Monday, November 23, 2020

If Biden Is Our Next President We are In For A Bleak Period. If Republicans Lose The Georgia Run Off Our Republic May Be: "Gone With The Wind"

We leave Tuesday and this will be my last memo for a while.

Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday. Before the pandemic it was all about family, reuniting, food and counting our blessings.  

Post the pandemic and the unresolved election it is about despair, demagogic politicians, lockdowns and family feuding.  What a difference a Chinese virus can make not only in America but around the world.

I suspect Trump will not have the time to do what needs to be done in terms of presenting evidence so the odds favor Biden becoming our new president.  I doubt we will ever know the degree of fraud and /or skullduggery but certainly Democrats were able to shove new balloting rules down our throats and it had a significant negative impact.

Trump also cannot be let off the hook because it was his to lose in view of what he accomplished.  He never chose the presidential route and turned off a lot of voters who simply could not accept him for who he is and they were unwilling to balance out the positives and negatives. Asking hypocrites to reason has always been a lost cause.

Biden was also allowed to diss voters by hiding and was never pressed when it came to answering questions about his son and how he was allowed to (ab)use the family name to enrich himself and his father. Again we have a corrupt (m)ass media to thank.

Then there was the pandemic which Trump actually handled well but never overcame the negative (m)ass media reporting of his failure to communicate in a more empathetic manner. Americans are a fair lot and all Trump needed was for them to believe he was telling them what has proven to be true, ie. we have a vaccine, due to his warp speed approach, and the economy is on the cusp of recovering. The tragic deaths are more attributable to China than Trump. They would have been the same under Biden.

Obviously the rioting did not create a calming environment in the midst of everything else that was happening and, here again, we have the (m)ass media to thank for reporting  a flaming car was actually not burning and windows were not being broken because the "marches" were peaceful.

America will never be the same because we have allowed the radical animals to escape and undermine our society by finding fault with everything American.  Obama laid the foundation with his apologizing tours and stirred up buried unresolved racial animosities and open sores were further inflamed by a serious recession.

Rabid radicals, who have taken over the Democrat Party, are eager to finish what Obama began and I suspect Biden will not be a decisive/effective president. We have 47 years of insight into who he is and there is nothing in his achievement binder to give confidence. Those who think otherwise will say I am engaging in sour grapes.  At my advanced age I still have feelings and hold strong opinions but I also have a history of being mostly right when it comes to trends. I have always said: "when all else fails, lower your standards" and that expression, lamentably, has served me well and been fairly accurate.  

Based on initial appointments, Biden seems to be surrounding  himself with holdover hacks from the Obama Administration. If Biden is allowed to duck penetrating questions and his health deteriorates further we are in for a long siege of deception, decline and discord. The Elite power structure, the technology billionaires and the corrupt political class seems to have bested Trump and if the Republicans cannot hold the Senate bleak will appear golden.

Most thriving nations rest on a strong family unit foundation that is free, educated  and entrepreneurial. Additionally a strong currency and national character are important and citizens must have faith in both their public and private institutions. as well as their leadership.

Furthermore, Wadsworth was right when he said:" getting and spending we lay waste our power and Franklin may prove prescient when he responded: "we have a republic if we can keep it." Finally, Finally, Margaret Mitchell may prove to have been right if the impending Georgia Run OfF goes against Republicans because everything we hold dear will be "Gone With The Wind."
Stay tuned.


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