Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Suck It Up Or Vote Republican. Will Anything Come of Re-Call Petition(s)? More Biden Fraud? Other Commentary.



She needs to suck it up and/or start voting Republican. Women wanted to be liberated but they and their progressive friends never understand there are consequences. I also thought women wanted to compete with men?

The End of Women's Sports

Presented by Selina Soule

Selina Soule was one of the top five female high school sprinters in Connecticut... until competing against biological boys changed the game. Now, women aren’t just losing their races — they’re losing their chances to compete at all. Why is this happening? And what should we do about it? Watch now.

WATCH: Urban Warfare Erupts at Peaceful Trump Protest

Cowardly attacks!

Keep Reading → And: I half listened to soft ball questions asked of Biden and his weak pathetic voice for four years is going to wear very thin.  Nothing penetrating or revealing asked. Sickening. soft ball questions.

Finally: TOP LAWYER: Trump Will WIN Lawsuit In Pennsylvania…Could He Still Win?

And: If Biden truly becomes president it will be fun watching him and being able to find the same faults my liberal friends were constantly finding about Trump.  


This was sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader:

 I believe it is rational to assume America chose Biden as president.

 The potential implications could be as follows:

 A) sanctuary cities could expand and prosper

 B) arms to  Taiwan might not occur,  

 C) Iran likely to go nuclear leaving Israel no choice but to act.,

 D) defunding of police could gather momentum

 E) border security might weaken

 F’) stifling re-imposition of crippling regulations could impact the economy

 G) radical demands could rise regarding  counter culture activity and preferential treatment could expand as blacks assert their demands?


H) if Trump remains silent it will be interesting to see the impact on the mass media,

 I)  in time, a more bland type presidency could wear thin. Trump could be missed

 G) Democrats would be wise to rid themselves of Pelosi but may not be able to do so

 H) The Durham report should finally be released but will have less 

impact because America will choose calm over justice.

 I) in. 6 months America is likely to realize Biden was a mistake as China asserts itself 

 G) unless a vaccine or vaccines become available the pandemic will continue and Biden will not change  it’s course to any great degree

 H)  Biden will  meet resistance when it comes to executing his more radical agenda and several of his cabinet nominations could be rejected if Republicans choose to play hard ball which would be out of character because they historically are wimpy.

 I will stop there and sit back and observe.  Me


The question I would like answered is will anything come of this and if not why?


Should we overlook this along with everything else? Is Biden just a simple down to earth crook like those simple down          to earth hillbilly crooks from Arkansas ?

Obama has perfected the art of projecting his own actions and lies on others.  
The man is a slimy snake but with a silver tongue:. So cool, yet, so dirty. 

‘Truth Decay’: Obama Claims Trump Is Responsible For The Collapse Of Honesty In Politics

Read More


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too

By Joe Hoft


From Attorney Wood's lips to God's ears. https://youtu.be/qeNZJ2aDFRI


One of the problems Trump had throughout his presidency was he needed to clean house regarding holdovers and basically failed to do so and many in his administration worked against him. 

The second issue that caused him grief is he was unschooled in the ways of D.C, had few contacts when it came to 

knowing much about the personnel he had to choose from to staff various agencies and to know whether they would

be loyal both to him and to his agenda to clear the swamp.

Trump was particularly underserved by the seniors personnel "spooks" in the  intelligence agencies.  In fact, many 

were spies for the previous administration as he regretfully learned.

Hello Richard,

President Trump’s lawyers are advising him to fire his CIA Director, Gina Haspel, immediately. Their 

call comes just days after they discovered how she betrayed President Trump in the 2020 election.

Click here to find out what Director Haspel did to betray the man who nominated her to head the CIA. 

She can’t get away with this!

~ American Liberty Report



D.C is the place where leaks occur because they are usually planned.


Iran, al-Qaeda, and Joe Biden’s Middle East Trap

On the morning of August 7, Abu Muhammad al-Masri, reputed to be the second most powerful man in 

al-Qaeda, got into a parked sedan in central Tehran with his daughter Maryam, the widow of 

one of Osama bin Laden’s sons.

Within seconds, two men on a motorbike pulled alongside the car and one of them shot multiple bullets from his silenced gun, killing the two targets, before speeding off.

This story first leaked on Saturday, more than three months after the alleged event, with strong 

speculation in certain media that the operatives were Israeli Mossad agents.

