Friday, November 13, 2020

Alito Sounds Alarm. More Nonsense From Obama. Trump's Achievements.


Who wants to take America over the hill?


As I said in  previous memo:

Most Media Reports Are Bull(stuff)
By Larry Horist
While the media promotes themselves as the arbiters of truth - the reporters of facts - they have become the peddlers of false narratives based on preconceived political bias. Most of what we see, hear and read from the Fourth Estate is... Read More Here

Justice Alito sounds the alarm over our 

acceptance of limits on liberty

HeadlineJustice Alito warns coronavirus restrictions shouldn't outlast the pandemic

What's Up: On Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito addressed the conservative 
Federalist Society and sounded the alarm on American liberties being encroached upon in the 
name of public health in the time of the pandemic.

Quote: "The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty." 
— Alito

The First take:  Very public addresses by SCOTUS justices are not exactly a regular thing. 
That's why we suggest Justice Alito's entire address is worth your time. We find it comforting to 
know a justice believes strongly in protecting the individual and the rights enshrined in our 
Constitution, pandemic or no pandemic. This could also signal where he might vote if any 
pandemic-related cases reach the top court.
Once again, Obama is full of crap and of himself. He was elected a second time and is the one 
most responsible for today's worsening race relations. He will never look in the mirror because if 
he were to do so he would see a dark equivalent of  Dorian Gray.

His basic problem is his own insecurity, incompetence, consequent smugness and inability to 
understand what the great Scottish poet meant when he wrote: ' Oh the gift  to see ourselves as 
others see us...'

Barack Obama: 2016 Trump Election 

Was A Racist Reaction To A Black 


“(It) is exactly what Donald Trump understood when he started peddling assertions 

that I had not been born in the United States and was thus an illegitimate president,” 

Obama writes. “He promised an elixir for their racial anxiety.”

Obama discusses his meteoric rise, historic presidency and Trump’s divisive four-year

reign in the memoir titled A Promised Land. The 768-page book is due out on 

November 17,

He also pulls back the curtain on his personal life, admitting that the harsh spotlight 

took a toll on his marriage to former First Lady Michelle Obama.


Trump’s Greatest Achievement

by Ben Weingarten


The president has exposed the rot and corruption of our ruling class.


No matter how the presidential election ends, one of President Donald Trump’s 

myriad achievements stands above all others: he has exposed the unprecedented 

degree of rot and corruption that pervades the American system.


More specifically, Trump has exposed the ruling class: the bipartisan political 

establishment and its adjuncts in Big Tech, the corporate media, Big Business and 

Woke Capital, the academy, and across the commanding heights of American society.


Trump’s manners engender hatred in the ruling class. Even more significantly, his 

tenacity in confronting the ruling class’s members with their failures—and the fact he 

has threatened to rectify those failures—discredits and disempowers those 

responsible for them. Their response—a perpetual effort to destroy him—has shown 

the ruling class to be lawless and tyrannical.


Consequently, the ruling class has obliterated the institutions it claimed to be 

defending, revealing to those Americans not addled by Trump Derangement 

Syndrome that the emperor has no clothes.  Americans willing to look can now see 

that those institutions which ostensibly exist to serve us have no reservations about 

launching a full-scale assault on us if it serves their interests.


Consider what we have learned about the leaders of the country in the last four years.

We learned that they would do everything in their power to destroy a president who 

takes them on: delegitimizing his election; baselessly demonizing and slandering him 

as a Nazi, racist, and bigot; lying perpetually through media conduits to undermine 

and smear him; pulling documents off his desk to subvert him; concocting false 

narratives meant to portray him as a traitor to justify spying on him and his 

confidantes; waging legal and political jihads aimed at toppling him; weaponizing 

national security, intelligence, and law-enforcement apparatuses to punish him and 

like-minded dissenters from the ruling class orthodoxy; impeaching him over his 

desires to root out political corruption; threatening to wear wires in a bid to entrap and 

remove him under the 25th Amendment; claiming obstruction of justice over rightful 

decisions to fire subordinates as he sees fit; illegally leaking information about the 

most sensitive of subjects concerning his policies while simultaneously invoking state 

secrecy to prevent the revelation of systematic ruling class corruption and criminality; 

and often engaging in outright insubordination.

