Thursday, November 12, 2020

No Sign. About The Election And Georgia Conservatives Must Save Our Fragile Republic.

This was sent to me by a very trusted informed friend and fellow memo reader and it should hit the streets very soon.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A dear friend and fellow memo reader brought this to my attention.  I should do more checking .  Please disregard the the cartoon posting per his e mail. Me


The picture you posted of a mosque sign in Dearborn, Michigan is a fake, utilizing a website called “Church Sign Maker”. Neither the sign nor the organization exists. Please consider issuing a retraction of that posting. B----
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++As i suspected it would be, the Supreme Court Ruling in Pa. has been rejected regarding the counting of certain votes.


The Real Election 'Trump Card':

Refuse to Certify

By Jay Valentine

This week started off with almost every Big Media entity congratulating "President-Elect Joe Biden."  There is now an Office of the President Elect, some fabrication that I recall was created by Obama to suck the oxygen out of the room even before he took office.


Republicans are being pilloried for not being able to show "proof" of election fraud.  Trump's team has provided the List of the Dead, an Egyptian-like roll of voters who voted from the grave.  Tucker Carlson ran lists on his show — dead people who rose from the grave to vote.


As Republicans seek those gnarly voter rolls, get their hands on the most egregious ballots, they are stymied at every step.  For every Republican court case, there are Democrats opposing them or sitting on the judicial bench thwarting them.  Running out the clock.


Well, what should one do?  This is where the fun really begins, and our pals the Democrats have brought us this little party.  Let's go there.


As the "anecdotal fraud" stories grew, they further inflamed people.  Funny thing about anecdotes: They may not add up to lots of fraud votes, but every one is a memorable story.  A story is far more important right now than being able to snag the names of more dead from the roles.  Tucker pretty much topped that off.


Anecdotes are stories, and stories are the oldest form of human communication.  The Bible came to us from stories, later written down and passed through the ages.  Homer's Iliad and later Beowulf are stories that remain today the most intimate view into the life and times of early Bronze Age Greeks and the early Middle Ages.  Stories move — statistics not so much.


Anecdotes are driving 71 million Americans mad. 


Americans are particularly sensitive to fairness.  A young child recognizes someone cutting in line.  Fairness is innate; we all have it.  For some, it is baked out by ideology when they adopt "the end justifies the means" kind of thinking.  But those are not the Trump voters.


This election was not fair.  Everyone, or about everyone, sees it, and, clearly, about 71 million people who voted for Trump cannot get past it.


To make it more unfair, those who committed the fraud will not let Trump's team see the scorecards.  No vote-counting unless they are bludgeoned into it.  Lower courts, often with Democratic judges, are equally opaque.  Nothing to see here.


Sometimes you have to thank your opponent for being really stupid.  Napoleon said never needlessly interfere with your enemy when he is destroying himself.  We might create a corollary here: when your opponent drives you to high ground, take it.  And say thanks.


Let's do that.  Let's call it the American Thinker corollary.  Give it a name like the Overton Window or Occam's razor, and into Wikipedia it goes.  Fun times.


We cannot win the mind-numbing, detailed, line-by-line, opposed at every step swamp war with those who just stole an election.  At least we cannot do it in 30 days, which is about all we have.  More importantly, we cannot deliver every day the statistics to reverse the media drum beat to just move along and go with Joe.


We can, or Trump himself can, take the stories to the people, all 71 million of them.  It appears he is starting down that path.  This week, the speaker of the Pennsylvania House, a now key player in this drama, said "no certification without audits." 


Here's what that means.


Screw the stats.  Trump is the number-one communicator in this quadrant of the galaxy.  Trump has scores of anecdotes like that loose string on the sock where, when you pull it a bit, the sock comes apart.


The Trump rallies hit every swing state and educate their legislatures about the power of anecdotes.  Anecdotes drive voters.  Everyone remembers a story.  Voters remember.


This election must be certified by two chambers of every swing-state Legislature.


The speaker in Pennsylvania just showed us the high ground.  The Republican legislatures follow his lead and say no certification without the following:

- a full audit, by hand of every vote,

- any court or election official mandate not approved by the Legislature does not count — take out those votes,

- voting machines:  cough up the source code, the audit logs for our forensic teams.


You get the picture.


If the Democrats challenge this, the clock works against them.  Thirty days.  Tick, tick.


Trump plays the Trump card.  Seventy-one million people demanding a recount — fair, honest, transparent.


No recount, no certification.  No voting machine code review, no certification.


No certification, and the House of Representatives makes the call, and Trump gets off the golf course and back to work.


This is the high ground.  The Democrats have given it to us; let us gather together and say "thanks."


Footnote from Rip:

Remember, Article 12 of the Constitution provides that if the election goes to the House, each state gets only ONE vote, and there is a solid majority of Republican states.


Forwarded to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader:

This video was sent to me by my friend, Ken. If you don't see another thing about election fraud, THIS is the place to spend your time. It's long (1hr 10min) and can be technical at times, but is a "must see". If you don't have the time or don't want to spend the time, at least watch the first 15min and then from 40min to the end. An incredible eye-opener as to how to steal an election using computer software!

Near the end - great suggestions for restoring election integrity.

Heart  Betsy

The Democrat Party has been a win at any cost party.  They perfected identity politics, successfully employed turn 
out sector vote tactics while claiming to be the inclusive party.

 Post Obama and Hillary, Democrats became the corrupt party.

As Trump came down the escalator the (m)ass media became shills, attacked him, and his entire family. They spied 
on his people, the preponderance of their reporting was biased  and fake.

Hillary ran an arrogant losing campaign calling Trump voters "deplorables."

Trump Haters never accepted his victory. Hillary arranged for a false dossier to obtain illegal warrants.  Corrupt 
leadership at the FBI and other sensitive intelligence agencies linked arms.  Everything Trump accomplished as 
president  was resisted  and  his conversation with Ukraine's leader  became the basis of his impeachment.

Much of the  skullduggery against Trump was  co-ordinated at the highest levels of the Obama administration. 
Meanwhile, Biden's son received large sums of money from Ukraine, Russia and China while his father was VP  
claiming he  never knew  but was never asked to explain.  In fact, Biden  was  allowed to hide from voters shielded 
by the biased media while Trump's character and Covid mismanagement became his campaign theme.

The final straw occurred when Democrat states changed voting laws creating the mess we are currently witnessing 
because it supported irregularities and potential theft through fraudulent practices. 

The election was always Trump's to lose because though he became president he never became presidential so now 
Georgia conservatives must protect our fragile Republic by holding on to the Senate.

Yes, Pogo had it right - The Enemy Is Us

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