Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Let's Wreck Public Schools As We Did Liberal Arts In Colleges and Unversities. Warp Speed Worked. Dorsey/Zuckerberg Day Late Dollar Short.


The above has been refuted

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Today's youth and progressive radicals are too busy destroying our nation to understand:


We brainwashed college and university students and now they hate their country. Now is the time to do the same at the grade school level:


Cruz goes after Dorsey and rightfully so:  WATCH Cruz Grill Dorsey Over Twitter's Alleged Censorship, Blocking Voter Fraud Tweets

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The drug industry has it out for Trump because he threatened to force them to reveal prices of drugs and to allow Americans to pay the same for American made drugs as foreigners are charged..  

If you believe in conspiracy theories then it is possible PFIZER released information on their COVID drug after the election.  Also, no one in the (m)ass media  acknowledges Trump linked the public and private sector to produce these drugs at warp speed. An amazing accomplishment.  In less than 6 months a pandemic drug is available when most drugs take years to develop.  Once again Trump achieved  a success because he thought outside the box and was unorthodox.

One more reason why Biden may benefit from a president liberals loved to hate. 


Too little, too late? Twitter CEO ADMITS it was wrong to censor NY Post Hunter Biden story | Ep. 291

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee and admitted it was wrong for Twitter to censor the NY Post story which uncovered corruption pertaining to both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. However, the censorship damage was done. With more than one-third of Joe Biden supporters not knowing anything about the scandal, Twitter effectively interfered with the 2020 Election. Now, after the election, Jack Dorsey says "my bad," but is that too little, too late?

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Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg also testified and revealed that Facebook can track users even when they are not on the platform. Sen. Ted Cruz laid into the social media companies, but he left his best criticisms for Twitter.

Joe Biden's coronavirus advisor wants another lockdown. Plus, Michigan's largest county fails to certify its election results... and then does.

check out the show and let me know your comments!


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Bobby Eberle

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Robert R. Eberle, Ph.D.
President and CEO,
Host, 13-Minute News Hour, YouTube
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @BobbyEberle13


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