Saturday, November 7, 2020

Will SCOTUS Wade In? Perhaps, But They Must Go All Out If They Find Fraud To Help Trump. SBUX Too Rich But AFL Appears Reasonable Ross Rants.


Katie Pavlich from Townhall reports, The Decision Desk has called the presidential race in Pennsylvania for former Vice President Joe Biden...


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Lucky Joe in a political sense:


As I thought would happen.  The Pa. Supreme Court decision always seemed incorrect.

Now, in order to actually be re-elected Trump must also prove fraud allegations in other contested states and win the majority of these votes in a re-count which is a very difficult hurdle and SCOTUS may demur taking on this responsibility.

This is what I received from a very dear friend and fellow memo reader. I have not verified what he sent but I post it to demonstrate both issues.  Something would appear to be wrong and yet SCOTUS may not believe it is within their purview and not pursue the actual vote counting fraud matter.

Title: Who Won the Election?

by michael charles master (author of Save America Now, Rules for Conservatives, and the Birth Famine) 

Who won the election?   

Did you watch the election returns on Tuesday night?  Did you stay up all night?  At about midnight on the east coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by large margins.  The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win.   Then for some unexplainable reason, Wisc, Mich, Pa, NC, and NV all stopped counting votes simultaneously... in unison.... took a "pause" ... at around 1 AM.    None of those states  counted any additional votes for the next 3 hours.  So what did they do for those 3 hours?     

Let me point out a couple of things:

  1.  All of those 5 states have Democrat governors.
  2. Suddenly during the 3 hour shut down, in the dead of night when most people were sleeping, all those states found enough votes for Biden to catch Trump. 5 for 5. At midnight in Michigan, Trump was ahead by 5% (400 thousand votes) with 80% of the votes already counted.  When the next 10% of votes of about 400,000 were counted from Wayne County (Detroit), then suddenly Biden caught Trump with 90% of the votes in.  Biden made up 5% with 10% of the total vote.  That means that all the votes (close to 100%) from Wayne went to Biden.  That also means that practically all registered voters voted in Wayne County.   Does anyone believe any of that is possible? The same thing happened in Madison, Wis, In Raleigh, NC, in Las Vegas, NV, and could be happening in Phil, Pa by Friday. So why did all those Democrat stronghold cities take a "pause" to report their votes?      
  3.  Not one pundit questioned why a shut down in counting votes happened in all those states simultaneously.  Not one. Not even on FOX.  Not one questioned how almost all of the newly counted votes in those battleground states went to Biden.    Only NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those 5 states with Democrat governors with Trump ahead before the "pauses."
  4. Wisc is now reporting 3,239,920 votes cast when there are only 3,129,000 registered voters on record.   More people voted than actually registered.  When questioned, the Democrat Sec of State says there are 3.6 million registered voters from late registrations.   Even if there are 3.6 million registered voters, that means that 90% of them voted when the average was 55 to 60% across the USA.  How did almost all votes from Madison go for Biden?  Almost 100% of registered voters, not just votes?  Did ballot harvesting happen?   How about in those other battleground states?   
  1. CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS all refused to call the elections in Tx and Fla until almost all votes were counted, yet FOX called Az only 30 minutes after the polls closed with less than 50% of the votes.  Arizona had a million outstanding votes in Republican Maricopa County with Biden ahead in the state by only 100,000 when Az was called for Biden.    

If you think that the media cartel was hard at work demonizing Trump  for the last 4 years ... 94% negative Trump reports.... then it was in full swing last night at protecting those Democrat governors in the battleground states.   

Think about this for a moment:  “resist” by Democrats from the first day that Trump was elected, recounts, no peaceful transition of power, impeachment, 3 years of false accusations about Trump colluding with Russia to affect the 2016 election, Mueller,  Comey/Clapper/Brennan with the FISA requests and the Steele Dossier paid by Hillary Clinton, 22 FBI agents lost their jobs because of spying on Trump, riots/looting/violence, continued polls that proved to  be wrong, $400 billion by Soros and Bloomberg for Biden,  Wall Street 4 to 1 in donations to Biden, lack of coverage about the Bidens' relationships with China/Russia/Ukraine/Burisma, and then Covid, covid, covid around the clock by the media ...  with little mention of the record economic and international results by Trump.   

Covid became the reason for the unsolicited mail out of ballots by Democrat governors.  Covid was used to scare voters and to distract them from Trump accomplishments.  Covid was used as the reason to shut down economies in Democrat run states.  Let's see what happens with Covid now that Democrats and the media no longer need it.    

So did those battleground states run by Democrats use ballot harvesting or any other types of election fraud?  How did the vote tallies change so dramatically after those Democrat governors "paused" in their election counts in the dead of night?  In all 5 Democrat controlled battleground states?  If the media, Democrats,  and deep state could be in such collusion against Trump for 4 years, then how hard is it to question collusion in ballot counting last night by those Democrat governors? 