On this last count, we learned that military leaders would publicly flout their 

commander-in-chief, overrule him on broadly popular policies like pulling troops out of

aimless and endless wars or protecting American cities from rioting mobs, and openly

entertain scenarios of forcibly removing him from office.


We learned that our courts—up to the highest court in the land—would hold such a 

president to a different standard than other presidents. When the government itself 

dropped its case against one of the president’s chief advisors—ensnared in some of 

the previously described machinations—the judge overseeing the case stepped in as 

prosecutor himself to continue the persecution. Traitors to the ruling class are treated 

as below the law.


The ruling class’s hatred of the president, and its efforts to destroy him, were of 

course a proxy for its desire to destroy what he represents. What he represents is not 

the policies it despises, but the people it despises. This includes the 71 million 

, patriotic, traditional Americans who voted for him. Some adored the president. 

Others backed him as the ultimate middle finger pointed at a ruling class that frowned

hatefully down upon them while claiming to be virtuous and magnanimous.


Indeed, we learned that much of our ruling class believes those Americans to be 

deplorable, irredeemable, racist, bigoted, backwards, Russia-supporting traitors and 



We learned that the ruling class would hound such opponents of its rule in public, 

pursue their families, friends, and colleagues, and destroy them reputationally, 

financially, and legally.


We learned that the ruling class’s Big Tech oligarchs would muzzle such Americans.


We learned that the ruling class’s communications arm—the media—in hock with 

federal officials, would engage in rampant, sophisticated information warfare efforts 

against them.


We learned that the ruling class’s Big Business and Woke Capital titans would seek to

enforce their new religion in the workplace, lest any dissenting Americans slip past 

their HR departments.


We learned that the ruling class would excuse, if not underwrite and cheer on, rioters 

as they looted and burned our cities—so long as it kept the ruling class in power.


We learned that the ruling class was so cynical, it would leverage a pandemic to 

impose total control over the public, suspend the rights of political foes while 

privileging political friends, and systematically undermine the integrity of the voting 



This brings us to today.


The Fix


Today, half the country may never trust an election again, not because of the pending 

outcome, but because of the process by which we arrived at it.


Everyone knows about chicanery in Democrat machine-run districts. But never has 

there been anything like what transpired at the apex of the perpetual coup on 

November 3rd. In the middle of an election night on which the president made historic

gains with blacks and Hispanics and romped in the two bellwether states of Florida 

and Ohio; in which his Republican colleagues stunned pollsters by dominating 

Democrats in toss-up and even Democrat-favored races; in which the president was 

up by large margins in every major battleground state, suddenly, without explanation, 

the counting stopped.


Were the machines kicking into gear to conjure up the votes needed to stop the 

catastrophe of the president winning re-election? Certainly such things had been 

done before in isolation, but in the urban centers of several states all at once? Could 

a fix of this magnitude really be in?


The media had to that point refused to put clear Trump victories in the win column, 

while declaring Biden the winner in hotly contested states—ensuring Biden would not 

trail in the electoral college. Was this a conscious effort to set the narrative, or another



In the wee hours of the morning, suddenly tens of thousands of votes started to be 

reported from the bluest cities in the battleground states, some dumps apparently 

consisting of 100% Joe Biden votes, contradicting prior totals from those areas.
In the coming hours and days, parties fought and even defied court orders that 

Republicans be permitted to oversee the counting. Why were they hiding the 



Evidence grew of alleged “voting irregularities,” altered ballots, illegal ballots, dirty 

voter rolls, software “glitches,” unlawful ballot harvesting, and statistically improbable 



A mass of recounts, audits, and related litigation are now pending.


Every single one of these battleground states might have broken Joe Biden’s way in 

normal election in which Americans cast their votes in person, with proper 



But the foregoing has cast a shadow over our elections: the way in which the election 

count unfolded, seemingly breaking entirely in Biden’s favor after an election night 

freeze; the anecdotal and in some cases more robust evidence of corruption and 

fraud. Our faith in the integrity of our elections, and our republic itself, have been 



Never Forget


That the media took it upon itself to coronate Joe Biden as the winner well before the 

counting was done, the recounts and audits undertaken, and the litigation adjudicated

gave the further appearance that the fix was in. That certain world leaders—surely 

rooting for a return of “America Last” globalism—called to congratulate the former 

vice president, and that he stood up his transition so quickly, only further suggested a 

hasty effort to ram this election through.


