Friday, August 14, 2020

Trump Unties Gordian Knots By Thinking Outside The Box.

I must dwell on the U.A.E and Israeli agreement because I believe it is so instrumental of how Trump's  "unorthodox" methods are actually based on simple, rational reasoning that allow him to  untie Gordian Knots.

When Trump became president he had the ability to solve problems he only dreamed of doing as a real estate tycoon.  He must have looked at the failures of all his predecessors and asked himself why they could not get a deal accomplished.

From my perspective, he began to do things that others only talked about, promised and then ignored.  As these "things" began to mount up so did the pressure. First, the re-location of the American Embassy and nothing happened as predicted and as I always knew would be the case.

Working through his Jewish son -in-law and other tough, dedicated  Jewish appointees he laid out a somewhat distasteful plan which the Palestinians rejected so he continued to move forward by encouraging other Arab nations, in the region, to realize Obama had screwed them with his Iran deal  and he was not Obama.  As Russia entered the picture and their influence spread and as Iran loomed larger as a threat to their sovereignty this gave Trump and Israel increasing leverage.

Finally, Trump had to have pointed out and reinforced something the Saudi's and others knew, ie. funding the Palestinians was costing them millions for which they not only got "bubkus" but it kept them from coming into the 21st century because they were keeping themselves boxed in the corner from which they wanted to leave.

The Saudis responded by giving Israel's IDF air space in the event Bibi needed/wanted to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel responded by breaking the ice and meeting with the Saudis regarding  lowering barriers of understanding on easier issues .  Continued Palestinian intransigence became a larger and costlier thorn and impediment to what the Saudi needed ie., security and peace to develop their nation and move away from energy dependence.Ipso facto, an agreement with the  U.A.E.

Had Obama done this, the mass media would be screaming what a "fabulous" accomplishment and his Nobel Prize was finally earned by action, blah, blah, blah..  Trump's "unorthodox" style is only viewed that way because "orthodoxy" to the typical politician usually leads to failure because it lacks boldness whereas, Trump is wiling to think outside the box and that is why NewYork sought his help when they wanted to build an ice rink.  He went to seek the help of Canadians - DUH!

Finally, Trump's victory over the anointed queen of the hypocritical elitists combined with his threat to drain the "pus" out of D.C and the egg left on the mass media's faces has become central to why Trump is the hated "accomplisher."

Yes, he has made his own contributions to his problems but you often get "bonuses" that are lemons.


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