What gets lost with a Biden election? for starters: any investigation of Biden with Burisma and China, the Barr investigations, the Durham investigations, the investigations of deep state players, and Constitution integrity with DC as a state and with packing the Supreme Court.  Democrats had lots on the line so they practiced “the end justifies the means”  just as Alinsky instructed.  They cheated and the media helped.   

Who won the election?  Average working Americans lost.   Election integrity lost.  No matter who won, America got less great.


Supreme Court Rules on Pennsylvania Controversy

The Supreme Court on Friday ordered Pennsylvania election boards to separately count mail ballots that arrived after Election Day, while rejecting a GOP request to stop counting those votes.

The order, signed by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, left open the possibility that the justices could exclude the late-arriving ballots in a subsequent ruling, a move which Alito and at least two other conservative justices have previously signaled they may be inclined to take.

The number of affected ballots is believed to be between 3,000 and 4,000. Election law experts said that even if the justices were to later invalidate them, the only way this would impact the outcome of the race between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden is if the election were decided by Pennsylvania and the pair were separated in the state by a very slim margin.

Friday’s order was the first time the Supreme Court has gotten involved in a state count after Election Day. Alito urged Pennsylvania’s Democratic Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, the respondent in the case, to file any response as soon as possible and no later than Saturday at 2 p.m.

Continue reading at The Hill.

Not sure I understand the technology this article discusses and refers to but those involved are scum so I would put nothing by them and if it is factual neither would it  surprise me because they have wanted to get Trump since day one and have done everything within their ability to do so:


Now that Biden has been declared president elect the Oregon Governor decides it is time to call out the Guard:

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I looked at SBUX and it it too rich for me. Was not aware it  reached 90 in the past week. Am nibbling at AFL. Seems reasonably priced,.

Ross Rants:

I have waited to comment until the chaos wound down, and there was more clarity. It now appears Trump lost, but it is not over yet. I thought he would just barely  pull it out with more of the black vote in GA and PA, and more Latino vote in AZ, and NM, but seems not to be. While court challenges will continue for a bit, it seems over. Trump has nobody but himself to blame. As I commented at the time, he completely blew it in the first debate. Had he acted with restraint (not something he can do), and just talked about his economic record vs Joe, and his foreign policy achievements, especially in the Mideast, he likely would have won those marginal voters who were on the fence. Had he listened early on 4 years ago and stopped the personal twitter attacks, he would have swept, but he just refused to listen even to his family.


At least I was almost right vs the polls that were completely wrong again, and I just went with my gut feeling. I do believe the pollsters and media work hand in hand, and they are paid by the mainstream media, so it seems a concerted effort to turn off independents and lower the Republican vote. How else do you explain the absurdly wide margin the polls were off. One thing I learned in statistics at Wharton was, give me the answer, and I will design a poll to prove it.  The social media, and especially Twitter, are blatantly biased,  and should be regulated and broken up.  They have vastly too much power and zero liability. If you think about what Trump faced, the Russia conspiracy, impeachment, blatant bias by the media and Silicon Valley, and Pelosi refusing to do a stimulus deal, it is a wonder he achieved what he did in the election. Few others could have withstood the constant attacks for four years. What we need now is for Purdue to win in GA in January to assure Republican control of the Senate. That is now essential.


Wall St and many Trump haters can talk about defeating Trump as a wonderful thing, and Wall St can think a massive stimulus and spend is great, but they fail to understand all the ramifications of these things and a Dem control of the government. Even Moody’s, which favored Biden strongly, and with whom I have discussed this with, acknowledges that if Biden and the Dems get control and  do all of the economic things they want to do, the stock market will go nowhere good for years, the ten year will rise to 4.5%, and over time the economy will have problems, after a short term boost from massive spending. If you have any understanding of the ramifications long term of what the Dem and Biden policies really will lead to, you will realize this is a very bad scenario. Be prepared in January to find alternatives if Purdue loses.


Here are my concerns even with a Republican senate. Biden will send Kerry and Wendy Sherman to Iran, and they will undo the sanctions and give Iran a new free hand, and again save them from economic collapse, just as Obama did. This will lead to major new problems in the Mideast. The Arabs will be furious, as will Israel. Just as they were completing their peace deals with Israel, and setting a new binding coalition with Israel and the US against Iran, Biden will destroy that, and set back Mideast peace for years.  It is beyond stupid.  The only hope is the Arabs and Israel  scream out loud, and work to stop another disastrous accommodation with Iran.


