Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Variety of Postings.

This from a dear friend, fellow memo reader and a true conservative:

When Trump’s economic policies ignited our economy. And when the effect of his foreign policy became apparent (remove the embassy to Jerusalem, leading to Israel/UAE Treaty) I became convinced that he was a two-term President, despite being a combative NY Real Estate dude with a YUGE ego.

In my mind, the Chinese plague put that at risk.

The Democrat’s nomination of Slow Joe and On-her-back Kamala just put him again sure of a second term.

Slow Joe is incapable of the campaigning necessary to win, and the voters will quickly figure Kamala out. What did she wind up with in the primaries? Two percent of believers?

I’ll continue to worry, and continue to give $$, especially down-line, but I’m not selling my stocks.

Yet ….
Another comment on my "racist" memo from a very dear friend and fellow memo reader::

Oh, my goodness.....amazing...heartfelt....honest...reflective...and representing the thoughts of most of us and those that I hope soon see the light.

Personal mention....your thoughts about the trials of the police....right on....more riots...bigger and better.  I do believe, since it was a legitimate police maneuver, that they will not be help liable. Basically, he was dead before they "killed" him...full of fentanyl and other terrible things.  They make him to be a martyr....a loving father, husband, etc.  So much bullshit at which they are champions.  I know from O---...and others.

They comprise, on a good day, 14% of the population....yet they want the entire country in their hands.  AND," whitey" wants to give it.  What is this magic hold that they have on people???
'Cause I've sure missed it.

Loved  your essay...fantastic!

a fan
Maybe there is some truth to what Trump has warned about?

Judge Orders New Election Must Be Held In New Jersey After Mail-In Voter Fraud Charges

Time for some old age humor with some old jokes:
Garage Door
The boss walked into the office one morning not knowing his zipper was down and his fly area wide open.
 His assistant walked up to him and said, 
'This morning when you left your house, did you close your garage door?'
The boss told her he knew he'd closed the garage door, and walked into his office puzzled by the question. 
As he finished his paperwork, he suddenly noticed his fly was open, and zipped it up.
He then understood his assistant's question about his 'garage door' 
He headed out for a cup of coffee and paused by her desk to ask, 'When my garage door was open, did you see my Jaguar parked in there?'
She smiled and said, 'No, I didn't.  All I saw was an old minivan with two flat tires.. 
A man was telling his neighbour, 'I just bought a new hearing aid. 
It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art..  It's perfect.' 
'Really,' answered the neighbour . 'What kind is it?' 
' Twelve thirty..' 
At least they are not out in the streets breaking windows and stealing TV's and liquor. But many are on the wrong side of the street with their fans and it is about time for their fans to let them know.

Also, far too many rabid blacks are being allowed to burn the bridges of the rest of their society and it is going to boomerang because the majority of this nation are getting fed up and tired. I know I am.

Legitimate grievances cannot be supported by anarchism and destruction and continue to be tolerated.

Ratings Continue to Crater for Protest-Filled NBA

Eventually Trump Haters will get around to blaming Trump for all the automobile deaths in America because they want to regain power at any cost ludicrous as their accusations may be.

The Obama-Biden Virus Response 

By Kim Strassel

If H1N1 had proved as deadly as Covid-19, it could have killed nearly two million.

