vindictive prosecutor.

Netanyahu claims his party is now a hair’s breadth away from Knesset majority

PM tells supporters latest data shows Likud and its allies at 59.7 of required 61 seats; petition accuses him of violating campaign laws by disclosing survey results

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Sunday that his party’s internal polling showed he was a stone’s throw away from a Knesset majority that would allow the formation of a right-wing government.

“Our data from three hours ago shows we are at 59.7 seats,” he told supporters at an election rally outside Tel Aviv, referring to his bloc of right-wing and religious parties. “We are very close to victory.”
He said “this movement [of votes] is a consistent trend of recent days, and we can bring about the formation of secure right-wing government for Israel.”

Polling in the final days before Monday’s election showed support for Likud grow slightly, possibly surpassing its rival Blue and White, though the surveys indicated the party is still several seats short of achieving a 61-seat Knesset majority without the support of Yisrael Beytenu and its leader Avigdor Liberman.
In response to his speech, Attorney Shachar Ben Meir filed a petition against Netanyahu with the Central Elections Committee on Sunday, accusing the prime minister of breaking election laws, which forbid the publication of polling data in the three days before an election.
Ben Meir demanded that Likud be fined for the violation, Haaretz reported.

The Likud party responded in a statement, saying the ban is against broadcasting or publishing polls and that Netanyahu had made “a verbal announcement” rather than publishing the results of survey.
Monday is the nation’s third election in less than a year, after neither Netanyahu nor Blue and White leader Benny Gantz were able to form coalitions in the last two rounds, and talks on a unity government fell through.

The prime minister suffered a setback Sunday evening as the far-right Otzma Yehudit party declared it would not step down — potentially costing the right-wing bloc 1-2 seats.

If, as projected, Otzma Yehudit fails to pass the electoral threshold (3.25 percent of the vote, or four seats), any votes for it would be discounted. It has consistently been polling at around 1%-1.5%.
With less than 12 hours to go before polling stations open on Monday morning, and facing pressure from Netanyahu and other right-wing parties to quit, party chairman Itamar Ben Gvir told a Jerusalem press conference, “We are here to stay.”

Netanyahu is hoping to stretch the bloc past the 61 seats needed for a majority. Polls have shown Netanyahu’s bloc at up to 58 seats compared to 55 for a centrist-left bloc lead by Gantz, leaving Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu party, predicted to win at least seven seats, holding the balance of power.
Liberman has rejected a government that includes Netanyahu’s ultra-Orthodox allies, saying he wants a secularist coalition. He has also ruled out allying with the Arab-dominated Joint List, whose members he has dubbed “a fifth column.”

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party claimed Sunday that should a left-leaning government be formed after the elections, Jews in Israel could be scared to wear a kippah.
“A left-wing government is likely to be formed here with the support of Liberman and the Joint List.
“If this government is formed, I’m worried that people will be scared to walk in the street with a kippah and will need to walk with a cap like in Europe,” Deri told Channel 13 news.

In an interview with Channel 12 on Saturday, Netanyahu said Gantz cannot form a coalition without the support of the predominantly Arab Joint List and that such a government would be “dangerous” for Israel.” He further claimed that Blue and White voters who understand this were “coming over to the Likud.”

The prime minister also called Gantz, a former army chief, a “mediocre” IDF leader — his “third choice” for the role — and said he now heads “a dictatorial party.”

Gantz told Channel 12 that the prime minister was using “mafia” tactics in the final days of the campaign and said the Israeli public was “ready for change” and the “time is now.”
Market-wise: what goes down comes backup but still need to retest unless some very good news is around the corner. Some would call today a dead cat bounce.  Was mostly related to Fed's talk and belief they will cut rates.  As I said earlier, cutting rates, in my opinion, misses the mark. Good for the stock market but will not re-stimulate business as long as supply chain out of whack due to virus.
Generally a reliable source but have no way of verifying:

Where Did The COVID-19 Originate? 
 One of the top world experts on biological weaponry, as well as a professor of international law at the University of Illinois, is Dr. Francis Boyle. He also had a law passed in the US in 1989 against the use of bio-weapons, which was adopted into world law in 1989 (the Biological Weapon Anti-Terrorist Act of 1989). I'm getting much of my overall information from him in trying to understand this COVID-19 virus. Dr. Boyle has stated that this is a very serious situation and feels that this COVID-19 weaponized virus was the result of bio-weapon technology that escaped from the DSL-4 laboratory in Wuhan, China. He also points out that there are scientist around the world confirming that this is a weaponized virus. 
 Dr. Francis Boyle also points out that there are 4 French scientists who recently published an article in the journal, Science Direct, on antiviral research on February 10, 2020. These scientists did a genetic analysis of the COVID-19, and their analysis showed a form of bio-weaponization that "may provide a gain of function to the COVID-19 for efficient spreading in the human population as compared to other coronaviruses”. The phrase "gain of function" means "manmade and weaponized". This analysis included the observation of a spiked protein shell on the virus for better penetration into human cells. He explains that the phrase, "gain of function", directly implies that DNA genetic engineering was done. In other words, their research showed the COVID-19 virus was clearly weaponized. This conclusion is also in alignment with the findings in India at Kusuma School of Biological Sciences showing that there was a genetic sequence taken from the HIV virus to and implanted into the COVID-19 to improve infectivity. Their research was published in the Lancet, but, later, it was "pulled out" of the publication. Dr. Boyle also points out in a 2010 journal, Archive of Virology, from Australia that there has been active work in the use of SARS and HIV to create weaponized chimeric viruses. 
 The most serious research that he communicates is a study reported at the DSL-3 laboratory in North Carolina in 2015 that shows that MERS (another weaponized coronavirus) was developed with the technology that makes "gain of function". The article states, "A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronavirus has potential for human emergence” (Nat Med 6/21/15). He also documents that a leading bio-warfare scientist from Wuhan was trained in "gain of function" technology from the DSL-3 laboratory in North Carolina. In this paper they admit being paid by China to train the Chinese scientist from the Wuhan DSL-4 laboratory. It's specifically designed to infect human respiratory airways. It is thought-provoking to realize that the National Institute of Health, according to this 2015 North Carolina paper, okayed this training of the Chinese scientist. In other words, this technology was not stolen by the Chinese, but, rather, sold to them. Apparently, they also used an HIV cell wall attack virus DNA section that helps it penetrate cells. This 2015 training done by the North Carolina DSL-3 laboratory was also approved by the National Institute of Health, as cited in their 2015 paper. (Phonetically pronounced, the top Chinese researcher was Genlee Hi Shi.) The MERS research showed a 36% fatality. Generally, at this point, with the current virus, we have a gain in what they call “pathogenesis” from 2% to 15-18%. The point is, this top Chinese researcher was trained at the North Carolina DSL-3 laboratory to develop "gain of function" bio-weapon technology. In another very recently released paper, 2 Chinese professors at the South China University of Technology also concluded that the virus leaked out of the Wuhan laboratory. 
A few months ago, there was a paper, published in the Lancet, that stated the incubation period for the COVID-19 was 24 days rather than 14. This means holding someone in quarantine for 14 days is insufficient prevention. 

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