Saturday, November 7, 2020

Brother and sister

Mom and dad


Trump has decided to seek court protection as to whether there were illegal actions regarding his re-election, which is his constitutional right.  While this is going on he has every right to remain as president.  It may be an act which will fail either because he lacks proof of illegalities, The SCOUS decided not to hear his petition or after doing so rule against him. He has chosen to take the advice Hillary gave to Biden, ie. don't concede.

The truth here isn't helpful to the Democrat narrative.

Read More...

And some more articles you ight fid of interest:

Portland Riots: Commissioner’s House Vandalized

Watch: Joe Biden Speaks in Delaware – 11/6/20

GOP Comes Up Short in Challenge to Nevada Ballot Count Plan

Regardless of who’s president, the woke mafia marches on


While Trump is seeking an investigation of a fraudulent election,  Biden is being investigated, as well, for activities with his son, Hunter.

If I know/learned anything   about D.C.'s power structure I seriously doubt Trump will be re-elected  nor the truth about Biden will be revealed.  The establishment are too powerful and  will continue to rule because they have both the will and means to block anything.  We should have learned, by now, the Clintons have been able to dodge justice for decades and untold numbers have met death in unusual/nefarious  ways.  Meanwhile, Trump was nailed by fraudulent means when he was impeached.

America has been in the clutches of the elites for decades and when Hillary called us "deplorables" it was not a Freudian  slip.

I am not suggesting there was fraud in the 2020 election or Biden is guilty of any laws but if he allowed his son to trade on the family name while he was VP his ethics are no better than the Clinton's who enriched themselves while she was Sec. of State.

I sent this to a friend and fellow memo reader who voted for Trump, lives in a rural part of N Carolina and calls it "hillbillyland." He is a brilliant  analyst and ran one of the best investment departments in the southeast and was a one time institutional  client of mine.

My father used to tell the story about the guy who wanted to buy a horse so he went to the horse farm and saw a beautiful black gelding surrounded by other horses.  He told the owner he wanted to buy the black gelding and the owner replied  he is not for sale.  Why he asked?  Because he is holding up all the rest.

That is the story of why Georgia was targeted.  If Georgia goes Democrat all the other surrounding states will eventually be vulnerable.  

Meg Heap, one of  my county's finest public servants, was defeated by a black woman whose accomplishments and experience  do not hold a candle to what Meg did to clean up a poorly run office yet, she was beaten by Soros-Holder money and local black voters who love their own regardless of qualifications. Whitey must vote for blacks out of guilt but blacks are free to disregard substance.

Black's represent 10 plus % of our population and have wheedled themselves into receiving disproportionate consideration because of past grievances and it is not healthy when the tail wags the dog.  MLK was right when he 
talked about the content of one's character. 

 There is an old saying: she was as pure as the driven snow but she drifted. 

 Not a healthy sign when we have rioting and  counter culture spreading throughout the land and our vales under attack. .  I remain pessimistic because nations last about 250 years and we are there in the eye of the historical hurricane.



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