Is it reasonable to blame a single politician for the spread of a highly infectious virus, especially in a free country with 50 states and 330 million people? Joe Biden is lucky that wasn’t the standard a decade ago.
If the Democratic convention produced one theme it’s that Donald Trump is personally at fault for every coronavirus death. The message is that crazy, that blunt. Kamala Harris: “Donald Trump’s failure of leadership has cost lives.” Barack Obama: “Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the consequences of that failure are severe: 170,000 Americans dead.”
Democrats even claim Mr. Biden saved lives in 2014. Michelle Obama: “Our leaders had worked hand in hand with scientists to help prevent an Ebola outbreak from becoming a global pandemic.” Ms. Harris last week: “Remember that pandemic? Barack Obama and Joe Biden did their job. Only two people died in the United States.”
Ebola is a terrifying disease, but outbreaks tend to happen only in very poor nations, and if caught early the virus is difficult to transmit outside hospitals. Anthony Fauci said in 2014 that a U.S. outbreak was “very, very, very unlikely.” Mr. Obama told Americans to chill out: “Ebola is actually a difficult disease to catch. It’s not transmitted through the air like the flu.”
The Ebola example is designed to divert attention from a more relevant comparison: the H1N1 swine-flu outbreak of 2009-10. Democrats don’t like to talk about H1N1, because it didn’t go well. If it had been as deadly as Covid-19, the toll would have been catastrophic. The history is a powerful reminder that governments can’t stop a virus—although they can make epidemics worse.
H1N1 began much like corona, with panicked stories in late April 2009 about a novel “hybrid” flu strain in Mexico that was popping up in the U.S. It was even more alarming, in that it especially affected children. Yet the new administration began with a muddled message. Mr. Obama encouraged calm, while Mr. Biden rambled a warning about staying off airplanes and public transport—prompting backlash. “Biden’s flu gaffe a headache for Obama,” read one headline.
Within days, some 30 states had suspected cases, and by April 27 the U.S. had its first death, a 23-month-old child. Other countries started shutting facilities, telling citizens to stay home, quarantining visitors. The Obama administration still had no idea how deadly the disease was, though the World Health Organization called the outbreak a threat to “all humanity,” and health experts predicted hospitals would be overloaded.
The administration nonetheless took a resigned approach to its spread. Mr. Obama didn’t close the Mexican border, saying that would “be akin to closing the barn doors after the horses are out.” His officials did declare a health emergency (Mr. Obama was golfing that day) and distributed the national stockpile (which they never replenished). The administration recommended schools “consider” closing if experiencing an outbreak, though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief said this might not help with spread and warned about taking kids out of classrooms. No one considered a national lockdown, especially not an administration focused on a fragile economic recovery. Mr. Obama promised to “control” the “impact” of the virus—not the virus itself. He asked Congress for all of $1.5 billion.
Authorities grew more optimistic as H1N1 turned out to be less deadly than had been feared, but they still faced the risk of an uglier strain in the fall. Team Obama promised 100 million doses of vaccine by mid-October. (A flu vaccine is easier to produce than a coronavirus vaccine). But government setbacks in production, manufacturing and dosing protocols resulted in only 11 million doses, prompting national outrage. By that point, the CDC estimated 22 million Americans had been infected, 36,000 children hospitalized, and 540 kids had died.
Before Covid-19, Democrats were willing to admit they’d dodged a bullet. Former Biden chief of staff Ron Klain said at Texas A&M in 2019: “We did every possible thing wrong. Sixty million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time, and it is just purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass-casualty events in American history. [It] had nothing to do with us doing anything right; just had to do with luck. If anyone thinks that can’t happen again, they don’t have to go back to 1918. Just go back to 2009, 2010. Imagine a virus with a different lethality, and you can just do the math.”
Yes, let’s do the math. The U.S. has some five million reported cases of coronavirus and 170,000 dea
ths. A virus with the spread of H1N1 and fatality rate of Covid-19 could produce a death toll approaching two million. The Trump administration response has been flawed—in particular its initial testing delays. But let’s acknowledge (as Democrats once did) that there is only so much government can do to “control” a germ. As for distributing equipment, providing antivirals and developing a vaccine, the current response has so far met or exceeded 2009-10. Mr. Biden is free to argue he’s a better man for the White House; he shouldn’t get to rewrite history, or virology.
Has Biden blown his chance?

In Just 72 Hours, Joe Biden Might Have Paved the Way for the Democratic Party to be Totally Screwed in 2020
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++How an Army Combat War veteran

 went from broken to featured

 Republican convention speaker

Click here for the full story
This from a tennis friend, not a fellow memo reader.  I post it because I believe it is typical of  Trump Hater rhetoric.  who deny their antipathy towards the president  yet, never have anything favorable to say. He constantly sends me  WAPO , NYT's,  Atlantic and NewYork Magazine articles that are nasty, mean spirited and negative and in some cases actually are purposely twisted to assure the reader so they will have an impact.  

From my perspective he is drowning in the Kool Aid.  I never fail to respond with "facts"knowing I  am talking to a rock in the hope I might hist a nerve and open his eyes.

I have not responded to his missive but,when I do, I will basically tell him he should not believe all he reads.and, as for doom and gloom, he must be confused because liberals are always glum, seldom happy because, to be so, they would have nothing that needs to be changed,  

Second,Trump is up beat and optimistic and considering all the negative commentary that emanates from the mass media and attacks from all quarters he truly is amazing.

When it comes to Trump being self centered I will grant that he is portrayed that way unless you talk to the former gay Amb. to Germany and others who say Trump is a good listener , asks tough questions and is impatient when not presented with solution oriented responses

I look at the Trump as a person, human being. Look at all the books written about him, and this is still not convincing for you, and you and the Republicans accept that, astounding. If he gets another 4 years, good bye to the U.S, as we have known it. He is doom and pessimist. I am sick and tired of talking about this guy, he is a danger to our democracy, and he has no business  being in this important office. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, ask around the world what people think about him. He is such a self dealer, it is only about him. Look at all the people who got canned, because they spoke up. He does not want to hear any criticism. He is a fiasco!!!!! God,  even wish Bushy was back. I am mad about people like you, supporting him, knowing what he does to this beautiful country. Lets stop this back and forth, and make peace, period and Amen 
P.S. get too much anger, when I compare  Biden .

Why Denver Changed Their Mind on Keeping Their Police Force
Click Here


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