Tuesday, November 10, 2020

California Money To Pour Into Georgia. Biden Wants Me To Forget. I Choose Not To. New Documents Will Be Ignored. Would Not Want To Be A Taiwanese Jewish Leader.



Only a matter of time before California money starts pouring into Georgia, if it has not already , since Ossoff and Warnock have been there  with their hands out and Stacey Abrams was their pilot


Biden wants us to KUM-BA-YAH and forget how despicable he and his radical progressives have been the last four years not only towards Trump but also towards  us deplorables. He wants us to forget the impeachment based on fraudulent documents and illegal warrants.  After all, what is a little sedition?

Biden never commented about the woman who held up Trump's severed head.  Biden never spoke up when rioting broke out until entire cities were torched.  Biden never said anything about those killed by illegals allowed to roam the street in sanctuary cities. Now Biden wants us deplorables to lock arms and allow him to get off the hook because he hid in the basement, never responded to questions about his son and his own connection to what he allowed his son to do because he told us he never discussed the matter.  He wants us to forget about the Ukrainian investigator he got fired and then bragged about it in a video.

I could go on but Biden's hypocrisy is nauseating.


Meanwhile, I will remember the accomplishments of Trump and now we have a possible vaccine because our "dictator president" demanded warp speed.  I will remember the peace agreement he crafted among Israel and it's former enemies because of his unorthodox style and thinking outside the box.  I will remember how Trump brought back industry that policies Biden supported caused to leave our nation and decimate the middle class. I will remember the jobs our "racist' President helped create with his policies which gave hope and improved income for the lowest socio-economic among our society. Trump concluded jobs brought more dignity and self esteem than welfare. I will remember the excellent court appointments he and Sen. McConnel accomplished in the belief interpreting the constitution is better than legislating from the bench. I will remember Trump's placing America first as opposed to his predecessor who apologized for our nation.  I will remember how Trump preached law and order, rebuilt our military, stood up to China, N Korea and even our allies who had been  allowed to finesse their responsibilities. Finally, I will always remember how accessible he was to those in the (m)ass media who berated him, portrayed him in the most demeaning ways and did everything they could to turn the public against him by lying and constantly twisting what he said.

Should Biden become president, I will compare his performance and his treatment from the (m)ass media against that of Trump's and will do my best to be objective because, as I noted in a previous memo, I want my republic to survive.  Having said that, I refuse to be intimidated by those who want to destroy my republic, who want to silence me because my thinking is unacceptable and causes them discomfort. 

I am reminded of my father who was trying  a case before a judge who kept  badgering him .  At one point when my father protested a ruling, the judge told my father he would hold him in contempt and my father responded you do not know the contempt I have for this court and your honor. The judge promptly held him in contempt, fined him, and had the bailiff arrest him.  My father spent the evening in jail apologized and proceeded to win the case.

I have nothing but contempt for most progressives, their policies and hypocrisy. I have nothing but contempt for those who are disingenuous and the Clinton's, Schumer, Brennan, Walters, Schiff and their ilk come to mind. I despise the billionaire's who believe their wealth gives them privilege's that border on sedition because they assume the moral right to curtail my speech and politicians who believe they are above the law and feel they can place themselves above the welfare of the nation. 

I volunteer to be on AOC's enemy list because I am your enemy.


Chuck Schumer:
“Now we take Georgia, then we change America”


imgThe New Biden-Burisma Documents

After a nearly 11 month FOIA battle to obtain documents on Burisma and the Bidens, Judicial Watch has finally received proof of what many have speculated for months: that the Obama State Department knew about the Biden-Burisma connection. Just days before the presidential election, the State Department “finally gave us a briefing memo showing that the Democratic lobbying firm hired by Burisma met with the anti-Trump ambassador, Ambassador Yovanovitch,” Fitton explained on Friday.


Centrist Democrat Tim Ryan concerned about his party: 'Our brand is not good'

By Salena Zito

Click here for the full story.