Anything that might arise subsequently to challenge the narrative will now be 

dismissed as an attempt to “undermine our democracy [never a republic],” “suppress 

the vote [by tossing illegal ones],” and “steal the election [obtain a legal, certifiable, 

official final tally].” If you express a desire to count legitimate votes, discard 

illegitimate ones, and get an accounting as to the how, why, and extent of any 

illegitimacy—to ensure your vote is not diluted and your voting rights are therefore 

not violated—you will be gulaged on social media and beyond. The fever dreams the 

ruling class previously telegraphed about dragging the president from the Oval Office 

will of course intensify the longer the process takes.


Meanwhile, while Joe Biden is calling for “healing”—after an election in which he 

compared the president for whom 71 million people voted to Goebbels, called the 

only reporters who scrutinized him Russian traitors, and routinely badmouthed the 

country as a systemically racist bastion of evil—ruling class Resisters are feverishly 

drawing up their enemies lists.

This is who they are. This is what they believe.


For four years, President Trump has achieved major victories in the face of this 

opposition, making the country richer and stronger than it was when he assumed 



But his greatest achievement has been boldly and courageously standing up to this 

wounded bear of a ruling class, which has now shown America its true face. 

Americans’ eyes are now irrevocably open to what has become of their country, and 

what must be overcome to take it back.


President Trump’s predecessors—Truman on the bureaucracy, or Eisenhower on the 

military-industrial complex, or Nixon on the corrupted media—scratched the surface 

of the challenges we face. But none exposed it so openly, and in such breadth and 



If the history is written by the ultimate victors—and the house almost always wins—it 

may well be that this entire story is missed. Certainly, it will be misrepresented, 

warped, and glossed over in the most outrageous of ways. It will probably be 

censored too.


Nevertheless, we must write it: For posterity, and for our fellow countrymen, in the 

here and now, more motivated than ever before to reclaim this land we love.

Ben Weingarten is a Claremont Institute Fellow, Senior Contributor at the Federalist, 

and a 2019 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow of the Fund for American Studies, 

under the auspices of which he is writing a book on U.S.-China policy and its bold 

under the Trump administration. He is the author of American Ingrate: Ilhan Omar 

and the Progressive-Islamist Takeover of the Democratic Party.


Trump will  leave an indelible mark on the Republican Party. He has given it the 

opportunity of being inclusive if the part knows how to accomplish that worthy goal.  

It is impossible for all the fraud, if any at all, to ever be discovered and thus highly 

unlikely Trump will be re-elected.

If All the Fraud Is Uncovered, 

Trump Will Win

How do we know? The people who tried to pull off this election heist are drawn 

from the same swamp as the conspirators in the Russia hoax. 

By Bruce Bawer

“The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud.” So read the front-

page headline in Wednesday’s New York Times. This assertion was echoed by virtually every 

major news organization in the United States and around the world. And, even before the 

story, it was the media mantra for over a week.

Biden, the Times keeps reassuring its readers, is our unequivocal president-elect; there’s no 

evidence whatsoever of any kind of electoral hanky-panky; Trump, by claiming otherwise, is 

being the thug, the sore loser, whom we always knew him to be; by leveling these utterly 

unfounded charges, he is spitting in the face of American democracy and rejecting an 

honorable two-and-a-half-century-long history of presidents peacefully transferring power to their successors.  

All nonsense, of course. It’s already plain that there has been significant Democratic duplicity at the polls in several states. Every day the mountain of evidence grows higher.

And every day a certain conclusion seems to me to grow more certain. No, I don’t have a full oversight of the scale of the vote fraud—far from it. But I feel increasingly confident saying the following: if all of the cheating in the 2020 presidential election can be uncovered and reversed, then Trump will emerge the clear winner.

Why do I think this?

First, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that all this fraud was carefully coordinated and 

calculated at every level. The criminality has not been haphazard or sloppy; on the contrary, 

the various kinds of vote manipulation appear to have taken place only in a small number of 

swing states. And the number of invalid votes in those states that have been credited to Biden,

and of valid votes denied to Trump, seems to have been calculated very carefully so as to 

ensure that each of those states would be stolen from Trump and that Biden’s lead would be 

slim but definitive.

In the same way, whoever engineered this operation focused on just the right number of 

swing states to make certain that the total number of electoral votes shifted thereby from 

Trump to Biden would guarantee the latter a certain, but not suspiciously overwhelming, 


Malice After Midnight?