Al-Masri was believed to have planned two attacks on American embassies in Kenya and 

Tanzania in 

1998, which killed 224 people. He was also thought to be responsible for planning a spectacular 2002 

attack in Mombasa, Kenya: A suicide bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel and a simultaneous–and failed–

missile strike that same morning on a departing Israeli commercial aircraft loaded with 271 passengers.

Reports indicate that al-Masri was planning further attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets around the world when he was killed.

Based on the salient bits of information leaked thus far, it is fair to surmise that al-Masri’s assassination 

was in American and Israeli interests, and was intended to send a strong message to Iran and its terrorist proxies. This killing also comes on the heels of a string of mysterious industrial fires and disasters in past months throughout Iran, most notably the massive underground explosion at the Natanz nuclear facility 

on July 2, which was felt hundreds of kilometers away.

The timing of the leak is curious, coming as it did once Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 elections was indisputably clear. Equally clear is the president-elect’s intention to revive diplomatic overtures toward 


Reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (aka, the JCPOA, or the “Iran nuclear deal”) and rekindling Obama’s infatuation with Iran is a “thing” with Biden as well, it seems. An unshakeable belief lingers among many senior Democrats–as evidenced in statements by the president-elect and 

various supporters–that the theocratic tyranny in Iran may be managed and softened with “respect” and “carrots”.

It remains unclear who will be appointed to key administration posts under Biden, but we now have a 

strong whiff that the leading lights of Barack Obama’s presidency will be back, among them Tony 

Blinken and Wendy Sherman. Both remain staunch supporters of the JCPOA, which Obama and his team viewed as key to his presidential legacy. What is interesting is that they still seem to hold this view despite the rather stark realignment of regional interests.

In terms of power, commerce, and security co-operation in the region, more has transpired in the last four years in the Middle East than the previous forty. The Democrats’ loathing of President Trump aside, reaffirming a commitment to an utterly discredited policy experiment would be a disastrous early foray 

into foreign policy.

Iran is now thought to have accumulated enormous amounts of enriched uranium. It continues to finance global terrorist networks and, most importantly, because of this leaked information, is now publicly 

linked to support of al-Qaeda.

And that, perhaps, is most interesting of all in this intrigue. Shi’ite Iran is not a natural ally of Sunni al-Qaeda, but the Iranians have proven to be accommodating when it comes to financing and controlling terrorist entities with aligned interests. But now, this exposure of a key al-Qaeda operative being 

protected by the regime makes it much more difficult for the Biden administration to court Iran. 

American forgiveness of al-Qaeda is not a popular position and would appear to play into the extreme 

left-wing of the Democratic party, which Biden is under extraordinary pressure to control and 


The leak of this operation will surely heighten the pressure on Biden to rethink his approach to JCPOA 

and Iran. Perhaps that was the point.

Americans are likely to be enraged by the prospect of appeasing a nation that harbors and supports al-Qaeda’s leadership. And that will mess things up for Biden. It has far less to do with Trump and much 

more to do with the alliances forged between Israel and its neighbors in the wake of Obama’s JCPOA dream. Whether they can see clearly through their hatred of the outgoing president and properly assess 

the Middle East four years on remains to be seen.

What is clear is that the prospect of getting all chummy with al-Qaeda benefactors makes JCPOA 2.0 

way more difficult.


Will Biden be able to diss Obama when it comes to Iran?  Time will tell.  The radical left in his party are watching.


dear friend and fellow memo reader received this from his classmate and forwarded:


From one of my USMA classmates. At one time some years ago I could have translated for you. Today “neyt” and I 

used to pretty good at that!


This month is the 100th yr anniversary of the 150,000 White Russians (anti-Communists or anti-Red Russians), fleeing from Crimea, Russia. This clip is in Russian, but the pictures are worth thousands of words. Many were slaughtered by order of Lenin. As I write in my book, in total for the Socialist or Communist revolution in Russia, some 60-70 Million were killed. There were two directions for the White Russians to flee, as this group, to the West, or Europe, or to the East, to Manchuria and China, as my parents did. As the sayings go, 'History repeats itself' and 'Those who do not 

know history are bound to repeat it.' There are frightening similarities as to what is going on now. God, I hope not this. 


Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2020, 01:53:48 PM PST

Subject: Fwd: Уехали 150 тысяч человек: сто лет исполняется Русскому исходу - Россия 24 - YouTube





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