The ramifications of what Biden says he will do are disastrous for the world. Now the Palestinians will be led to believe they can hold out again, whereas Trump had coalesced the Arabs into cooperation with Israel and the US and that would have forced the Palestinians to concede. In Iraq, we may lose all influence once they see Biden cozy up to Iran again. We may even be forced to withdraw completely. In Syria, Iran will move in again, and it will be up to Israel to continue to attack Iranian bases to try to keep safe.  In Afghanistan, once Biden shows he will befriend Iran again, there is little chance for  a real peace deal, and we will lose Afghanistan. Once Putin and Xi and Kim see all this the world becomes very dangerous, exactly as it did after Obama did not enforce his red line in Syria. These are the outcomes the Dems and far left do not understand, but for which we will all pay a price.


The really big risk is now XI will exert intense pressure on Biden, and will use what he has on Hunter to force Joe to drop tariffs, and to go back to a policy of let’s talk and accomplish nothing good.  Taiwan is now at real risk, and Biden will not defend them, and he may even cancel the weapons sales unless Trump can get it all shipped before January 15. This is the real risk for the world. China will test Biden very quickly, and if they think they can get him to stand by, they will attack Taiwan, and then the world will be at massive risk if Biden does nothing.  There will be intense pressure on Biden and Pelosi to cut defense spending and reallocate money to “social programs” for minorities and illegal aliens who will again come in as the border is reopened. In short, we repeat 1940 all over again. China moves aggressively, and we cut military spend, and Joe thinks he can just talk to them.


He will not end fracking.  He will just regulate it out of business. An absolute disaster for the US and the world. We will lose energy independence and low cost gasoline. That becomes a big tax on low income workers, and a drag on US manufacturing profits and consumer spending. It then makes us more dependent on the Arabs and Russia and Iran who will now be bale to raise prices for oil with no sanctions. He can put in regulations, and the Senate will not be able to stop it. This will be a true disaster for the US.


There will now be a return to Warren attacks on lenders of all types. It will raise costs for them and also raise risks as they are forced to make loans they would not otherwise make. There will also be a major push to get affordable housing into nice suburbs. Something Trump prevented. There will also likely be new regs on residential development to have landlords forced to take 20% affordable in multifamily projects, or something like that. A lot of other regs will be reimplemented and costs will rise. 


If Purdue wins and the R’s hold the Senate, there will be no tax increase, no court packing and no end to the filibuster.  All key issues. 


The euphoria of the stock market has been wonderful. I got out of a material piece of my portfolio three weeks ago, and then one week before the election and put it all back on Wednesday morning before the open. Now I will stay in for the moment, but if it appears Purdue might lose in Jan I am out big. If the Dems get control of the senate all hell breaks loose, taxes go way up, spending goes out of control, and all sorts of anti- il laws get passed.  The market will tank for a long period.  


The best hope is in 2022 election, there will be a major shift back to Republican control of the House and Senate. In 2024 Haley becomes president, and Republicans get control of Congress.


There is a strong chance there will be no stimulus deal before January. McConnell is not going to roll over for Pelosi, and Trump is not likely to do anything he thinks will help Biden look good. Despite that and the surge in virus, the economy will continue to improve.  Unemployment improved even more than I expected at 6.9% vs my 7.5% prediction. So long as there are no more major lockdowns this improvement will continue for a while. It is now very clear that the total lockdown in March was a massive error.


Fauci may be the media hero, but his advice was very wrong. Not only did the economy suffer terribly, but millions suffered medical and psychological damage. Thousands of small and large companies died. Unemployment skyrocketed doing real damage to many people. Millions of kids have lost over a full year of good education, and poor minority kids have lost a generation. We will pay a terrible price for this. The federal deficit is now out of control, and this will cause a real drag on the economy in a few years when rates rise. There is no way to tax our way out of it, and taxes is exactly the wrong remedy. Growing the economy is how you make a dent in the deficit. If the Dems get control of the senate, we will be in very serious trouble very quickly. Go back and read the Moody report and you will see what happens in a few years. In the end Sweden had it right.


It is a shame Trump has the personality he does have, and that lost the election for him. Many of the things he did were excellent, and another four years would have led to a strong economy, and a safer world. The mantra that he is dangerous and would be a dictator, and the other things the media and Silicon Valley pounded away on and got many smart people to believe, would not have happened. Trump basically is a very bad person which I said in Rants back in 2015, given what I know about him from my former partner and others of my friends who dealt with him before then.  But he did accomplish many very good things, and the world is a much safer place right now.  Biden may be the president, but in two years or so it will be only as the face not defacto.  His mind is going, and his policies are weak and wrong in many cases. Having Harris as VP is very scary.


Durham will be out with indictments in 10 days or so once the election mess is out of the headlines. Graham will pursue Hunter. Durham will likely be named special counsel so Biden can’t quash the indictments. It will be very upsetting when it all comes out and we see who did what. It will be interesting to see who goes to jail. Hilary, as the initiator of the whole Russia scam should be in jail for years but will not be. If Durham had been released in late September as initially expected, the election would have ended differently.


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