In other words, whereas the whole business seemed chaotic at first blush—consisting of a 

mishmash of write-in ballots cast by dead people, of Trump votes turned into Biden votes by 

a certain kind of voting machine software, of poll workers on Election Night forging new 

Biden ballots so quickly that they didn’t bother to tick off down-ballot races—when you step

back and behold the forest instead of the trees, it all begins to look almost surgical.

It’s already been demonstrated that this sordid scheme, while tightly focused in the sense that

it manipulated the vote only in a relatively small number of urban areas, was also broad-

based, in the sense that the urban areas affected were spread over much of the United States. 

The operation manifestly involved a great many perpetrators who knowingly chose to 

commit felonies in order to achieve the election result that they wanted.

That being the case, it seems highly unlikely that so many people would have taken such a 

serious risk of being caught, convicted, and imprisoned if they had been reasonably sure that 

Biden would have won even without their help.

To me, this means that they must have done what they did knowing that had they not 

intervened, Trump would have won.

The realization that a Trump victory was at hand must have come to them some time after 

midnight on Election Night. That would explain why the vote counting mysteriously stopped,

seemingly all at once, in several different places around the country—and why it started up 

again, in the middle of the night, after many of the polling stations involved had announced

that they were through counting for the day. 

Those who have bought the line of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media sneer: 

how can you possibly believe in such an elaborate plot? In so much high-level criminality by 

so many people in positions of authority? To believe in massive voter fraud, they argue, is to 

buy into the wildest conspiracy theory ever. 

But this isn’t the wildest conspiracy theory ever. It’s not even the wildest conspiracy theory 

of the last four years. That honor has got to go to Obamagate—the theory that Barack Obama, 

Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and leading officials at the FBI, CIA, and elsewhere conspired to 

try to tie the Trump campaign, and later the Trump Administration, to Russia.

Wild theory, huh? Wildest ever. Except it was true. The saintly Obama, along with several of 

his cronies, did try to bring down Trump using Russia and Ukraine—all the while knowing 

that one of their own, Biden himself, had dirty ties in both countries, as well as in China.

The people who tried to pull off this election heist are drawn from the same swamp as the 

conspirators in the Russia hoax. And in both cases they’ve had the Times and the rest of the 

mainstream media on board, eager to spread their disinformation to the world.

Bipartisan Civility Is For Suckers

Those media aren’t just trying to sell us on the claim that Biden is already our president-elect. 

After four years of refusing to respect Trump as a legitimate president and consistently 

painting his supporters as idiots and bigots, they’re now telling Trumpites that they want to 

make up and be friends.

Some wimps in the Republican ranks want to accept this offer. They worry aloud that if Trump

challenges the election results too vigorously, it’ll ruin any chances of bipartisan civility during 

the next four years. They further warn that if this whole mess ends up in the Supreme Court, 

and Trump is named the winner, all hell will break loose. Trump’s second term will be bumpy; 

he’ll be savaged constantly; he’ll be accused of stealing the presidency.

So what else is new? We’ve already gone through four years of that. Four years of talking 

heads on CNN and MSNBC calling Trump is an existential threat to American democracy. 

Four years of late-night talk-show hosts mocking him as the biggest buffoon on the planet. 

Four years of tweets by everyone and sundry calling Trump Hitler.

Four years of the New York Times ignoring Trump’s achievements, exaggerating his faults out 

of all proportion, telling outrageously false stories about him, and smearing his character.

And, most recently, several months of brutal rioting in the streets of major cities—rioting that 

was carried out exclusively by left-wingers, and that, when not dismissed by left-wing media 

as “mostly peaceful,” was completely mischaracterized as owing to the innate violence of 

Trump and his supporters.

Well, the hell with all of them. If the Supreme Court ends up deciding this debacle, and Trump

wins, and the Left goes berserk—even more berserk than they’ve gone so far in the streets of 

Portland and Seattle and Minneapolis and so on—then let them go berserk. Let’s see how 

angry Joy Behar and Rosie O’Donnell and Bette Midler can get. Let’s see how self-righteous 

Colbert and Kimmel and Maher can get. Let’s see how many windows the Antifa and BLM 

thugs can break, how many fires they can set.

Trump will still be president, and he won’t feel constrained in his response to any of them.


Those who  


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