Tuesday, November 17, 2020

8 Personal Observations. Who Calls The Shots If Biden Is President? Will Future Elections Be Manipulated? BLM Demands. Simple Explanation.

These are personal observations on a variety of subjects:

1) First Biden apparently won because he received a large majority of the female vote and that held true among blacks whereas Trump received the larger vote among black males. When it comes to education apparently (see article below) Biden may buckle and allow unions to control education.  If this proves factual then  two messages will clearly have been sent to black voters.  First, he cares more about unions than educating the less priveleged and second, he cares less about black mothers who dominate black families, have the responsibility of raising their children and also must work.

Time has proven unions care more about protecting their teachers than their charges.

The Education of Joe Biden

Is he really going to nominate the head of a teachers union for his cabinet?

By William McGurn

You might not know it today, but for much of his life Joe Biden was friendly to real, if modest, education reform. As a senator, he supported holding states and schools accountable for their students’ performance, expanding public-school choice and increasing federal funding for charter schools and their facilities. In 1997, he even gave a floor speech in which he said that the plight of children “presently caught in a failed public school” was leading him to reconsider his votes against private-school vouchers. As Barack Obama’s vice president, he loyally promoted an agenda that pushed teacher evaluations and charters.

All that went out the window when Mr. Biden entered the 2020 race. During his campaign, he promised to appoint a teacher as education secretary. Now the talk is that Mr. Biden will appoint not only a teacher but the head of a teachers union. The two names most often mentioned are American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and former National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen García. 

Ms. Allen is alluding to the Education Department’s origins in the 1976 presidential campaign. That year, the NEA endorsed a presidential candidate for the first time—Mr. Carter. Three years later, he returned the favor by signing the new cabinet-level department into law.

Not everyone was on board. While the NEA was enthusiastic, the AFT was not. Even the New York Times objected. In a May 22, 1979, editorial headlined “Centralizing Education Is No Reform,” the Times explained that the NEA understandably supported the move because it expected the new federal department to “concentrate on the protection of its interests.”

Those interests were one thing in 1979. They are altogether another today, especially in the thick of a pandemic that has exposed to millions of moms and dads how little the best interests of their children align with those of the teachers unions. Not to mention how few options that leaves them when, say, their kids can’t go to school and they can’t go to work because the teachers unions have succeeded in keeping classrooms closed.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been clear on this. “Of key significance,” it advises, “in-person learning is in the best interest of students, when compared to virtual learning.” The CDC has further laid out guidelines for how schools can reopen safely. Instead of cooperating, however, the teachers unions have largely held students hostage to their demands

Take the District of Columbia. Resistance from the teachers union forced the schools chancellor to scrap a plan that would have brought about 7,000 kids back for limited in-person learning starting Nov. 9. These were among the most at-risk students in Washington’s school system: Those who are homeless, have special needs or take English as a second language were to be given priority. The Washington Post dryly noted that the president of the Washington Teachers Union characterized the cancellation as a “win.”

The teachers unions generally justify closures on health grounds, claiming they are necessary to protect teachers and staff from Covid-19. But they have been embarrassed that private and parochial schools have managed, often working with a far smaller staff and less resources, to resume classroom instruction while keeping the coronavirus at bay.

In Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker points to the state’s Catholic schools. They have had about 28,000 students and 4,000 employees back in their schools since mid-August, with only a handful of Covid cases. Others, including the CDC, have noted that school closures set back learning, with the most disadvantaged students falling furthest behind. In short, there is nothing progressive about keeping kids from their classrooms.

Ms. García or Ms. Weingarten might find it hard going in a Senate run by Mitch McConnell, but presidents enjoy a presumptive right to name their own advisers. If either of these women were to be confirmed, it would be a tremendous victory for the unions. And as departing Education Secretary Betsy DeVos put it in a recent tweet, “When unions win, kids lose.”

Is this really the signal Mr. Biden wishes to send by turning federal education policy over to a teachers union president?


2) Pelosi, according to Kim Strassel, crafted legislation that allowed various governors the opportunity to purchase Dominion Software for the purpose of manipulating votes or at least that is the case being made by Trump's lawyers.


3) There was a satire written by an English author, whose name, I believe, was John Donne.  The satire was entitled:  "The Burning of A Roast Pig." The owner roasted the pig by burning down his home.  I submit this is what "lockdowns" are all about as well as illegal control of citizens.  A man's home was supposed to be his castle and now Democrat Governors are using the pandemic to turn that castle into a prison cell.


4) Apparently Bide is going to modify student loan payback provisions so "free" education for certain college debt may become a reality.  No doubt other vote buying ""freebies" might become commonplace because lunches are "free."


5) Rest assured, if Biden is elected press conferences will become hospitable not hostile, as with Trump, and the most recent was limited to handpicked reporters. It is "softball" time.


6) The "Blue Wave" never made it ashore so that would suggest voters did two things. They split their votes and rejected the zany ideas proposed by radicals who now impact the Democrat Party's agenda.

7) How many uncounted votes are being discovered by ongoing  re-counts is yet to be determined and may not prove sufficient to help Trump surmount his deficit but it should bother those who want to be assured their vote counts and is recorded.  As I have noted in previous memos, so  much of what defined America has been lost and the sanctity of honest voting is now uncertain. The 2020 election be the straw that broke citizen support for/faith in their government. Could our republic be hanging by a thread?


8) Should Biden become president there will be a lot of changes, some subtle some not so subtle.

This is why it is so important for the Republicans to hold the Senate and that means every conservative in Georgia must vote because there are two extremely radical men running on the Democrat ticket.  Money will be pouring in to Georgia and must not be allowed to determine the victors. Georgia residents must choose their own Senators and, this time, possibly the fate of our republic. It is that critical.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Who will call the shots should Biden become president?  https://issuesinsights.com/2020/11/16/joe-bidens-potemkin-presidency-will-socialist-soros-and-other-extreme-leftists-call-the-shots/

And will future elections be allowed to employ manipulative software?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ficae6x1Q5A&f.&has_verified=

And this is what I warned would be revealed: https://spectator.org/maria-bartiromo-sidney-powell-dominion/

Democrats spent decades appealing to voting blocks.  In my opinion this has resulted in a fractured republic where each block has special interests and demands crafted toward specific resolutions.  Too often these demands run counter to the nation's longer term cohesiveness.

In the case of California, BLM seeks to replace a black senator with another. Harris is one of the Senate's most liberal and if Gov. Newsom bends he will have to appoint a radical to satisfy the extreme demands of this organization.

Black Lives Matter Demands CA Gov. Newsom Appoint A Black Woman To U.S. Senate

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Carlson roasts Obama and his book.  If it were me, I would add logs.

Tucker Carlson Delivers a Sarcasm-Filled Take-Down of Obama and His...

The following story is brought to you courtesy of The Next News Network. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E244aI3BQyQ 100%...
This video from Epoch Times does a concise and fascinating job of explaining both the technical vulnerabilities of our election hardware and software, but also identifies major players in this criminal fraud.

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