I believe it is too early to even think about what Biden will accomplish.  First, he will be pulled to the 

left by radicals in his party. The problem with trying to satisfy radicals is believing one can satisfy a 

nymphomaniac.  You never can. In trying, however, Biden could do great harm unravelling what 

Trump accomplished. Every time Biden moves to the middle the radical left will become unhinged.

Biden's mental and physical disabilities will also begin to bear on his desire to accomplish his goals. Age is one 

thing but  his infirmities are the real culprit.  Notwithstanding all the staffing and servants available at all times the 

sheer mental and physical  demands of the presidency are overwhelming. Obama was a fairly lazy president so 

Biden was never exposed to what he will soon experience.  The schism in his party will add additional strain and 

complications. Furthermore, when you spend your entire time running for the Oval Office and bashing your 

opponent as an and then step into his shoes you are not prepared to learn he is not the person you portrayed him

to be. Trump has many flaws and the (m)ass media purposefully never gave us a chance to see the productive  

Trump because they were committed to his defeat and only highlighting his faults. Many battles and tennis 

matches are lost because one misjudges their adversary.

Finally, Biden has been in the public arena for 47 years. Though, not in the role of president but he is not an 

unknown quantity and when one looks at his record and decisions he has been on the wrong side of most issues 

his entire life. In winning the presidency he proved not to have long coat tails.  Also, he was protected by media 

softballs and allowed to hide in the basement.  He cleverly exploited the pandemic and was able to convince 

voters Trump flubbed the management of Covid when, in fact, Biden will do little that is different beyond portraying 

himself differently. Biden has one thing going for him but I believe it will fade over time. After Trump and the 

stress, the nation is exhausted and Biden will be a change. However, in time, I suspect the nation will miss the 

positive side of Trump they were never allowed to see. . I doubt I have many willing takers on this score but I am 

confident I will prove to be right.So hold onto your seat because I believe we are in for an interesting ride which

will be full of many unacceptable, if not  disappointing, surprises once the honeymoon period subsides.


A well deserved eulogy:

A man who exemplified 

what it meant to be a 

Jewish leader

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wasn’t just a scholar, philosopher and teacher. His 

attempts to bridge the contradictions in Jewish life provided a model that 

should be emulated.

You didn’t have to agree with everything Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said or 

wrote to understand the value of what he was trying to teach. The former 

chief rabbi of Great Britain who died of cancer this past weekend at the 

age of 72 was a renowned communal leader, author, philosopher and 

educator who commanded near universal respect both in his own country 

where he was appointed to the House of Lords and around the world.

Although he was widely applauded throughout the Jewish world, he was also 

subjected to criticism. Liberal Jews decried his willingness to compromise with 

and to avoid confrontations with the growing ultra-Orthodox movement while 

that same community nevertheless didn’t recognize his leadership and were left 

cold by his teaching, which was grounded not just in the lessons of Torah, but in 

the classical scholarship and thinking that he exemplified as someone who had 

earned a doctorate in philosophy. In an era when Jewish life is primarily defined 

by division and strife, his wisdom and strong moral voice was appreciated—as 

evidenced by the honors that were showered upon him—but often went unheeded.

Moreover, at a time when a growing number of Jews identify principally as 

having “no religion” while recognizing that they have some ethnic ties to their 

people, the fact that his teaching was primarily based in Torah and its relevance 

to our lives meant that many American Jews were unable to give his ideas the 

serious hearing they deserved.

And yet despite that, Sacks could command the kind of nearly universal respect 

that few others of his generation could summon.

Why was this? Was it the intrinsic value of his writings and speeches? Was it his 

grave, kindly demeanor and the way so many Americans and Israelis are inclined 

to treat anyone with a plumy Oxbridge English accent with respect?

Many Jewish scholars and rabbis have written moral and philosophical treatises, 

though unlike Sacks, most are widely unread. Others have been renowned 

scholars and speakers.

