Wednesday, August 19, 2020

With The Election of JOKE And Dispensing of Reparations All Racial Discord Should End.

The best way to bring peace back to America is to elect  the Joke team.  How so?  Well first of all, the mass media will be gleeful and they will return to reporting everything in a positive and glowing manner.  Joe and K can do no harm nor will mistakes be reported as such and any poor decisions will be reported as great accomplishments. Furthermore, no doubt, the pandemic will disappear once they are sworn into office.

Second, and perhaps the most important of all, JOKE will be portrayed as fearsome so China, Iran and Russia will cower and do whatever  the Joke Administration wants.I can envision China abandoning the South China Sea Island they just constructed and armed and no doubt Iran will give up their nuclear ambitions and free all American prisoners as an act of contrition.

Putin will also promise no more election interference and China will agree to begin negotiations of stopping theft of all industrial and military secrets. Cyber attacks will also become a thing of the past as a further expression of goodwill

Black Lives Matter and Antifa have agreed to  pledge no more riots in recognition of a settlement of an 8 trillion dollar reparation payment which  will be made to every black person who can prove they are legal citizens and  descendants of former slaves.  The reparation payments will be invested by two black owned investment firms so that there will be income available each year  for Christmas gifts.

All investigations of  former Obama sleaze bags will cease and former Attorney General Barr, will be replaced by Hillary Clinton who will not have to take another bar exam in order to have her license, which had previously been revoked,  reinstated.

The stock market is expected to rise, the confidence index should soar, employment is surely going to increase and Churches and other religious facilities will now be open.

Since taking the Oath of Office,  President Biden has not been seen leaving The White House so The SOTUS will be given by his wing person who has been working in the Oval Office.

Former President Trump continues to be hated and hounded by the mass media which is relentlessly pursuing his tax returns for the last 20 years. 

Meanwhile, Justice Ginsberg has decided to retire and has been asked to select her successor

The NewYork Times and WAPO are reporting, along with CNN and MSNBC, Americans are
giddy and joyful and dancing in the streets.  Rocks are still being thrown and commercial stores are being trashed and burned because bad  habits do not end quickly but social workers,who have replaced police, are certain this social misbehavior will subside as reparation checks are mailed and  invested.

America still remains divided but, in time, petty  resentments, on the part of white citizens will end when they realize the era of racial discord should cease as a bone of contention and everyone learns to kneel when America's new national anthem and flag are played and flown.

The old flag has been put to rest and no longer flies.


Never-Before Seen Photos Of Bill Clinton Getting Massage From Epstein Accuser Released

By Jim Hayek

The photos, featuring a smiling Clinton, were released on the same day the former president is scheduled to speak at the Democratic National Convention and endorse former VP Joe Biden, a fellow Democrat.

“The images show Clinton dressed in a yellow button-down shirt and beige slacks with his hands resting on his lap, as he leaned back while Davies knelt on a chair behind him for a better angle,” The Daily Mail released. The 22-year-old is rubbing Clinton’s shoulders in the photos.

“Clinton, then 56, had complained of having a stiff neck after falling asleep on Epstein’s infamous private jet, nicknamed The Lolita Express, while on a humanitarian trip with the pedophile to Africa in September of 2002,” the report outlines. “[Alleged madam Ghislaine] Maxwell, who is now in prison on sex trafficking charges, repeatedly encouraged Davies to give Clinton a massage while the group was refueling at a small airport in Portugal after flying in from New York.”

Clinton reportedly asked Davies, “Would you mind giving it a crack?”

As noted by The Daily Wire earlier this month, Davies said during a recent Lifetime documentary titled “Surviving Jeffrey Epstein” that Maxwell recruited and manipulated her. “I genuinely thought that she really did care about me and so it was a giant blow to learn that she was in on all of it,” she said.

It was Maxwell who reportedly insisted Davies massage the former president.
“Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him,” Davies said, according to the outlet.

The massage, according to the Epstein accuser, happened when “we had a stop-over for the jet to refuel and while we were in the terminal the ex-President was complaining of stiffness from falling asleep in his chair.”

“Ghislaine chimed in to be funny and said that I could give him a massage,” Davies said. “Everyone had a little chuckle but Ghislaine in her prim British accent insisted and said I was good. The President then asked me ‘would you mind giving it a crack.’”

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