Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Thank You For Serving!!! Possible Revelation Of True Foreign Influence. Brennan A True Threat. Who Is Warnock?. Kissoff Ossoff

Newt's blunt thoughts:


This from my most connected political friend of long standing and also a fellow memo reader:

"Huge revelation coming soon and Dem's collusion with major foreign power to foul up the election."

My friend received this Tweet:

"What if I told you we had *actual* foreign interference in our election? What if I told you we had *actual* And what if I told you they got caughcollusion between Dems and foreign powers to overthrow Trump and steal the Presidency?t in the act and will soon be exposed..."


Brennan proves, once again,  he is a danger and embarrassment to himself and the nation:

Ex-CIA Director Brennan advocates for a "palace coup" to remove Trump

HeadlineEx-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't "Declassify Everything"

What's Up: Former CIA Chief John Brennan was on CNN last night urging Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and seize power. 

Quote: "'If Vice President Pence and the cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism, I think they would seriously consider invoking the 25th Amendment and pushing Donald Trump out because he is just very unpredictable now,' he (Brennan) added." —

The First take: We must admit, Brennan's declaration of President Trump as "unpredictable" made us chuckle. Have you not been paying attention, sir? President Trump's lack of predictability is one of his "superpowers." You would think Democrats would have figured that out by now. Sigh. Also, this kind of talk isn't the kind that's going to unite the country and win over Trump supporters.  

Who is the real Rev. Warnock?


A dear friend and fellow memo reader has already come to his decision. Has this leopard changed his spots?

Warnock is a lying anti-Semitic SOB. His big buddies are Farrakan, Al Sharpton ,Prof Lamont Hill and others of like kind. Read his previous statements, sermons and anti semitic statements. Now that he is running for Senator he wants to be the Jews best friend. Pet the snake and  he will bite you!

Dr fats.


Kissoff Ossoff!!!

The stakes in this runoff election could not be higher, and today I want to introduce you to my radical opponent, Jon Ossoff.

Let’s look at the facts:
  • He is nothing but a puppet of the Left. Jon Ossoff is a 33-year old wannabe career politician with no real-world accomplishments. He is a vehicle for the extreme left to advance their toxic agenda. 
  • He is incredibly radical. He is supported by Communist Party U.S.A., has been endorsed by Bernie Sanders, and previously engaged in business with a media company partly owned by the Chinese Communist government and then tried to hide it from the people of Georgia. 
  • He is an economic nightmare. He opposed Republican tax cuts and instead supports a plan that will drastically raise taxes. He opposed the Paycheck Protection Program that saved 1.5 million Georgia jobs, even though his own father used a loan to save his company. 
  • He supports the defund the police movement. In an interview with WAOK, Ossoff said that “funding has to be on the line” for police departments- the very definition of defunding the police. He also refused to sign the pledge to support law enforcement. 
  • He doesn’t actually care about Georgia. He has offered Georgia’s agricultural community NOTHING in terms of policy, assistance, or even attention. He supports a radical healthcare system. His public option means that 40+ rural Georgia hospitals could close.
Has lunch today with one of my brightest market guru's and we explored a variety of scenarios.  We are in basic agreement about the market's direction - up for a while because pandemic will be resolved because of imminent vaccine, interest rates remain low, economies on the rise.

Market shift has already begun as I noted in a recent memo.  Value stocks on the ascendancy including energy. Focus on pandemic impacted stocks.

He made a cogent observation about Pocahontas, ie. Pelosi will not let her serve in Cabinet because Gov. of Mass is a Democrat.





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