Still, his résumé doesn’t explain why his death seems to have touched so many 


His importance lies less in his titles than in both the content of his teaching and 

the conscious effort he made to be a leader and a moral guide to all Jewish people. Moreover, there was a real link between his centrist philosophy and his faith in Jewish unity that has been largely eclipsed by 

the forces tearing us apart.

The appeal of Sacks lay in a notion of Jewish leadership that was both fully 

engaged with modernity and rooted in tradition. Such ideas were not original to 

him, but few have so successfully articulated them or embodied a desire to reach 

out to diverse groups on terms that so many could readily understand and identify


His work consciously engaged the contradictions in Jewish ideas and life. He 

acknowledged that the “tribalism” integral to Judaism and Jewish peoplehood 

appears to be the opposite of the universal values that Judaism also embodies. 

But he also explained that one flows from the other rather than being inherently 

at odds with each other. He did much the same with his efforts to reconcile belief 

in science with that of faith.

Those were not the only contradictions he explored. The rabbi sought to put the 

notion of morality back at the center of our lives, and in doing so, made it clear 

that faith and religion have to be part of it. He sought to promote a sense of 

collective responsibility and a quest for the common good as part of what he 

called a “cultural climate change” crisis. But he also saw clearly the dangers of 

too much collectivism that had produced a cancel culture inimical to free speech 

and to individual rights.

Like the faith tradition he represented and taught, the wisdom he imparted was 

both simple and profound. The message at the heart of so much of his teaching 

was a sense that no matter how divided Jews were, they were still part of the 

same family that had to engage with each other.

Much of what passes for Jewish leadership today is, in an Israeli or American 

context, mere partisanship and almost solely linked to the political agendas of one

sort or another. Most other prominent rabbis—be they Orthodox or non-Orthodox

—are also so entrenched in their particular ideas about Judaism or how Jews 

should relate to the world around them that whether they acknowledge it or not, 

they spend more time building walls between Jews than anything else.

Although Sacks didn’t back down from his particular brand of Jewish observance,

 everything he did seemed to be consonant with a belief that bringing people 

together in order to promote the values of Torah, morality and Jewish rights was 

the real business of any Jewish teacher. That ability to rise above his place on the 

religious/political spectrum in order to promote transcendent Jewish values is 

what truly made him special.

Perhaps, as some of his critics thought, his approach was a throwback to an era 

when outside threats forced more Jews to think collectively and to prioritize unity

because the consequences of splitting apart were unthinkable. He courageously 

stood up against a resurgence of British anti-Semitism embodied by former 

British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Yet the fact that at times this very 

acute observer of the modern world seemed a bit out of touch with the 

contemporary zeitgeist of division only made him more valuable to us.

He will be missed not just because of his great personal qualities and brilliance, 

but because he showed us exactly how a Jewish leader should act. His calm 

though reasoned advocacy of morality, Jewish values and Zionism was not as 

confrontational as some true believers in one vision or another would have liked. 

We need more teachers, rabbis and voices like Jonathan Sacks instead of less of 

them. May his memory be for a blessing.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of JNS—Jewish New Syndicate. 

Follow him on Twitter at: @jonathans_Tobin.


Sent by a dear friend and fellow memo reader and have not verified but 

sounds reasonable:

Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where 

they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or 

mistakes on a countrywide scale.  

It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the 

unconstitutional mail-in ballots will be removed and the states 

ordered to recount without them or they will simply rule the 

election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and at that point it 

will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote.

This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who 

the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party  has 

power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by 

Republicans and 19 by Democrats.

They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due 

to the 12th Amendment the Constitution and the Senate votes

for the Vice President where a similar even will take place. This 

is The law.

This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will

all happen in January. The only way President Trump won’t be 

President is if he concedes the election and that will never 

happen   So stop watching the fake news and don’t let  your

heart be troubled.



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